6:48pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 993
Juniper slipped into the water as well, watching as Dravius whistled and a hippocampus appeared, nuzzling Dravius. A smile spread across her face as she gently touched it's nose, careful not to upset it. As a little girl, Juniper had loved the horses one of her foster families had rasied, and it was a good taste in her mouth that followed a sweeter one when she was adopted next. She tried not to smile too largly, or water would seep into her mouth, but she broke the surface of the water, needing air. "It's beautiful!" Juniper said, marveling at the multicolored hippocampus. "What's it's name?"
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:53pm Feb 17 2010
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((Uh. Name?)) Dravius pushed the hippocami away gently, and tapped it gently on the side of it's face. The fish-horsie nuzzled Juni as it had it's nose stroked. It whinned happily and rubbed against Juni. "It's name is "
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:06pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 834
((Join?)) Name|| Aliana Age|| 16 Gender|| Girl God/Goddess parent|| Ares the God of War Prophecy Child?|| Yes Appearance|| She has Dark brown hair with stunning yellow eyes. Her hair goes down to her chess, she also has sidebangs. She usually wears a pair of skinny jeans a long-sleeved shirt and a dress vest. She likes to bring her book bag everywhere. She likes wearing her pair of converse* sneakers. Personality|| She is pretty quiet but, talkative once you get to know her. Her persona. is very athletic and she is very brainy. History|| XXX Ask her.. ;) Other|| Intro coming
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:12pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 834
A shiver went down Aliana's spine. She had escaped from her abusive stepfather and was walking with her dog through the forest. She hadn't believe her eyes after she had just escaped that her dog started to talk to her. "Follow me Aliana, we're almost there.." the collie, Richardson said. Aliana took a quick glance at her dog. She carried her notebook which kept all her dreams. The pages started to fly off the book and into the air it was in a straight wavy line that whistled through the trees. She finally caught them all and found herself near a stone-like gateway with no gate. She entered through it and felt some sort of vibration. Richard followed behind. "What is this place?" she asked. "Camp Half-blood..." he said.
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:16pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 834
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:33pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 834
((BTW Winterisis you forgot Hestia the Goddess of Hearth))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:43pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 993
((Hestia is included under 'other', she was not in the prophecy. :3 Alex is her daughter. Aliana is accepted. :) Ferr~ Well, if he knows it's name. I have to go, but I'll be back in about two hours. A little more like two and a half, though. Might be able to get a post done.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:45pm Feb 17 2010
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 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:59pm Feb 17 2010
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((Alright, here goes nothing, I think I have a little time.)) Juniper held back a childish giggle as the horse-fish nuzzled her for petting it's nose, and instead stroked it's made, admiring siletly the shiny colors. "How- Oh, right," She gave a short smile, "Poseidon's your daddy." Continuing to pet the hippocami, Juniper's eyes drifted back to Dravius, not realizing she looked like a lovesick girl. "It's great to be here with you."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:00am Feb 18 2010
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Alex saw Leena spot him. He smiled and shrugged, then walked over to where they were standing. He glanced at Aria. "Hi..." He managed, feeling kind of... Nervous? Yeah... And awkward.
8:03am Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 694
"Hey" Aria replied with a weak smile. She glanced around the camp, and saw a girl coming in, who she'd never seen before. "Look!" she said to Alex and Leena, and walked over to where this new girl stood with her Collie. "Hi, Im Aria. Who are you?"
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:29pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 993
((*Waits for Foxeh and Ferr*))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:06pm Feb 18 2010
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((Sorreh!)) Zalla stopped, looking at Geoff in amazement. "A Titaness's pet, that's not good...And it's what killed you? Worse. Now I'm REALLY glad that we didn't die." She glanced up at the sky, or at least, what could be seen through the leaves of the trees. She wished that they were back at the camp at that point, but, wishing never helped. "I don't think something happened this morning. Like I said, I was a bit distracted in my thoughts. However, something may have happened in the short time I've been away, or before I left, and I didn't notice. We should hurry back."
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:34pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 834
((Will post in about 15 min.))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
5:40pm Feb 18 2010
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Dravius blushed a deep red and said, "It's great to be here too. I..I really like you, Juniper." He smiled sheepishly, face and neck inflamed. He ran his hansd through his hair, and added, "This sounds cliched, but..I think I love you." He looked straight at Juni, face serious.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
6:16pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 834
"Oh uh hi.....-" Aliana said and then looked back at her collie. "Pssst...Richard please tell me where we are...I really want to know.." she whispered kind of confused and lost of where she was. Richardson was quiet. "Fine if you won't tell me I'll ask.." she whispered. "Hi...ermm..I'm Aliana and I would like to know where I am.." Aliana said feeling shy.
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:20pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 993
((Hm... Not sure how to reply. O.o Juniper likes him, and she doesn't want to offend him, since she knows it's not quite love for her yet... She does really like him, though. Aughh... *coflicted at what to say* Trust me, she doesn't want to hurt him, since she likes him.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:54pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((Winter! Respond to MEH! *dies*))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:43pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 1,943
(( I enjoy being difficult))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:51pm Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 47
((Hey Winter! Sorry I hate coming in late! What did I miss? I'm a PC BTW)) Name|| Zoey Age|| 14 1/2 Gender|| Female God/Goddess parent|| Hermes
Prophecy Child?|| Yes Appearance|| Zoey is a slight girl that is approximately 5'4'', and not really growing. She has brown hair that is slightly golden at the ends from the sun, and it is usually fairly straight, typically to be found in a high pony-tail. She has freckles and bright blue eyes, and very un-tannable skin. She is mostly found wearing a bright or neon tanktop and short jean shorts, or boot-cut jeans, and flip-flops, or no shoes.
Personality|| Zoey is a quick-witted, outgoing person who has no fear of speaking her mind, even when it usually tends to be somewhat offensive. She enjoys humor, heavy sarcasm, breaking rules, and doing exactly the opposite of what she is supposed to do. This can include all of the following: starting the not-so-occaisional food fight, pulling pranks, backsa-ssing, and not apologizing for all the stupid and reckless things she has done. However, she does many times also have a kind and large heart, and can be forgiving, loving, flirtatious (of course, being a teenage girl and all), friendly, and an exremely amazing friend. She is really defensive of her buddies, and although her own actions are often dangerous and reckless, she watches out for her best friends and always stands up for them, because she believes in loyalty.
History|| It was the same old story every time, "Your father and I were divorced when you were born, and I haven't spoken to him since. I do not intend to ever see or talk to him again, so please stop asking!" Naturally, she believed her mother, because they had a very close relationship, and they were a tiny bit exluding to her brother, Geoff. However, one day the road ended. Her mother said that there was a new school that had invited Zoey and Geoff to switch to there, and they had to go check it out. Camp Half-Blood came as a bit of a shock, but she had no other option, because as soon as Zoey stepped out of the car with Geoff, her mother drove away. Gone. Never been seen since. Zoey was 9 1/2 then, so now she has 5 beads on a precious necklace symbolizing the time that she has spent at her new and only home, mostly alongside er brother and only family. Until he died. Adn now, of course she is completely and utterly alone.
Hi. Yeah. (Awkward silence much?)