{Wolf mating season} Love is in the air... It couln't be any better!

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7:15pm Nov 21 2009

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Posts: 3,662

((She is addressing quire. ;) And it's a she xD))

Taiyre hissed in a very low tone. "Becuase I just want to know." She walked over to the stream and caught three fish with a single attack. She sat down and began eating the first one. ((Her venom is not potent to herself)) She glanced at him, but continued eating. She thought for a second then slid one over to him. "Take it. Free kill isn't easy to find." She said. ((g2g. I might be on later though ;) ))


7:51pm Nov 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,097

Name: Dhemon/ Zen

Age: Adults

Gender: Female/ Male

Personality: One word. Evil./ Opposite of Dhemon

Looks: Bottom

Mate/Crush: I want her to crush on Mitch eventually?/ Krystal eventually?

Pack Or Loner?: Loners

Rank(Only if you are part of a pack): ...

Dispersal?(You have left your pack in search of a mate): ...

Other: They are brother and sister. But look very different. *nodnod* Can Zen keep his wings?


Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

8:12pm Nov 21 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"thanks," Quire took the piece, looking at Taiyre strangly.


10:15pm Nov 21 2009

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Posts: 3,662
Taiyre tilted her head. "What? You haven't seen anything yet." She said with a light giggle.


10:38pm Nov 21 2009

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Posts: 3,662


6:18pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 5,512

Adele laughed, "so are you going to eat you catch she asked, if not, I'm sure my brother would."


Khaos holed her mating call loud and melodious.  Stating she was alpha, and any male looking for a mate was welsome.  She let the howl drawl on for a while. 


Mitch got sick of waiting around and walked to a stream, taking a drink.  Then he jumped up on a rock and listened for mating calls, he heard Khaos's, but ignored it, he didnt want to go back to Airpack.


6:20pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Galations lifted his head at the females loud call. Should I howl bacK? Then he finally did.


6:21pm Nov 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,296

Name:Galations (Called Gala, for short)

Age:Young adult


Personality:RP it out.

Looks:One second....

Mate/Crush:None, looking

Pack Or Loner?:Loner, used to be in Icepack.

Rank(Only if you are part of a pack):None

Dispersal?(You have left your pack in search of a mate):Yes-ish



6:26pm Nov 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
Khaos answered again, tellling her location, just outside of Air Pack camp, she sat on a stone and howled as loud as possible.  The red-brown wolf's tail wagged and her green eyes were closed.  Her braclets that she had gotten when captured by humans were odd, but she left them on.  They were like a battle scar, and she would leave them on her whole life, along with the spiked collar on her neck.


6:29pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Galations padded in the derection of the voice, and came to Airpack. He saw the female she-wolf howling, and istantly saw her beaty. He bowed down. "Galations. May I ask your name?"


8:07pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 5,512
Khaos dipped her head, "My name is Khaos. I am the alpha of Airpack."  She smiled, "Galations? thats quite a name." Her tail wagged.


9:51pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 3,662


Xiang chuckled. "What I catch is alway's lady's first." She smiled at her. "Now, should we take to the sky's?" He asked, spreading his m*censored*inve wings. The dark blue rings inside them began glowing to a light blue color.


9:53pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 5,512
Adele smiled, spreading her wings as well, "we shall." she crouched then sprang up, her feathery wings glistening.  Her white fur went flat and she howled with joy.  Once she reached a decent hight, she looked down, smiling, "C'mon!" she called happily.


10:07pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 6,296
"Yes, I was born in a human shack. They named me after one of the chapters of the bible. I think its one of their riligons. Anyway, I am very pleased to meet you." Galations smiled.


10:14pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 3,662
Xiang went up as well. But unlike her, he sliced through the air almost like a knive. He fosusedhis eye's and quickly found a deer. Like a swiviling blade, he went down to it. His wings spread straight and agile, he released his needle like claws and snatched the deer up. Within second's he landed with it. He tore into it's neck with his claws, in the shape of an x. He backed up. His wings folded for a rest. "Ladie's first." He said politely.


10:17pm Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 10:18pm Nov 22 2009)

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Posts: 5,512

Khaos smiled, "Likewise."  She sat and scratched at one ear, her collar jangling agains her ankle bands.((fail x.x))


Adele landed gracefully, "if you say so." she began eating, the food filling her empty belly.  She wasnt the greatest hunter, but there was NO way she would admit it.


10:21pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 6,296
Galations belly runmbled, and he flushed. "Hungry?"


10:25pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 5,512
Khaos chuckled, "sure, and I know a great spot where deer like to go to graze." she smiled and walked in the direction of a small valley full of gr*censored*.  There was a whole herd of deer grazing there.


10:33pm Nov 22 2009

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Posts: 3,662
Xiang waited for her to finish. He pawed at the heavy chain around is neck. "man I wish I could get this thing off." He groaned.


11:29am Nov 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 950

Krystal sighed, no one answered her.... But being alpha, she couldn't leave her pack's grounds........


A youn black female with sapphire colored fire-like markings walked over to a stream in her pack. She howled for other to join her.. Half knowing no one would respond.


Phantom sihed... There were others around him, but they all ignored him.


Axel sighed. "let's go kiddo...." He said as he got up, the small white pup following happily as Axel left the clearing...


 Frost sighed... Every on in the Ice pack seemed to be off looking for a mate.....

Aiden cannot get on until she gets her G.E.D... sorry friends... Don't click here!
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