3:11pm Jul 16 2010
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((Spyro the eternal night is a great game :D though in my opinion, #3 of the original three was the best.))
3:15pm Jul 16 2010
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Kakarion heard the girl while he had already captured a young by and his dragon.Koi kage had pinned the dragon down looking at it menacingly.The dragon knew he could do nothing.Him and his rider were so close to getting away but it wasnt good enough.Kakarion made a evil smirk and patted his dragon who gave him a playful nudge.They put the boy and the dragon into seperate kages and kakarion and his dragon left them to it.
3:15pm Jul 16 2010
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(i love spyro its so awesome)
3:18pm Jul 16 2010
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The other Shadow riders' dragons had the female's dragon pinned by the neck.They thre the female into the cage and took off,bringing the dragon with them.Torch looked back and saw that they had captured the dragon.Smirking,He had Emerald fly faster,then the others. (brain dead)
Anzu is-Online^^
3:21pm Jul 16 2010
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((me too, spyro the eternal night is my favorite)) Jared heard a girl about his age get captured by the shadow riders. He sighed, knowing he could not do anything now that she and the others flew away. No way could he catch up, Yuin is an earth dragon. That means he is fast on the ground but in the air, not so much. ------------------------------------------ Kvior's ears perked up, was that a scream? Charlie heard it too, it was definatly a young boy getting captured by the shadow ridders. Charlie couldn't tell if they had left or not but just as.sumed they had, he wished there was something he could do but he was just a twelve year old boy. How much could he really do?
3:25pm Jul 16 2010
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Kakarion and Koi kage flew off.They were satisfie with todays work but knew they werent done.There were manymore out there that they needed to capture.It was all in a matter of time and time was important to the whole operation.Kakarion chuckled lightly and lowly.He sniffed the air allowing the havinly breeze to run through his hair ----------------------------------------------------------------- Iceru made a low growl hearing the screams.Utsu stopped dancing and dropped the rose.Her peace had vanished.She ran to Iceru who nuddged her telling her its alright.
3:26pm Jul 16 2010
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(*has no idea what to post*)
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3:27pm Jul 16 2010
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(lol koga is brain dead)
3:30pm Jul 16 2010
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3:31pm Jul 16 2010
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((we should wait for the others to post their intros before getting farther))
3:31pm Jul 16 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
3:33pm Jul 16 2010
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Taiyre sat on an hot red rock, a black ex pression on her face. The sun beamed down on her body as she placed her hands under her head, Waiting for something. It wasn't a desert, But the beach. The waves lapped at the s*censored*, As she began to hum in her wait. Suddenly a faint rumble went out from under the earth, A a tunnel began to form under to sand. Following suit, The large tan dragon shot up from the sand, And nuzzles Taiyre playfully. Picking up a stick as if he where a dog, She threw it far into the distance, Watching as her beast dived into the sand with a loud racket and followed like a land shark.
Reoko walked up to a cave, On the very top of a sharp looking mountain. Huffing hard, She was holding a hare, Snared on a barb. "Lumasi!" She called into the cave, Echoing into the dark. Out of the midnight black, Two blue eyes opened, Wide black slits appearing in the middle. With a disgruntled hiss, The words came through. "You brought food this time?" Lumasi said, Crawling forward to take the hare in her jaws. Breathing a puff of air, It froze the hare solid, Suiting Lumasi's preferences. She took the hare in her jaws, And crunched through the ice. Reoko couldn't help but giggle at the actions of her dragon. "What?" Lumasi said, Swallowing down the hare before crawling all the way out of her den. "Nothing.." Reoko said, Still grinning. "Ride?" Lumasi said, Grinning slightly. Reoko nodded, And mounted her dragon bare back. As Lumasi unfurled her wings, She glided off into the air as if she where a eagle in the ice blue sky.
3:38pm Jul 16 2010
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((Im watching Dragon Ball Z Kai right now XDD Ill post soon.))
3:55pm Jul 16 2010
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4:13pm Jul 16 2010
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Tarn blinked, blinded momentarily by the bright harshness of the sun. It was hotter than usual, and he was weaker than usual. Of course, for Sol this was exactly the oppisite. She bathed in the sunlight, grinning slightly. Sage sat next to Tarn. "You people are so lazy," Ash said. She stood and stared at them, waiting for one of them to get up. ((Fail))
4:20pm Jul 16 2010
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Torch smirked and looked down at the girl.She glared up at him,not liking him at all. (*braindead*)
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4:23pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 4:24pm Jul 16 2010)
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Kakarion saw another shadow rider but didnt bother to interfere.He saw the girl and huffed.Of course it would be another rider.His dragon looked back at him seeing if he wanted to help the shadow rider below them.He shook his head"hes fine"
4:26pm Jul 16 2010
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The other shadow riders followed Torch with the girl's dragon's cage.Torch grinned and told emerald to land.Emerald roared and landed on the ground.Torch jumped off and took the girl with him as the others landed.
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4:35pm Jul 16 2010
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"I can see why you two would want to rest, but seriously, Sol too!? Jeez..." Ash said, shaking her head. Of course Tarn and Sage would want to sleep during the day, save their energy for night. She knew that much. But Sol too? Seriously? Ash sighed.
6:04pm Jul 16 2010
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((...where is everyone? XD)