5:08pm Mar 17 2010
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Jazz came galloping out of seemigly nowhere. "I'll go!" She said excitedly. Looking from Chaos to Bryr to Lucian. She knew that Chaos didn't have the hear to say no to her, he was like the loveable big brother she never had. "Please Lucian?" She asked. "Wel,, Jazz, I don't know... It'll be really dangerous. What if you walk into trap?" He asked, looking down at her as she stood in front of him. She looked up at him with her big eyes. "I don't...see why not! What do you think Ari-" He stopped when he saw the menace on Aria's face. "I mean no. Sorry Jazz." He said, turning away from her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59pm Mar 17 2010
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Zallion padded over to them. "I'll join you too." he said quietly, though he was rather exited himself. Akari watched the other wolves. I'll stay here with Keevler and Tolto, she thought, walking up to them. "So," she said, trying to begin a conversation with the older wolf. "Tell me about yourself." Sirius looked at Tolto. "Where d'you think they're going?"
11:47pm Mar 17 2010
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Tolto shrugged. "I don't know." He replied then heard Akari walking up to them. "Where are they going?" He asked her, pointing his muzzle toward the group of wolves. Lucian looked down at Jazz. "You can come with us on these kind of things when you orlder," he spoke gently. "Chaos is right, it dangerous, and I don't think you want to walk into one of those traps and get a wound like Felan's."
12:11am Mar 18 2010
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Akari smiled down affectionately at Tolto. "Well, they're going on a real dangerous mission. To see if the humans have laid any more traps for us." She glanced across at Felan. Is he okay? She loped over to him and looked at the gash. "Does it hurt a lot? Is there anything I can do, Felan?"
1:45am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 38
"Ready?" Bryr asked, she'd calmed tremendously in the past few minutes. She needed to be if she were to be of any help without getting herself injured in any way. Taking another look at Felan, Bryr moved to leave but stoped to wait on the others.
9:52am Mar 18 2010
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Lucian nodded. He was ready. He turned to Chaos and Zallion, wondering if they were ready to go as well. Lucian looked at his brother, who lay on the ground and lapped at the pool water. The way he lapped at the water made Lucian wonder if he was bothered by something. His leg? Probably, he did get hurt. He thought.
7:56am Mar 19 2010
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Zallion, glancing back worriedly at Felan, nodded at Lucian. "Ready when you are." he said, flicking his tail excitedly.
5:37pm Mar 19 2010
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"Ready." Chaos said, turning to the others. "Ok..." Jazz said, lowering her head and tail. She backed up to Aira resting on her legs for comfort. Aria nuzzled her. "I'm sorry Jazz. But you're too young to go out there yet, your bones aren't as strong as Felan's are." She said refering to how Felan's leg could have been snapped in two. "I know..." Jazz said, /I'll follow them./ SHe thought. /I'll show them a trap and then they'll have to let me go out more on my own!/
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:39pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 38
"Alright then, I guess we should go." she said turning, again, to leave. Getting to the trees edge, Bryr stopped once more and turned to Felan, "You'll be fine here, right?" she questioned. It was no secret how much she cared for him but she would let him chose what he wanted in his life. She wasn't going to try and force anything from him, that was also no secret to the others.
1:18am Mar 20 2010
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Felan looked at Bryr then nodded. "Yeah," he replied. "Thanks for helping me get back to camp." He added then began licking his wound. Lucia gave a nod then headed out of camp. But before he did, he murmured, "Take care, Felan." to his brother. "You take care, too." Felan had replied.
9:08am Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:23am Mar 20 2010)
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OoC: This will be my last post for a few days. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, back after about three weeks D8 I'm really sorry. But I'll post if I can when on vacation ^^ Zallion silently followed Bryr, his ears cocked in rapt attention. He wondered if the humans would launch an attack if they saw them when they spotted them. Probable. he thought, letting his soft brown eyes travel over the undergrowth, scanning it for traps. They couldn't have laid any here - too close to the camp. But you never know.
10:18am Mar 20 2010
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((Oh, okay, Akari.)) Lucian padded out of camp and turned to Bryr. "Maybe we could check where you and Felan were at," he suggested. He could pick up the scent of both Felan and Bryr from a certain direction, so he thought they had come from there.
4:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Chaos said goodbye to Aria and Jazz and followed them other from the camp. "That saounds about right." Chaos said from the back of the line. He watched his paws in front of him, and out to the sides. "Even if we don't find new ones we should take the one the Felan happened upon. Just so the humans can't reset it." "Alright. Be safe Chaos!" Aria warned as he disappearewd from sight. He was the closet thing to family she had, she sighed and looked down at Jazz. "Come. Let get some food and water for Felan." She backed up slowly so as to not drop Jazz on the ground. "Ok." Jazz said, she stood up and followed Aria over to the kill that Chaos had made before this commotion had happened. "I'll ge the water!" Jazz said as she crambled to the stream that was just at the edge of the camp. " Ok." Aria replyed after she had torn a back leg off of the large animal. She picked the leg up and carried it over to where Felan was. Dropping it, "Here. You need your strength." She said, scooting the leg closer to him with her nose. "Jazz is getting some water for you now." She said, just as that was out of her mouth Jazz slipped out of the cmap ground and after the others.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:20pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 38
With a nod to Felan, Bryr turned her attention to Lucian and Chaos "Yes, let's do that. We'll go to where Felan was injured, pick up the contraption that did that to him and dump it in the river along with what others we can find." she said moving into the woods, disappearing into the shadows. Something she was capable of when she wanted to be.
9:48pm Mar 21 2010
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Lucian watched Bryr go then followed the hunter. Obviously Bryr was better at disappearing into the shadows, but maybe that was because hunters needed it to make sure prey dosen't so them. He was a fighter like Felan before he became a beta. Felan gave a grateful nod to Aria. "Thanks," he said then put a front paw on the back leg of an animal Aria had given him. He pulled a chunk of the meet from the leg and began chewing, swallowing it after a while.
11:04pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 38
Bryr had started to move quickly, keeping her eyes open for anything that seemed wrong or out of place, she also continually sniffed the air and ground, looking for the scent of humans that she grown very familiar with. After a few moments, Bryr stopped at the disturbed contraption that had nearly insnared Felan. Grabbing the chain that was well buried in the dirt, well enough that an insnared animal would not has the strength to pull it out. With another yank the chain came loose and Bryr was moving again. She was ansy, it was noticable, and the smell of human was becoming clearer as she moved fast but wary through the trees. Another hundred some odd yards and Bryr stopped at a spot where you could see the sharp metal teeth poking through the dead leaves that were covering it.
10:10am Mar 22 2010
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Lucian followed Bryr, his shoulder fur bristling angrily when the humans' trap came in view. "Maybe we could activate the trap by making a stick touch it." He suggested, looking around for a stick that was long enough for a wolf to hold it and not get hurt when he pushed it into the trap.
3:33pm Mar 22 2010
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Chaos trotted up beside Lucian and Bryr. "Why not just drop that trap onto that one? He asked, looking from one to the other. "Two birds, one sone." He said. (( Anyone mind if Jazz is the one to be caught? )) Jazz trailed behind the others. Not too far as to where she couldn't see them, but not so close that they could see her either. She was looking for her own traps, not aware of a very different trap only inches from where she stood.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:12pm Mar 22 2010
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"That could work," Lucian replied then turned his attention to the trap they were going to activate. The teeth of the trap were sharp, and it was a good thing Felan didn't get his leg stuck in it. "Try dropping that trap on this one." He said to Bryr, pointing to the trap on the ground with his muzzle.
5:19pm Mar 23 2010
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bumpo! >83
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~