{Who is your} Shape Shifter RP {Spirit Guide?} (remake)

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9:59pm Jul 21 2010

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((No it doesn't. Svir is Dusk, Lyture is Feyth and Wsley is Rel. I wrote them in the correct order. -angry eyes-.))

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10:01pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm Jul 21 2010)

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-ignores angry eyes-

Whatever, Feyth. Your charatcers are too effing confusing to figure out.


Kake-chan, is Charles in Lyture? -confused-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:02pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((yepers! since his spirit animal is a land animal he was put there))


10:03pm Jul 21 2010

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-shifty eyes-

Sorry, I thought anmal (s) meant if they owned any animals, not what they shifted into.

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10:04pm Jul 21 2010

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'Kay! -smiles goofily- Just wanted to make sure since your charrie was in Lyture in teh original. And Imma gonna make a new one. He'll be in Svir. I just have to figure out what to call him, and what his shift/spirit animal should be.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:05pm Jul 21 2010

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((-moos again-))


10:07pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 6,948

-is ignored- I said sorry!

ooc: Svir sounds evil, you should make him a panther -evil smile-

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10:10pm Jul 21 2010

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10:12pm Jul 21 2010

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((my tosies are cold!))


10:16pm Jul 21 2010

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((please stop posting random things amh.))


10:16pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Can we start?)))

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10:16pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((sorry... i am ashamed.. can we start??))


10:18pm Jul 21 2010

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((once we figure out who rooms with who))


10:19pm Jul 21 2010

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I'm working on that! I'll get it up soon... Hopefully. ^^' 

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:20pm Jul 21 2010

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10:21pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((We could always rp out who is with who?))

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10:28pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 2,895

((I have to go, I will be on early in the morning. Here is my intro, please don't get too far without me. Dragon is in charge.))

"Southwood Academy here I come!" Charlie whispers excitedly as he wakes up. He throws the covers off his bed and changes his clothes. Grabbing his suitcase, Charlie runs down the stairs and hops in the car. His parents drive him to the airport and say their goodbyes. Charlie hugs them and gets on the plane. He takes a seat in the back, taking out his ipod and listening to a few songs, he knew it would be a long ride. What would his animal forms be? Who is his Spirit Guide? A million questions filled his head as he thought about his new school.

He doesn't have any siblings but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what to expect. Both of his parents are shifters and they went to the very same school. Jarrett Bond, Charlie's father, was the champion in the Tyeih Competition.

The Tyeih competition is where a bunch of shifters sign up to fight a person one on one.You have to fight from one person to the next until you lose, then you are disqualified. If you beat everyone then you are champion. This competition only happens once a year so almost everyone joins. Someone wins a fight when the other person gives up, saying they quit, that usually happens when someone is near death. Charlie personally thinks that the cometition is barbaric, but they are partly animal and that is the way of the creatures. It makes them feel less human and more like a creature.



10:31pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 5,310


We won't go one without you 'cause frankly I have no clue how to even be the teachers. ^^

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:32pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((at least let the others post their intros, we will continue tomorrow))


10:34pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 10:41pm Jul 21 2010)

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Posts: 5,310


I was going to! Geez. I won't be a tyrant...


Edit;; Character list on my first post for this thread. -pokes first page-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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