2:55pm Jul 12 2010
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2:56pm Jul 12 2010
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(( *thinks with Mylovee* ))
3:36pm Jul 12 2010
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3:51pm Jul 12 2010
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(You're not suppost to bump if it's still on the first page. *Still thinking*)
3:53pm Jul 12 2010
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(( Ok.. ...*Waits for Rika* ))
4:03pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( Mercy's here!!)
4:05pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm Jul 13 2010)
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Name-Angel Age-young Adult Mate?/Crush?-Cinder Gender-Female Persona-Sweet, but can snap a bone Looks- History-Cinder knows, hehehehe..
6:21pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Awesome Mercy! :D Pop in when ever ^^ ))
6:27pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Is it too late to join?}} BIO: Name- Ace Age- Adult Mate?/Crush?- Open Gender- Female Persona- Can i rp it out?it would take to long for me to explain seeing as their personas change all the time depending on my mood. Looks- Pure white wolf with black Ace of spaides marking on her right front leg. History- Would take to long to explain and my creativity has run out... ~ BIO: Name- Spade Age- Adult Mate?/Crush?- Open Gender- Male Persona- Like i said in Ace's bio... Looks- He looks like basically a silver zenirix(but more wolfy-ish) with emerald green eyes. History- Would take too long to explain and would be VERY boring...
6:39pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Nope its not too late Ranni :) Accepted both :D Just pop in anywhere!))
6:45pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Not quite sure how to jump in honestly...}}
6:49pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Hrmm..... Just post your intro and I'll get one of my charrys find 'em :D ))
6:56pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{That works.They're in a forest right?just making sure because i've done some odd ones where there were wolf packs were in new york city...}} Ace relaxed under a tall leafy oak.She enjoyed the shade very much so when it was hot...well even when it wasn't too hot she'd lounge under the same tree,waiting for her brother Spade to return with the game. Spade sniffed along the bases of random trees,bushes and rabbit holes for pure amuzement.After all he was the type who wished to explore the ends of the earth.He took off after the rabbit who he foolishy missed when it came out of its rabbit hole. {{Woulda been longer but i'm brain dead...}}
7:08pm Jul 12 2010
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Nyght groaned. He lifted his head to look around, then layed back down. ~ I can't move my legs!~ He hissed to himself. He huffed, and lifted half of his body. He fell back down with another grunt. ~Ok....Lets try this again.....~ He thought. He stretched his legs as far as they could go, he then lifted himself up. He yawned and sat up into a sitting position. He smelled the air, then hissed. ~A wolf on my grounds?~ He thought to himself. He snarled quietly and padded out of his den. He ran through the brush and looked for any sign or an intruder wolf. He looked up at a towering Oak tree, then looked down. Laying down under the leafy Oak, a beautiful She-wolf. All his anger escaped him and he sighed. He looked up at the she-wolf and smiled slightly. He walked out of the bushes to showhimself and sat down.
7:12pm Jul 12 2010
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{{I gotta go...}} Ace glanced up with her blue eyes to see what appeared to a handsom grey wolf."Hello," she said in a friendly tone. {{Ugh,Writers block...}}
7:16pm Jul 12 2010
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(( See yah later ^^)) "Why hello there." Nyght answered, padding up to the pretty she-wolf. "Might I ask who you are?" He smiled warmly at her. -fail-
7:19pm Jul 12 2010
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{{i can slide one more reply in...}} "I'm Ace,and you are?" She asked.Ace wagged her tail slightly,She rarely met anyone new.
7:52pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Such a lovely name for a lovely wolf." He smiled at her, his tail wagging slightly also. "I am he called Nyght." He told her. (( Writers block :())
8:05pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Teh heh,Back for a bit.}} "Why thankyou,your name suits you well too." Ace said kindly.She wasn't one to be rude unless she was pizzed for some reason...
8:21pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Is it too late to join? ))