4:04pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Fae flinched. She opened her eyes to be covered in black, She finnaly noticed Shadow was hiding her. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. The foorsteps got closer. They were directly outside the den entrance. Zane hissed. His eye twitched and he covered his eyes. When he removed his paw, one of his eyes were blood red. Horrible memories came back......He sorta lied to Aria......It would just hurt her more if he told her....He did the right thing, not telling her about there family...He thought to himself.
4:07pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Shadow closed his eyes tighter, hoping the humans would just leave.
4:36pm Jul 19 2010
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Zane remembered a bad memory from his past..... He was just a pup, walking back to his family to show them his first kill....Humans were everywhere....They were loading wolves into crates everywhere. Some other wolves were fighting back, to be shot by some kind of feathery darts.....The wolves quickly fell asleep. He thought they were killing them......He cried and hid under a tree. Zane came too and jumped out of hiding, snarling and baring his teeth...... Fae heard the humans moving into the den.....She prepared to run, but everything stopped when she heard the sound of wolf snarls......
6:58pm Jul 19 2010
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Aria saw Zane's troubled look and asked, "What is the matter?" softly. ((So braindead i gonna die...))
8:03pm Jul 19 2010
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Zane ignored his sister and tackled one of the humans. He clamped his powerful jaws into the humans neck, blood spattering all over him. Once he finished off the human he turned to the other.....
8:05pm Jul 19 2010
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Shadow looked up in shock at the sound of the attack. He stood up and looked at the still hidden entrancem but didn`t make a move forward.
8:08pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Fae smelled blood. "Blood....." She whispered. She got up from under Shadow and crept to the entrance. She found a small hole and looked out. She saw a horrific sight....A wolf was killing everything in his path.....
8:17pm Jul 19 2010
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"I wouldn`t stand there if i were you." Shadow said calmly sitting down.
8:52pm Jul 19 2010
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She had to help.....That wolf was going to slaughter the humans like prey! She really wanted them to die, but like this?! No! She had to help! That wolf was on a killing rampage! She dug unde the hole and slipped onto the other side to trip in a puddle of blood. The wolf's eyes were blood red....Like what now littered the ground. He was about to kill another human. She ahd to do something......She jumoed up and tackled the wolf. Zane, thinking a human was attacking him, he pushed the wolf off him and sank his teeth into her neck.....
8:56pm Jul 19 2010
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Shadow ran out and lunged at Zane. He tired to pin the other wolf down and get him off of her.
9:02pm Jul 19 2010
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Zane snarled at Shadow. He was just putting a filthy human in its place! He said to himself, He then noticed what eh attacked.....It was Fae....He shook his head in disbelief. He jumped off her and a tear rolled down his face. "I-I Thought...I Diddent..." He started. He backed away, she ran out into the forest. Fae layed on the ground, motionless. Her only movement was her chest barely rising and falling, shoing that she was alive.
9:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Shadow snarled at Zane till he left, then turned back to Fae and layed next to her and started to lick her wound, "You`ll be okay." He said nuzzling her gently, "I promise."
9:15pm Jul 19 2010
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Fae flinched slightly everytime Shadow licked her wound. She layed in a ouddle of her own blood, her brown pelt was now almost covered in blood. Her wings were dull and layed in awkward angles.
9:21pm Jul 19 2010
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Shadow sighed and stopped licking her wound. He didn`t know what to do now. He looked back in the direction Zane had ran and growled loundly again.
9:26pm Jul 19 2010
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Fae moved her legs, trying to get up. She tried to get up again by lifting her head ,but failed.
9:27pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Stop trying to get up. You`re just gonna cause yourself to bleed more." He said laying back down next to her, "Just stay down." He said sadly.
9:36pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Fae shokk her head the best she could. She lifted helf of her body up, but fell back down. She kicked her back legs in hope of it helping her get up.
9:38pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Shadow sighed and put his paw on her shoulder, "Really Fae, stop."
9:41pm Jul 19 2010
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~Why?~ She thought to herself. ~Why dosen't Shadow want me moving?~ She added. She looked up at Shadow with sadness in her eyes. Was she going to die?
9:59pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Shadow sighed and nuzzled her softly. He lifted her gently and put her onto his back then took her back into the den and layed her on his bed. Then walked around and layed next to her again.