2:08pm Nov 28 2010
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Skye nodded her head to Fell, "I am Skye, and I'm new to this pack too." she said with a warm smile.
2:15pm Nov 28 2010
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Kazumi looked at KAze then the pups "brother will you mind these pups while i go see what is going on?" She asked him and smiled seeing him nod as she stood up letting him take her place as she ran out to see what was going on. Soon she was near Aero and logan and 4 wolves she didn't know walking closer she looked around wondering what was happening. She didn't go to close to Logan incase he attacked her she thought he was hansome and she didn't just want to be his mate because of his rank she wasn't like that it was because of how much he loved and protected the pack that she liked most about him, but no one seemed to want to be her mate so she would have to make do with adopting two abandoned pups insted of having her own.
2:19pm Nov 28 2010
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Logan looked at Kazumi. "Go back to the pups, your brother cannot watch them alone. All is well."
2:24pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 27
"Thank you" Fell said to Logan, then looked over to Skye, "my name is Fell." She said, smiling back. "And my name is Rush, and this is Halo, my sister." Said Rush, perking his ears.
2:28pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"Welcome to the pack, Halo, Rush and Fell." Logan replied, brushing them with the scent of his pack. But this time, he did not take the slow deliberation he did with Skye.
2:33pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him and nodded before walking back and laying with the pups making her brother stand up "that was fast what's up?" He asked talking about the comotion having Kazumi shrug "i have no clue Logan told me to come back." She said sighing as she licked the pups more having Yuki wake up and look around wondering where she was before seeing her new mum and yipped as she crawled closer.
3:40pm Nov 28 2010
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Skye sat on her haunches and let her tail thump the ground once, "Its great to meet you all. I feel better knowing I'm not the only new one here." she said with a nervous laugh.
6:58pm Nov 28 2010
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"I bet it is." Logan chuckled. He sniffed the air, his body tensing. "Caribou herd. Let's go." He instructed. He sat back, threw his head up, and howled.
7:49pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 27
Rush and Halo perked their ears up in attention at the words "caribou herd."
8:35pm Nov 28 2010
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Logan looked over his shoulder at Skye, smirking to himself. "Not such a good hunter, eh? Then let me teach you!"
8:55pm Nov 28 2010
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Shadow growled his ears sticking strait up and his hacles rising "others!" he snarled as he turned to where the howl had come from. Patch jumped up and down, her tail waging madly "a pack! A pack!" she yipped prancing around the clearing. Patch raised her head and howled back.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:14pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 27
Fell rotated a ear towards the direction of the howl, then turned her head towards the howl as well.
10:23pm Nov 28 2010
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Logan growled. That howl was not from his Pack. "The audacity..."
10:37pm Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 27
Rush sniffed in the air for a while "There's two of them" He said finally.
2:45am Nov 29 2010
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((awww alot of new members XD)
3:32pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 597
Ears perker, Aero followed Logan. The howl went through his body, setting off flares. There's more?! He thought to himself. Taking quick glances at Skye, he smiled to himself flushing with blush, he would look away. God.. She's so beautiful.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
3:41pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((i is bored again XD))
5:02pm Nov 29 2010
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Skye brushed up against Aero, "is it always this exiting around here?" she asked with a grin. She twitched her ears, "Hey Logan, do you want me and Aero to go hunting? Then I can learn about the territory and maybe even catch a meal." she asked.
5:54pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No, I don't want you to." Logan answered bluntly. "I am tired of wolves on my land. These will not be invited. Let's go."
5:57pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 597
Aero shrugged then bumped up against Skye. "You heard him," Aero said to Skye with a wink. "So where might we be going, Logan?" Aero asked happily. "So they just sent you back here?" Ember asked Kazumi in shock.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.