8:17pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius coughed and shook his head like a dog as the waves of stench washed over him like a foul tide. " Whatever it is, it needs a major bath..." He gagged, hands clapped over his mouth in disgust. " He slowley pulled a long bronze knife from the sleeve of his shirt, blade glinting menacingly in the filtered evening light. ((Rat-spyyyy!))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:27pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((XDD)) "We've got to get rid of it...", Leena moaned, "It might be evil and It might attack the other campers..." She drew her own blade, a gold-tinted one that glowed like the sun. It had been a gft from her father. It was longer than a dagger, but not yet a full-length sword. It was made from celestial bronze, of course.
8:32pm Jan 28 2010
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Posts: 596
Sam was chatting away with Aura as they followed the large group. He was paying no attention to what was going on in front of him until the stench reached him. "Never before have I smelled something so bad, and trust me, I've smelled plenty of bad things." He said, narrowing his eyes at the group ahead. He noticed them pulling out their weapons but he held back, not quite sure what was going on. Ooc: Sam's just hanging out in the back, letting everyone else take on all the trouble. XD
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
12:32am Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 993
Juniper didn't have much of a strong stomach, and her legs quivered as she stood, kuckles turning white as she ran to a bush and heaved up her dinner, moaning quietly and wiping her mouth on a cloth a dryaid gave her. Returning to the small group, she had an apologetic look in her eyes as she whispered again over the silver dagger, and it formed into a bandana, which she secured around her nose and mouth. All stench was blocked by the magical item. She loved her mother's gift, since it could be useful in so many different ways. Juniper pulled out a small celestial bronze dagger, her backup, and pointed towards the forest. "Lets go." The new dagger wasn't nearly as strong as any of theirs, or her box, but it would work for now.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:56pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex nodded, slightly worried about Juniper and hoped she would be able to fight. As soon as he thought that though, he shook his head. Of course she can fight... That's what they were all trained for. Stop worrying! He made a quick prayer to his mother for strength and fingered the necklace with Hestia's symbol on it; the sacred circle and flame. His eyes flashed for a moment, looking more red now than the brown they usually appeared to be. He tried to block out the foul odor. It seemed to get worse and worse as they drew closer to it.
4:54pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 3,469
Zalla was frustrated that she hadn't brought a dagger of the sort. But she would have been worse with it than without. Her bow was the only thing that was ever any use in her hands. As far as weapons went, that is. She stepped back, shaking her head. "I don't think I'll go further. I would be in the way, more harm than help, without my bow. I wish I could go on, but if it gets violent, I couldn't help. If this...thing...goes away, I can continue into the forest, but..." She shook her head again.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
6:55pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 694
Aria tensed, and took out a long dagger from her boot as she was to close to use her bow, laying that and her arrows down. She stepped closer and gagged, then saw what this creature was. It was a giant rat! She heard voices from its other side, recognising some.. "Dravius! Juni! Zalla! Its a giant rat!"
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:30pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Sorreh peoples.. Don't really know what to write, and I'm having this issue (Personal) at home.))
8:50pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Sorry, about not posting here. The truth is that the computer I'm on had to be fixed so I couldn't get on here. May anybody catch me to speed with this roleplay?))
9:12pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((wait, does Aria know Zalla? O.o))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:31pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Because she is insanly magic, yes, she does.)) Dravius cocked his head at Aria's cries and yelled back, "Hang on! We'll come get you!" He gagged as he said this, as he had taken his hands from his face to speak. Losing it completly, he dropped to his knees and promptly purged himself of an entire chicken, retching and coughing. Straightening up, he said, "Ew."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:19pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Leena lost her nerve and did the same as Dravius and Juniper had, loosing her dinner on the lawn. She winced slightly, embarased. "We've got to rescue her", she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin she'd pulled from her pocket, discarding it along with the vomit, "Gods know what her sinuses are enduring."
12:08am Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 993
Juniper chuckled sarcasticly, and grimacing as the others followed in her gastro intestinal lead, heaving up their barbecue. "Well, I'm glad that's over." She said, hoping to lift the mood at least a little, and finding that the stench had faded a little. When Aria screamed for them, Juniper jumped and stared into the forest, wondering if this was the same giant rat that had killed Geoff. Anger burned in her stomach, and she charged into the forest, extra dagger raised and plunging into the pugent beast's back, making it roar in pain.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:23am Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
"Gross..." muttered Alex. His stomach turned funny, and he was glad that he hadn't eaten that much at dinner. The rat itself, if possible, was worse than its smell. It had sharp teeth and red eyes that seemed to nearly glow in the dark. Alex touched the sacred circle and flames on his necklace and said to himself "Hestia." Instantly the necklace disappeared and instead in his right hand was a sword with a wickedly sharp blade. He charged the monster and while Juniper attacked its back, Alex tried to get a hit in wherever he could.
2:41pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 694
"Im perfectly capable of taking care of mysel" - and she too lost her lunch from the smell. Gettin back up, she seized the moment of its tail whipping an inch past her face to quickly slash with her long dagger and cut off two-thirds of the rat's long tail.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:00pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Leena paled, but did not back down. Instead, she grinned and charged with Alex, her blade swinging at her foe, who blocked it with his claws. But she underestimated the monster's strength, and he managed to score a hit, slashing through her armor and raking its claws across her back. Leena screamed and blacked out, crumpling to a heap before the beast.
11:04pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 993
As Juniper fought with her extra dagger, she whipped off the smell-sheild,m and morphed it back into her long Stygnian-Iron-Steel-Celestial bronze sword of awful-ness. One patch of blood-matted fur was flung at her head and her face went completely white, eyes hollow. That one piece was of particular importance to her, both revolting her and making her anger burn larger. It smelled like Geoff. Juniper, entirely in rage, drove the sword into the giant rat's neck, making it roar and scream, curling into a ball.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:53pm Jan 31 2010
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Posts: 993
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:52pm Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 3,265
((Someone needs to react to what happened to Leena... XD ))
5:26pm Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 993
((xD I totally didn't realize that happened.)) The beast heaved over, gasping for breath from obviously now-torn lungs, not having enough energy to retaliate. However, it was a monster, and soon that wound would heal; this was no ordinary giant-rat-monster. Camp Half-Blood had found that when three campers were killed by it a year back. Juniper ran over to where Leena lay in a heap, completely p*censored*ed out. Tilting her head back, Juniper poured some emergency nectar into the girl's mouth, hoping she would come-to for some ambrosia.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~