1:50pm Jul 13 2010
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"Yeah lots of it..." she muttered. When she tried to walk she again fell. "My stupid leg!" Aria stood and limped towards thestream. When she got there she plopped down and just laid there. Maybe she could make her den somewhere near here...
1:51pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko happily padded through a forest, Coming upon a clearing. -fail-
1:52pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Umm.....You can find one of my charrys ^^ ))
1:53pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack padded up to the fallen wolf, looking at her curiously. "What happened to you?" He asked her gruffly, his voice telling no emotion.
1:54pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Starfrost jumped in a small stream to wash off. When water touched her pelt, it would sparkle. She shook the water off her pelt, but her coat was still glimmering. She shrugged and ran off, soon to find Reoko.
1:54pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"She twisted her paw," Spade said using the same lifeless tone Jack had used.He wasn't so sure about this wise guy... Ace said,"sure,doesn't matter to me."She loved chasing rabbits or deer but an elk would be fantastic!
1:55pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Jul 13 2010)
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Aria looked back at this other wolf then at Spade. "Okay?" Aria laughed. She turned back to the stream and put her paw in it and swooshed it around. ((still braindead))
1:56pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Reoko stepped back, Looking at the sparkling wolf. "Hello there." She said, Grinning. Lowering her haunched to the gra.ss she swished her tail and flicked one of her ears.
1:58pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
"Hiya." She said playfully. "Who are you?" She asked, wagging her tail. She jumped in a small puddle and giggled. "I'm STarfrost." "Ok, lets go." He said, beginning to follow the scent.
2:00pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"Well hello there, Starfrost." She said, "My name is Reoko.".
2:00pm Jul 13 2010
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Ace followed after him.She was getting excited about hunting and they hadn't even found the Elk yet!
2:05pm Jul 13 2010
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2:06pm Jul 13 2010
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Cinder listened to the two she-wolfs. He sighed, and stepped out of the brush, showing himself to the two wolf's. "Hello...Starfrost." He looked at Starfrost. Starfrost hissed quietly and turned the other way, ignoring him. Cinder sighed, "I don't want to go through this again, we agreed to stay off eachothers territory." He said. (( Cinder and Starfrost are Siblings, and hate eachother xD))
2:11pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Ouch, need help? And is the bone showing?" Jack asked, concern etching into his tone. Just barely.
2:12pm Jul 13 2010
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Nyght crept low to the ground. "Here.." He whispered, pointing to a small elk herd. "Ready?"
2:13pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 2:14pm Jul 13 2010)
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Spade said,"It's fine.We'll be able to handle it"His voice showed more caring for Aria than he realized.Than he stopped a moment...he'd just said ''We'll '' Ace padded after him an replied,"Yup."
2:17pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 1,058
Aria heard the 'We'll' and got butterflies. "Thank you." she said to Spade. She looked over at the other wolf and said "Thanks for caring though." She smiled and turned back around. ((Stupid brain))
2:17pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack ignored him, inspecting the paw. "One second..." He muttered, sprinting into the woods. He came back with some leaves, dropping them next to her. Chew and swallow these, it'll reduce and numb the pain.
2:17pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Ok On Three...." He dug his claws into the earth. "One...." He started. "Two....." His heart was racing. "Three!" He jumped up out of the brush and grabbed onto a Cow Elk. He clung to its back, and was bashed around. "Weeeeeeee!"
2:22pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Ace then came afte rthe elks legs and managed to lock her jaws and she injured it before leaping back and attacking its opposite rear leg. Spade nodded.