8:48am Nov 27 2010
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Logan stood up onto the ridge that overlooked where his wolves had denned for the night. He sniffed the air, his ears rotating, picking up any signs of a disturbance. He shot his gaze at the intruder that was so boldly communicating with his pack members. Logan sauntered up to Aero and the she-wolf, studying her, his body tense. "And you are?" There was no doubting that she was beautiful, but beauty could wait.
10:18am Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((awww no one likes Kazumi XD))
4:53pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 11:55am Nov 28 2010)
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Posts: 27
(May I join?) (edit: nevermind, I just realized that I could just join without asking :P)
5:27pm Nov 27 2010
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"Okay." Skye said, glancing around, "so is there a whole pack around here?" she asked. ((ugh FAIL XD))
8:28pm Nov 27 2010
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Logan growled at the newcomer. "Yes, my whole pack is here. State your reason for trespa.ssing onto my territory."
9:34pm Nov 27 2010
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Skye growled low in her throat. She wasnt used to being talked to like a lower pack member, The fur along her spine stood up, "My reason for being here is none of your business. Alpha or not. " She held her head up high and proud, "But since you must know, I'm here to hide from the humans, they destroyed my entire pack, and most of our territory, I should just hope they don't come here to your territory as well." she said. ((I <3 the chorus in the song I'm coming home by J.Cole. im Jammin to it XD))
9:40pm Nov 27 2010
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Logan snarled. How dare this wolf trespa.ss on his territory and show no respect. "You may leave now." He warned. "You are not welcome here. I do not tolerate those who do not respect."
9:58pm Nov 27 2010
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"Nor do I." Skye countered, "I may be young, but I have already led a pack. You don't intimidate me at all." She may have been smaller than Logan, but she was probably just as skilled a fighter.
10:00pm Nov 27 2010
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"But you are on my territory and you will learn how to respect." Logan countered. He would not fight her, it was against wolf code, but he would drive her off if necessary. "I did not ask if you had led a pack."
10:05pm Nov 27 2010
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"And I did not ask you to tell me what I should and Shouldn't do. Do I really look like a threat to your pack? I mean no harm, but I will not be spoken to as if I am any run-of-the-mill lone wolf." she said, "this territory doesnt belong to you. It belongs to the earth. And the humans think they have right to take it, so just watch yourself." she finished, turning and seeming to vanish between the trees.
10:12pm Nov 27 2010
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Logan snarled after her, his eyes filled with hate. No one can talk to him that way. He bounded after the lone wolf, skidding to a halt in front of her. "This has been my father's territory for many years, and his father before that, and so on. Yes, it belongs to this Earth, but so do we. I have protected these borders from strangers and other packs. I apologize if I come off as rude, but frankly, I will not have a rogue disrespect me."
10:16pm Nov 27 2010
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"Rouge?" She snarled loudly, "now you listen, and you listen well, I may have no pack anymore, but i never haver been, nor ever will be a rouge. And I will have nobody call me that, Alpha or not." she bared her fangs and pinned her ears back, "I'm not like any other lone wolf. I'm not alone because of choice, or exile, I'm alone because the humans killed everyone I knew and loved."
10:19pm Nov 27 2010
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Logan snarled back. "Do you think you are the only wolf with a sad story to tell? I had to grow up faster than my years to lead this pack because human shot my father down from a helicopter; and then left him there. And I shall call you as I please."
10:38pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 597
Following closely behind Logan, Aero spoke. "Logan, just let her down easy. I mean really, just a little reasoning wouldn't hurt anyone, would it?" He spoke calmly, stepping between the two.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:41pm Nov 27 2010
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"Aero, you know as well as anyone that I will not be talked to in that way. Ever." Logan spat.
10:49pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 597
Ears back, Aero stared at Logan. He couldn't just stand and watch the beautiful she-wolf get yelled at. "Logan.. my apologies. I just want to see you give Skye a chance. You both have gone through the same thing in life. I'm not trying to be disrespectful towards you, but she lost everything. I mean yeah, you lost your father and I know that he meant a lot, but could we give her a chance? To see how she fits in?" He pleaded, "She could be just the perfect finish for our pack," Aero said, giving Skye a small smile.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:57pm Nov 27 2010
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"You wouldn't understand." Logan said, shooting his ears forward in a threat.
11:00pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 597
"I think I know what to understand and what not to," Aero snapped.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:04pm Nov 27 2010
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Logan snapped his head toward Aero, snarling deeply, his lips curled back over his fangs, his muzzle ridiculously wrinkled. "Know your place." He warned.
11:10pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 597
Aero swallowed his growl. "You never know anything until you give it a chance."

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.