1:19pm Jul 12 2010
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(( *waits for someone to post*))
1:34pm Jul 12 2010
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Strange Silhouette... | Look! Over there! No, over there! Do you see that? What is it? What in the name of Rescreatu could it possibly be? | click="closeNotify();"> |
1:36pm Jul 12 2010
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1:37pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 1:39pm Jul 12 2010)
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(( Ok! :D *waits some more* ))
1:42pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Lev sat beneath the tree he called home, staring out at the rain from within his den. He growled, shifting to scratch at his chain. It was annoying. He wanted it off. But he knew it would probably never come off.
Achlys stepped right through the rain, her colorless eyes searching. She soon sat down and just stared up at the sky in the middle of a clearing, not caring that she was getting wet and that she was cold. She tilted her head, ears pricking forward.
1:45pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Lolz someone interact to meh charrys xD ))
1:54pm Jul 12 2010
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Iceis lay on the river bank on her side. She had already gotten her drink of water, so water droplets flowed down her wet muzzle. She panted quietly from the run she had given a large rabbit. Her lips and teeth were still had the light blood stains from her meal. The shewolf stood and shook off before starting to get another drink. She lifted her head at the sound of a male`s howl. She growled quietly to herself before icnoring it and going back to her drink. Shadow lay curled up silently in the shade. He pitch black coat blending him in perfectly. He had his eyes closed, so their bright blue color wouldn`t show where he was. He lay listening for some unsuspecting prey to pas.s, which would be his chance at an easy meal. Hunter sat on a large rock. The rock her mother and father had told her to wait at. She had been sitting there for almost two days and was very hungry and thirsty. She could hear the water flowing in the river, but her parents had told her to stay and wait for them, so that`s exactly what she was gonna do till they got back. Romeo sat under the shade of a tree. He smelt the air and smiked. He threw his head back and let out a long, steady, but soft calling howl. He held the same note out for a few seconds before taking a quick breath and letting the pitch rise a little higher than the last note. His pitch changing howl sounded almost of a soft lullaby.

2:03pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 2:09pm Jul 12 2010)
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Starfrost lifted her head, and listened to a howl of a male. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the soft lullaby that was a howl. It was now barely sprinkling, and Starfrost decided to go out for a walk. She sat up and trotted out of her warm den. She shivered as a small, cold gust of wind buffeted against her. She jumped in a puddle and yipped happily as the water and mud flung up at her. Her now white coat was brown from the mud. She diddent care. Calyx smiled. ~Finnaly the rain has stopped!~ She smiled, trotting out from under a big leaf that she used for cover from the rain. When she inhailed the scents of the forest. Wait....Something wasen't right......Is that a pup I smell? All alone? She ran to the scent of the suposily alone pup. She ended up looking up at a Pup, all alone sitting on a rock. Aura yawned and opened his eyes. He looked down at the rabbit he was holding. He stood up, and stretched. He took a small bite of the rabbit, chewed, and swallowed. ~Full already...~ He thought, tossing the barely nibbled rabbit carcas.s to the side. He sat out of his den and watched the rain trinkle down him. Cinder smiled. ~Yay I can hunt!~ He told himself sarcastically. He padded to the spot where he had to choose the Moose, or Elk to hunt. ~Oh great!~ He snapped. ~The scents are gone!~ He snarled quietly.
2:10pm Jul 12 2010
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Hunter just sat staring at the path. She saw th new wolf out of the corner of her eye, but her father had told her not to talk to strangers, so she did just that and icnored the she-wolf.
2:14pm Jul 12 2010
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Calyx lowered her head at the Pup. She was ignoring her. ~I wonder what she is waiting for?~ She thought to herself. She shrugged. ~Lets find out....~ She thought. Calyx padded to the Pup. "Hello." She woofed to her. "Who are you? Where are your parents?" She asked.
2:20pm Jul 12 2010
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Hunter just kept staring at the path and was about to answer Calyx`s questions, then remembed her dad and stopped. She just continued to sit there and wait for her parent`s to get back.
2:23pm Jul 12 2010
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"Hello...?" Calyx said, looking at the pup. ~Is she lost?~ She asked herself. ~Is she waiting for someone?~ She added. ~Oh! She must be waiting fo her parents!~ She smiled. "WIll you atleast tell me your name? I'm not going to hurt you..>"She told the pup.
2:28pm Jul 12 2010
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"My daddy told me I can`t talk to strangers." Hunter said quietly, not moving a muscle in her baddly underweight body. She frowned as her stomach growled hungerly.
2:35pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx sighed. She listened to the hungry pup waiting for her parents to return. She ran into the bushes and came back with a small rabbit. She nudged it to the pup. "How long have you been waiting?" Calyx asked the pup. She looked very underweighed to her.
2:38pm Jul 12 2010
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"My mama and daddy went on a big hunt, that`s why it`s taken them so long. They`re bringing back lost of food, so I won`t need that." She said looking dor at the rabbit. She was so hungry and wanted so badly to eat, but her parents would be home soon. "It won`t take them much longer, they`ve already been gone two or three days, so they should be on their way back." She said looking back up at the path.
2:41pm Jul 12 2010
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"Well Ok...." Calyx layed down. "But if they don't come back in a little while, will you take the rabbit?" She asked. "You must be hungry...I don't think your parents would like you to be this hungry when they get here." She told the pup.
2:43pm Jul 12 2010
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"I don`t need the rabbit, they`ll be back with lots of food for me." She growled quietly, still staring at the path, wishing her parent`s would come running back.
2:47pm Jul 12 2010
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Calyx sighed and layed down. ~What if her parents didden't come back?~ She thought to herself. ~ And what if the pup starves waiting for her parents to come back?~ She whimpered slightly. Well, she had nothing else to do.....So she decided to stay with the pup, hoping she would eat.
2:52pm Jul 12 2010
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(Not sure what to post now)
2:53pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
((Lolz me too xD))