5:44pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Annika smiled and turned to Jazz and spoke quickly before Skorge sat down, "Same. N one notices aanything"
9:35am Mar 30 2010
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ooc; bumpo :P
3:19pm Mar 30 2010
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"Its kinda... lonely sometimes. But I manage." She whispered back. (( Literate RP down the drain XD lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:53pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 8:53pm Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 516
"Its okay.I never knew my mother of father,or where i come from.All i have is this.."He twisted his arm around to reveal a Tataoo that went up his arm."No one knew how it got their."He said.
3:45pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 842
Vincent walked into the pool area, only a little bit out of the door. He froze when he saw the people. He never really tlaked to people, and they all looked like they knew each other. Would he stay, would he leave. It all depended..... Ok, he thought, if someone noteced me, I will go in, if not, I wont.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
7:00pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Small world." Jazz said looking at the tatoo thing on his arm. "So its not a tatoo... more like a birthmark... right?" She asked. Looking at him. "Thats kinda cool." She said, smiling. She turned back to Annika to ask what she thought when she saw a guy standing just outside of thefence to the pool. He looked like he wanted to come in, but didn't at the same time. Jazz was one of those people that like to smile at everyone and say "hi" whether she knew them or not. "Hey!" She called, "Come on in! No ones gonna bite you!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:36pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Yeah!" Annika chimed in, "Its not like I'm going to attack you."
7:39pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 842
Vincent ruffled his hair. "No quite sure of that yet..." He muttered. He walked towards the group of people, sizing up the group. He nodded to Ryder and looked at the girl who had called out to him first. "Hey, I'm Vincent, who are you?"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
7:43pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel was back at her tree, she looked over at the others. " Angel, why are you so lonely?" she asked herself. Tears dribbled down her soft skin. Her dog, not fox, Teddy was sitting there, just smiling.
7:52pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Mar 31 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
"I'm Jazz." She said, smiling. "You can't make any friends unless you talk to people you know?" She said. "This is Annika." She said, pointing to her on her right. "And this is..." A weirde ex pression crossed her face. "Hey! You havn't told us your name yet." she said. "Do you go to Miller High too?" She asked Vincent.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:54pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Who is she talking to?))
8:01pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; me me me, thats who! Vincent had already decided that the girl was sort of weird. But she was seeming very happy about talking to him, so he didn't really know what could be wrong about talking to her. Vincent shrugged, "Sorta.... Ish.... I guess so."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
8:11pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"You guess so?" She asked. But she didn't press him. She could tell by his ex pression that she was acting a little off. Guess I'm trying too hard. She toned it down a bit. "Sorry." She said, looking at everyone. She pulled her legs into her body. "I"m just happy to be making friends. I've never really had friends before." She smiled again,her face turning pink. "So!" She turned to her bag. "I have snacks! Who wants some?" She pulled out a bag of chips and the other half of her sandwhich. "I came prepared for an army."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:14pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel sighed, she had decided to go home, but on her way, she bumped into Jazz. " Oh my, I'm so sorry" she said, sorrily. She felt no one wanted to be by her, even though, she was beautiful indeed.
8:44pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Ouch!" She looked up at Angel. "Thats ok." She said, "You didn't mean to. You want to join us?" She asked. "We're having a party." She joked. ((There are a lot in this little group by the pool. Jazz should fal in or something! XD))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:24pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Not Jazz >:P Ryder smiled to the guy who nodded at him in welcome.In payback for attacking him he dashed off and threw Annika into the pool making a large splash. He stood there and watched her attmpt to regain her composure, as helaughed. Squealing as Ryder threw her in the pool, Annika's long hair stuck up in angles you wouldn't think possible. "Ugghh" she nearly growled, "Too much hairspray." Her shorter layers stuckk straight up. ooc; my friend has really long hair with some really short layers and today her layers were blown in the wind and stood straight up.
6:36am Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 842
Vincent laughed at Jazz. "Yeah, only sort of. i don't really go to school on a regular basis. So it is really only sorta." Vincent spun as the other girl was thrown into the pool by Ryder. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't,
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:25pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel blushed slightly. " Uh... sure" she said quietly. " I-I'm Angel, nice to meet you" she said.
5:30pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 7,187
"Oh. I understand now." She said, putting the bag of chips down. She looked over at Angel. "Hey, I'm Jazz. Nice to meet you too.!" She said. "This is Vincent, and this is-" Jazz jumped up when Aniika was thrown into the pool and rushed to the side. She splashed Ryder before she offered her hand to Annika. "Are you ok?" She giggled. "You're not hurt are you?" She turned back to Angel. "This is Aniika..." And splashed Ryder again. "And that is Ryder." She laughed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:32pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 516
"I am Skorge."He said,looking down at the mark.That was one of his life long quest: To find out what the mark ment.RAAM suddenly hopped down and started walking off in a diffrent direction.