10:04pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 1,058
((I was talking to Jack just please tell the story))
10:05pm Jul 13 2010
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((Alright.)) "Well, you really wouldn't want to know all the bad crap that has happened to me. It'll corrupt your mind." Jack chuckled seriously.
10:10pm Jul 13 2010
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"Very funny" Aria said seriously. " I doubt it will." Aria looked at Zane. "Maybe his though. Just kidding Zane" Aria looked back. "Get on with it then!"
10:23pm Jul 13 2010
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"Alright. My scars, were never here. Not when I was a kid. But my father, was a drinker. And a fiend. And one day he drunk just a little too much, and mommy dearest was just in the way. So he killed her, grabbing me by the hair and slitting my lips open. Let's just say I got my revenge. That's only one of many." Jack sighed.
10:30pm Jul 13 2010
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"Thats bad but not worse than mine"Aria said waiting for the rest...
10:34pm Jul 13 2010
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"At least you didn't watch your siblings die when you were a pup. And then your children when older." Jack yawned nonchalantly.
10:35pm Jul 13 2010
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"That would be bad but not worse than everything I've been through" Aria said still being honest.
11:23pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Yeah, sure it isn't that's because you haven't been through it. I've been through way worse than you have."
12:48am Jul 14 2010
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2:54am Jul 14 2010
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(( I got nothen ))
7:00am Jul 14 2010
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(Same here.)
9:27am Jul 14 2010
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"Sure ya have" Aria said sarcastically. She hit him with her paw. "Now scram JACK." Aria said knowing that he liked to be called Joker.
9:42am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Fae fluttered around the forest, unsure of what to do. "Uhh I should go over there.....Wait! No! The rivers not over there!.......That way! Yes! I can see the River! ...Wait No1 There might be crocodiles!" She hesitated. "Note to self, NEVER take derections from a squirrel." She grunted. She flew up, and got caught in some kind of old ribbon, left from humans most likely. Litterers......She hissed, and tried to fly up, but got tangled more. "Curse you shiny ribbon..." She looked down She could see two wolves in the distance. One was Iceis, the other, looked really scary to her......
9:47am Jul 14 2010
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((Me, Iceis, Zane, and Joker are right at the river))
9:50am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Fae dosent really have good eye sight, she can only see Iceis and Joker ^^ Not to mention that she is tangled in ribbon, and dangling from a tree, and that one of the ribbons is covering her eyes ^^))
9:57am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 1,058
((Okay lol and reply as Zane now!! Jk but please do im bored)) Aria heard another wolf in the forest. The she saw her. Tangled in a ribbon hanging there. "One moment" she said to Zane not saying anything to Jack. She walked over there and got her out of the tree. "Hi I'm Aria." Aria said smiling. "Do you have bad luck too?" She laughed then looked down at her leg.
10:04am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Huh?" Fae wiggled around in the ribbon. She was now swinging back and forth. "Hello?" She shook her head, trying to get the ribbon off her eyes so she could see what was happening. "Oh...Hello....I am she who is called Fae.." She said calmly. "I'm stuck in this ribbon..." She stopped. ~Who would ribbon e in the trees? I'm not sure it even is ribbon......If I see any shiny string like thing, I call it ribbon.... Its thick, Shiny and stringly....~ She thought. ~Its not ribbon! Its some kind of metal rope!~ She just noticed that what ever it was, it was cutting into her paw. "Owwwww!" She hissed. Everytime she moved, it would get tighter....."Don't touch me!" She said. "I am so stupid...." She whispered. (( Mabye Iceis could save her? Or one of Mylovee's charrys could? They have nothing to do^^)) Zane kinda felt bad for Joker. He shrugged and licked his paw. He used one of his sharp fangs to make a small cut, he always liked the sight of blood for somereason......
10:07am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 1,058
"Do you want me to help you?" Aria said concerned. "I'm not lucky either so this stuff happens a lot to me." aria said softly. "Just relax and don't push on it. It must be a trap..." aria said looking around.
10:17am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Fae paniced. She flew around in circles, and tried to go back up in to the sky. She only made it worse, the rope only got tighter around her paws. She could see now, but she wished she diddent. The rope was cutting into her paw. ~ Sh!t....~ She thought. She paniced again, and tried frantically to get out, but i only made it get even more tighter. " Don't touch me!" She repeated, knowing if someone tried to help, it would hurt even more.
10:22am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 1,058
"I'm going to help you because I hate blood and never want to see it again..." Aria bite into one of the ropes segments and pulled it so that she could get her paw out. She made sure the rope only touched her teeth. She glanced back at Zane and saw blood. "Zane, why are you bleeding." Aria said her best through clenched teeth.