10:28am Jul 14 2010
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"Owww Oww!!!" Fae cried. "Don't help!" She said fraintically. "Don't help!" She repeated. She whimpered and pulled up her paw so it was close to her chest. She managed to lick it clean, but it wouldent stop bleeding. Zane flinched. "W-what?"
10:32am Jul 14 2010
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"I see that Zane" Aria yelled. The rope snapped back and hit the other she- wolf in the paw. Aria had let it go. At least aria knew the rope was looser now. "Hold still!" Aria yelled. She did the same with the rest of the segments of rope and then she knew that if the she-wolf pulled back a little she would fall to the ground out of the rope. She said "Pull back!" and then trotted happily back to Zane. "And you!" Aria looked at his paw. "Whay are you bleeding!?!"
10:40am Jul 14 2010
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"Umm..." Zane hid his paw behind his back. "I am not bleeding." He was a horrible lier. Fae pulled back, and Plop, she fell to the ground. She stood up, but fell down. Her paw has been cut from the metal rope, and was still bleeding. She had these marked all over her legs and a few around her stomach., and were not bleeding, they would go away in a day or two. Her paw was her problem. She licked the other marks, and they stopped hurting.
11:18am Jul 14 2010
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11:34am Jul 14 2010
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Shadow heard the yells and opened his shiny blue eye, then lifted his black body from the ground, scaring a ribbit he had been waiting for off. 'Damn. This better be good.' He thought before running off towards the yells, which had now stopped.
He slowed and walked out of the bushes and saw a winged she-wolf laying on the ground. He noticed her bleeding paw and walked slowly forward, knowing she might still be paniced. When he stopped in front of the female he looked up and looked at the metal rope, still hanging from the tree.
He looked down at the female and gave a sigh, "Need some help?" He asked calmly.
12:17pm Jul 14 2010
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12:43pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 1:39pm Jul 14 2010)
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Aria said,"You are a horrible liar." to Zane.
1:09pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Laken, can Mylovee take care of Fae? Its not fair that whenever she trys to interact with my charrys, yours come running to the rescue, ignoring her charrys.))
1:11pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Umm..... Zane and Aria found out that they were siblings, Fae got stuck in a trap, Aria saved her and is now laying on the ground by the broken trap with a hurt paw, with Shadow asking her is she needed any help :D))
1:14pm Jul 14 2010
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Fae's heart was pumping a mile an hour. When she saw a stranger wolf, she thought he was going to attack her. She was still panicing, but let out a small sigh of relief when the stranger wolf asked if she needed any help, he was obviously a good wolf, and wasent going to hurt her. "I got stuck in a trap.." She whimpered. "I'm out now, but my paw is severly injured." She told him." The metal ropes got too tight...and cut right through my fur and paw.."
1:15pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 1,058
((Sorry :( I way bored))
1:18pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Can you edit your post Laken? So thatAria diddent carry her away? :) ))
1:24pm Jul 14 2010
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Shadow sighed and looked around. He trotted off and soon came back with a few materials, some leaves and some bark. He wrapped the leaves around her paw first, then wrapped it with the bark, then to hold it all together the tied a few thin vines around it.
He sighed and looked down at her paw, "Hopefully that should help for now." He said calmly, "Can you stand?" he asked softly, before looking back up at the metal rope.
1:38pm Jul 14 2010
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Fae looked down at her paw, then she looked up. "I think so..." Fae fluttered into the air and calmly landed on all fours. But right when she stood up, she fell right down. Letting out a grunt of annoyance, she tried again, and again and again. She hissed to herself, and stood up one last time, and she stood up. "Yup, I can stand." She smiled to herself.
1:57pm Jul 14 2010
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"Do you have a den or something near here where you can stay till your paw heals?" He asked looking away from the rope and back down at her.
2:09pm Jul 14 2010
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"I'm afraid not..." Fae sighed. "I was going to make one, But I got trapped by that cursed thing." She gestured the ropes hanging from the tree. "Its like humans are tracking me!" She barked. " I'm always getting stuck in there traps!" She snarled. "And to make things worse, I can hear beeping! And I don't know why!"
2:19pm Jul 14 2010
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Shadow looked kind of shocked and took a few steps back, "You must have a tracker somewhere on you." He said then gave a sigh, "I'll take you to my den. You can rest there." He said before turning and walking a few steps towards the bush he had come out of, then looked back at her, "Do you need help to walk, or can you fly that far?"
2:21pm Jul 14 2010
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"I can probrably fly there." She said. "And...What is a tracker?" She had a confused look on her face.
2:24pm Jul 14 2010
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2:32pm Jul 14 2010
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