2:09pm Mar 14 2010
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"Alright." Dravius gave a shaky smile and stood up, grasping Juni's hand. "I promise you, it isn't a pretty story." He took a deep breath and headed towards the silver cabin, as it was closer. He wiped under her eyes, flicking away a tear. "Are you sure you want to hear?"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:39pm Mar 14 2010
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((Nightmare needs to post. =x ))
7:06pm Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 993
Juniper had just a hint of a smile on her face as she dried off the spot where Dravius tried to hide a tear off. "I'm positive." She beckoned inside, sitting down on the pewter-colored sheets, taking her ponytail out for once, shaking the mane of auburn hair on her head vigorously and pinning her bangs back. Her hand kept hold of Dravius's as she waited for the story to unfold, knowing it was a touchy topic.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:38am Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Sorry!!!)) Alex stared at Leena. Could that really be? He shuddered. As much as he didn't like the sound of it, it was possible. "Older than the Titans..." he echoed. His eyes darkened a bit, the usual soft brown eyes looking a little more like Hestia's; red with a kind of flickering light of fire. Then it faded, and he looked back up at Leena. "I hope that's not the case," he said. He got an idea. "Hey," he began after a little hesitation, "do you... maybe want to get out of this cabin... Walk for a bit?" His heart started racing faster than usual. He was pretty sure that everyone one within a mile could hear it beating.
4:39pm Mar 15 2010
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"Sure, sounds fun!", Leena exclaimed, grinning brightly at Alex, "That would be a nice change of pace after today's events." She noteced his eyes flare red for a moment, like his mother's did sometimes. How unusual.
8:05pm Mar 15 2010
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Alex felt happy at Leena's brightening face. It warmed his heart. He gave a smile, the natural good, genuinly happy type of smile that rarely came out. "O-okay," he started. "Well... Where do.. Where do you want to go? Or, walk..." He tried to make his sentences sound intelligent, though he had the feeling that they sounded kind of awkward.
9:06pm Mar 15 2010
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Dravius rubbed the back of his neck, searching for the words to begin. "I was not a good person, Juniper. I want you understans that. And if I left here, I'd proably be killed. Jailed, then killed. I was in a gang. A bad one. I misused my abilities. I first killed a man when I was seven. Pounded him with waves until he died. It was the day after my mother stitched the back of my head up. This homeless man came at me with the most horrible look in his eyes, and I just lost control. A few gang members were watching, and hauled me off to join. As the years went by, I just got worse. I was so angry all the time. I don't even know who I was mad at, but I took it out on anyone and everyone. I murdered entire families because the leader told. I felt like it was the only place I was accepted. One day, the police noticed at my mother noticed, and hauled me off here. Dropped me outsisde the gates and ran away. She didn't want to. She liked the money I was bringinjg in from mugging and murders. I made enough that she's still swimminmg in drugs and drinks right now." Dravius had listed his story in a few long breaths, and looked at the cabin floor, breathing hard.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:03pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 694
((Oh my god, I'm SO sorry guys. School has just been crazy and I was in a play that recently performed so rehersals were every day and it was just insane. Do you think its worth it for me to restart on this RP?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:42pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"We can go to the woods, it really is beautiful in there at this time of day. Watching the sunlight filter through the leaves, casting a greenish glow on the flowers... It's my favorite activity other than archery.", Leena said, smiling back at Alex.
5:28pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Whether you re join is up to Winter... But be warned that I sort of acted like your charrie never existed and my charrie's currently falling for Leena... Because they both got dumped basically xD Not to be mean O.o)) Alex nodded and then said, "Okay. Sounds good to me." He hopped up from the bed and swung open the cabin door and started heading to the woods. He peered sideways at Leena. "So..." Alex trailed off, again at a loss for what to say. Why is it he thought that whenever I am with a girl I can't think straight? Or talk or act straight? He shook his head. "So... You like music, I guess?" he said hopelessly. It was a question, but a kind of strange one that sounded stupid. "What's your favourite genre?" he added quickly to the question.
5:36pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Leena laughed, following Alex outside, "Yeah, I love music, and my favorite genre is, well just about everything. My father's the god of music, after all." ((Act straight? Is he gay? JK, Jk. XD I talk to Lave too much. ))
5:58pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Yeah I started thinking that too after I posted it >.< lol)) Alex found himself laughing with Leena too. It was the obvious answer... He was being stupid, really... As the two entered the woods after a period of silence, Alex looked around. Leena was right. Shafts of sunlight left patches of sun on the gr*censored*, emerald moss was on top of rocks and on trees... "It is nice here," he murmured softly. Then he looked at Leena; her hair shone in the sunlight. Why hadn't he noticed before that it was so... So beautiful, was the word he was searching for. It was as if some veil had vanished and suddenly he was seeing Leena in a different way...
6:36pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 3,265
"Isn't it so wonderful here?", Leena asked, marveling at the sight. She rarely was able to come here, and when she was, the sight always mystified her. "It's like the world is at harmony with itself... It's the one place that can remind me why we fight against the titains, and monsters."
8:02pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Alex snapped out of the trance. "Y-yeah," he agreed. His face grew red, so he looked elsewhere, pretending to be looking at the scenery. This is the feeling I got around Juniper... he thought to himself. His palms grew sweaty. Why was this happening to him? "Whenever I need to be reminded of that...And whenever I want to have some time by myself I always find myself walking towards the canu lake (spelling phail Dx) and looking at the sky," Alex said. ((-is braindead-))
8:04pm Mar 16 2010
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"I guess that is your happy place, just as this is mine.", Leena said quietly, looking at Alex and smilling softly, feeling the same way she had when she'd first met Dravius.
8:42pm Mar 16 2010
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((-can't you feel the love tonight- )) Alex couldn't find anything to say now. He stared into Leena's eyes and without realizing it reached out and grabbed her hand. It was soft...And warm. This was deeper than the feeling he had had when around Juniper, he thought.
12:33am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 993
((xD *COUGHHACKSPUTTERCOUGH* Psh, it's not like my friend (yes, truly my friend, not me. :P) made Alex gay in her fanfiction of this roleplay! Pffff course not! *hackcough* I found that ironic.)) Juniper listened to the story without noise, accidentally leaving an awkward silence between the time he finished and the time she began to talk again. She was to busy sorting things through her head to respond immediatedly, though, realizing that this may have made the moment even more terrifying for Dravius. "So," Her voice was curious, as she continued, "You expect me to judge you as a person based on your past?" It was obvious she was not offended, and she slowly leaned forwards and straightened herself up, her eyes showing she was a little puzzled. "Dravius, it truly doesn't affect me that those things have happened to you. That was the past. I'd say live for the present, but that would be dumb and hypocritical, I think too much about the future myself to say that. I understand that it's scarring and painful, I've had my share of those expiriences too, but know that we're your family here." Juniper then made a face, realizing this sounded strange. "I mean, in a weird, kiind of... friend slash girlfriend way. Not that everyone here's your girlfriend either- you know, I'm just a little tounge tied right now." She said with a good humor in her voice.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:52am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 3,265
Leena blushed as Alex took her hand. She felt even more moved than when Dravius had been with her underwater. She felt bad for Aria, her friend who had been in love with Alex, but knew that what she now felt for him was stronger than what she'd felt with Dravius.
8:58am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((lol Winter xD Seriously ironic... )) Alex realized what he had done but didn't let go of Leena's hand. He reached up with his free hand and took a strand of her hair that was in her face and placed in gently behind her ear. "U-umm," he started. "Should we head back? Or stay here longer?"
11:02am Mar 17 2010
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Posts: 3,469
((*whistles and paces about* What to do with Zalla.....?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."