11:43pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 993
((And she's Geoff's sister, hun. You forgot that. ;3 You missed the same rat that killed Geoff attacking them, and a possessed Aphrodite attacked and killed her own daughter, now asleep in the Big House. Juniper and Dravius are in an underwater cave and Aria, Alex, Aliana, and Leena are talking, and Geoff and Zalla are heading back to camp after he stumbled around in the forest for a bit.)) Juniper felt a rush of blood come into her face as her eyes drifted from the hippocami to the boy who had stated that he might be in love with her. There was a loss of words in her mouth, and a muddle of thoughts in her head. What was she to say? Her definition of love was very strict, and however much she was in "extreme like" with Dravius, love to her was the want to be with that person forever, to never be more than a fingerlength's away. She swam a little closer, motioning for him to climb up on the short ledge next to where she pulled herself up. Words soon came, but they were cloudy, and a little confusing. "Dravius, I.. I really like you too." She wanted to describe her feelings, but that was all she could think. Juniper did want to be with him. She did want to always be by his side, but she just didn't know if it was her deion of love yet. ((Ohhh, this was hard for me to type. -o- Sorry Foxeh, I will reply in a second.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:48pm Feb 19 2010
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Geoff glanced at Zalla nervously, not liking the face that she was unaware of the events at camp that morning. Once more, he nodded about the getting back to camp part, worried worse had happened then last time. He broke into a slow run, grabbing Zalla's hand and looked into her eyes. "We really should be running. This is very critical."
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:44pm Feb 19 2010
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Zalla nodded, and followed at a slightly faster pace than Geoff, catching up. As she ran, she strapped her bow to her back, alongside her quiver, and stuck the arrow back into the quiver with the other arrows. Then she picked up her pace, making sure not to leave Geoff behind, but showing that she, too, wished to return to camp quickly.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:59am Feb 20 2010
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Dravius gave a small smile as he lifted himself up onto the leadge, and listened to Juniper's answer. He slipped back into the water until only his eyes were above the water, glittering in the half-light of the cave. His black hair fanned out about him like a dark halo. Heis wide smile was barely visible under the water as he said, "Thank you. I can tell you need to think." He slipped away, strands of hair vanishing quickly. He swam swiftly to the bottom of the lake, digging his feet into the sandy bottom, he lay on his back and looked at the bright fish darting in and out of the rocks along the bottom. A canoe lay on the bottom, twisted and blackened. It seemed to have been set on fire a few years before. Small tears floated from his eyelids and mixed with the water of the lake. That was another good thing about underwater, no one could tell the extent of your sadness. He gazed at the dark opening of the cave and wiped his eyes, sitting up and releasing clouds of sand.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:28pm Feb 20 2010
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Alex looked at Aliana. Surely she new about this camp? Then maybe it was her first time. He sighed. Aliana had come at a bad time to first see Camp Half-Blood. He felt sympathetic towards her. "This is Camp Half-Blood... Where demigods can train so they don't get killed off by monsters," he said, keeping it straight to the point.
10:55pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 47
((By the way, Zoey and Juni are pretty good friends, right? Because of Geoff?)) Zoey tensed as she entered camp from the east side. She had been on a lookout post for Chiron for three days (being a senior camper she was given many responsibilities), and unfortunately had been further delayed because of a bad storm, so she wasn't realy aware of any news going on at camp. Everything seemed unnaturally still and quiet, but not in a calm sort of way. More like they were waiting for a war to break out at any second and kill them all, or something. Very pleasant. Zoey hurried to the Hermes cabin, which was full of new campers, and groups people in their bunks talking, or planning their next prank on the Hepeastus cabin. She asked one of them what she'd missed, and was completely stunned by the reply. She automatically grabed a can of bear mace, and was looking around for her black spray-hair-dye, but it seemed like someone had taken it, not a big surprise. Then, she emptied her pillow out to show a floppy case that had been given to her by her father. It was actually a safe that was flexible, but could only be opened at her will, and could hold absolutely anything that wasn't living. Out of it she pulled a gleaming sword, steel and Celestial Bronze like most. This one was very strong and had been p*censored*ed down from Hermes child to Hermes child, of course ending up as hers 4 years ago. And she hilted it, just in case. She cautiously left the cabin, lookingout for Juni, who she hadn't seen in days, and aware of her surroundings completely. Unsure of where to look for her friend, she headed down to the lake and sat down on the dock, swishing her bare feet in the water.
Hi. Yeah. (Awkward silence much?)
11:05pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Is it too late to join? I just watched Percy Jackson yesterday and I want to do a roleplay like this.))
11:05pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 993
Juniper watched with hollow eyes as Dravius said something quietly, then swam away, trying to conceal the hurt in his eyes. Her hands came up and ran through her hair as she leaned backward, letting out a small groan. Once more, Juniper Skiotis screws up hugely when it was most important A few more minutes went by with her cussing to herself softly, with tears streaking down her face. Why couldn't she just have said she loved him too? Why couldn't she have stepped up to the plate and let them be happy. Juniper's blue eyes were slightly red and puffy from her aggrivation over her decision. Maybe he hasn't gone too far, and I can catch up to him. Wait, no. That's dumb, he's Poseidon's kid. He'll outswim me by five miles and I'll never be able to talk to him again. Juniper thought, helplessly as she stared at where he had just exited.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:14pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((Yeah, Zoey and Juni are good friends. ssather: Sure, but as the rules state, literate, and it will be more like the books than the movie. Keep that in mind, since they were very different. Ferr: Ahh, I saw him swim away, and the Juniper inside me went "Aw, crap." xD))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:15pm Feb 20 2010
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((Lol. I haven't read the books but I wish I have. I probably will sometime in my life. I can be literate too.))
11:18pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Uh. I don't exactly know what to do...)) ((Fail))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:19pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 47
((*Steals over to comfort Juni/make her follow Dravius... O_o)) Zoey was bored. It was a fact. A very uncommon one, because usually she was causing too much trouble to be bored, but still, it was true. So she swam. She wasn't sure why, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time, so she did it. And she kept swimming, diving down deep to investigate cracks, and to watch fish, and to think. She cleared her mind like this at times, and pondered things, and just think.
Hi. Yeah. (Awkward silence much?)
11:19pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((ssather: Join away, then. :3 Ferr: xD Yes, Juniper has left them in a... predicament.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:35pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 12:38pm Feb 21 2010)
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Name|| Aurora Hawk Age|| 15 almost 16 Gender|| Girl God/Goddess parent|| Demeter Prophecy Child?|| Yes? Appearance|| Aurora is short and thin. She is known to be small but not really short. She has light blond hair that is about two inches past her butt. She has thin bangs that cover most her face but you can still see a outline of her face. She has ice blue eyes with long thick eye lashes and light eyebrows. Personality|| Aurora is nice most of the time. She can get snappy and doesn't really care about strangers or people she doesn't know really good. History|| She grew up not knowing who her mother was but only that she had abandoned her as a baby. She was always the strange quiet girl in school who kept to herself and didn't make any friends. Other|| nope
11:40pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 11:41pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 993
Juniper heard the unmistakeable swish of someone swimming near the opening of the caverm, and, fearing it was Dravius, Juniper slipped into the water again. The water felt cool against her skin, which had grown warm under the confusing emotions that Dravius left behind on her. Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps she did love him, and that was the strangeness she felt and the emptiness in her when he wasn't there. Once more, she cussed at herself, angry for doing that to him and herself. Whatever the cause of the swooshing water, it came closer, encouraging Juniper to swim out of the exit, where she unwittingly looked up to see Dravius. Her face felt hot, seeing him, and a blush rose, or as much as one could arise underwater. Juniper rubbed her face a little, so that the redness from crying would blend in, but it wasn't a very effective strategy. For fear of tears to come underwater in his presence, Juniper let out a feeble "I'm sorry..." (which wasn't audible underwater) and swam towards the surface, needing oxygen. ((edit: ssather, did you read the past few pages? O.o))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:43pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Oh do I have to post the Mac or PC thing to join? I like PC more then Mac.))
11:47pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((Well, yes, you do, but that wasn't what I was talking about. It's always a good idea to read the first few posts (including the bios) and the last couple of pages (or so) to get a feel for the roleplay. Just last page, I believe, the Ares spot filled.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:50pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Are there any spots that aren't filled up? I mean because it doesn't say it is on the very first post so I guess I got confused. I will edit.))
11:55pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 993
((Yes, hat one was my fault, but left are Diyonesus and Demeter.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
11:59pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay I edited it.))