8:05pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Jul 13 2010)
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(Nevermind, forget she even said anything.)
8:05pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Zane stopped splashing the water to watch the she-wolf dive in the water. He also saw her emerge with a shiny ob ject. His pearl! "My pearl!" He howled, taking the pearl and holding it dearly. "I thought I lost it for good..." He whispered. He turned to Iceist,"M-my pearl fell in the water...." He told her. "It's the only thing I have left from my family...."
8:07pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 1,058
"Your welcome?" Aria said softly. "Your lucky i was hear to find it. The only wolf that could find that thing under the mud wrapped in water weed is a wolf that spends all of her free time in it."
8:09pm Jul 13 2010
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"Oh thank you..." He started. " Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! You have no idea how much this pearl means to me." He told her, "It has a long story behind it..."
8:13pm Jul 13 2010
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"Don't mention it." Aria said. "And sorry I don't want to heard your story. Stories remind me of family for some reason and I had a family for a week so please don't talk about family while I'm around..." Aria said sadly and sat down.
8:16pm Jul 13 2010
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"I wasen't going to tell you the story." He said, "It brings back too many sad memories also..." He sighed.
8:33pm Jul 13 2010
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"Don't talk about it!" Aria snapped. " No ne can have a sadder memory than coming home one day to find every single wolf you had ever seen gone at the age of 2 weeks! And then eventually finding your sister laying dead near a stream at 3 weeks old!" Aria howled. "And to make it worse not another wolf had been found within a mile around the reserve I used to live in. And then idiot hunters who come onto the reserve hunting! They caught me and put me in a basket and started shooting at me! One hit the same paw that is now in this splint thing! And then having to run and getting caught by the same people and having them now drunk. They try to do bad things and then feed you to there idiot dog!!!!" Aria shouted. And then turned around and laid by the stream. "Sorry."
8:37pm Jul 13 2010
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Zane stared at Aria. ".............." He was silent. He looked at the ground with a confused look on his face. " That happened to me....." He whispered, staring at his pearl.
8:39pm Jul 13 2010
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"Thats not even possible" Aria again snapped again. "Unless we were on the same reserve. And I bet I would have found you if we had been. And even if that happened there was only one boy on that reserve that was my age and he was my brother..."
8:44pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Same thing here....." He said. "I was sleeping in my favorite tree...." He started. " I-I was two weeks old...... I went to hunt, and caught my first prey....It was a rabbit...I went back to show my mother.....But no one was there......All the scents were weak....But one....And that was my sister.....What ever happened, I was late. I left the rabbit and followed the scent. I was now three weeks old and was still following the scent, it led me to s stream....Where I found the carcas.s of my sister and a retarded Coyote eating off her!"
8:48pm Jul 13 2010
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"I went back to that stream once after the first time and saw she body half chewed up..." Aria looked back at him. "My brother always slept in his favorite tree..." Aria looked confused. "His name was Zane... what is yours?"
8:49pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Z-Zane......" Zane stuttered. "M-my name is Zane......" He held onto his pearl. "My sister's name was Aria........" He started. "I bet I know what your's is." (( Awesomesaue :D))
8:52pm Jul 13 2010
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"You do..." Aria said still confused. A smile suddenly crossed her face... "Brother!" She yelled and tackled him playfully. "I thought you were all dead..." She said still happy but a little sad.
8:56pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Sister!" Zane giggled. Zane licked his sister playfully and nipped her ear. "I did too!" He said. He got up and grabbed his pearl before nothing could snatch it. Suddenly he rembered.....He knew where there parents were....He shook it off, not wanting to tell what happened.......
8:59pm Jul 13 2010
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She saw his face and saw an ex pression that looked like he just remembered something... She decided to forget it. If he wanted to tell her he would. He wouldn;t keep a big secret that could be about them from her, could he.. Aria laid her head on his shoulder "Its good to have family..."
9:10pm Jul 13 2010
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9:52pm Jul 13 2010
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"Aria, I know way worse things than that, kiddo." Jack replied, appearing on to of a high tree, lounging on it's branch.
9:59pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 10:03pm Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 1,058
"Please leave for a while..." Aria said still smiling. "I told him the things that were the easiest to bare for me." Aria frowned a little. "He knows what else happened out there. It's to bad to say out loud. I just met my brother for the first time since I was 2 weeks old! If you really wanna tell me make it quick."
10:03pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 1,058
((And Ranni the only thing I know that happened was since you left and i walked over to Zane and got his pearl out of the water and we found out we were siblings... and now Jack is about to tell me a story that seems t=like it may get gross... lol))
10:03pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Wait, who is she talking to?))