4:09pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Jun 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
Well hello there! if your on this page, its eather because you feel sorry for me... or you actually wana RP ^_^. Rules and stuff. + post you Bio with what you want place you want + No PP or GM, UNLESS its only a one off, like a bar owner or something who no one plays. + Max of 2 characters per person. + NOOOOO Twilight references, so no vampires or were-wolf allowed (yes im crule ^_^) however Shape shifters are allowed but a max of two more (cos my charrie is one {12-}. and sorry, but only one other form. Unless you ask :P + Post Lets RP in a colour. + Demons, Elementals, Shinobi, shape shifters, mages etc are allowed, and they can be mixed, so an elemental shinobi for example :P + Romance and violence are allowed + this is a Semi literate RP, so NO one liners, at least five (write brain dead if you cant think of anything, but if you do it in succession i know your up to something.) + Dont go overboard with your powers (if you choose to have any) Plot Set at Hells Cross, which is a violent town at the foot of a mountain. surrounded by a thick forest, it is full of Bounty hunters, Exiles, and well... people. (we will continue from here ^_^) Bio: Name: Age (appears/actual): Ocupation: (traveler, exile, bounty, etc) Species/ power: Looks (pic prefered, and add any other items in a deion): Persona (RP it out allowed): Other/History?: Any questions ASK! Dragonstar is allowed the character, cos a lot of effort went into it. is an exception ^_^ ilovetoshiro = Lucifer, Katana DrEaMxxEaTER = Book, Tokko mercyme6 = Angel Dragonstar = Ariskye Siome bluestarr = Jacelyn Iressin, Amara Iressin paigecam = Danica Soto
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:23pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:24pm Jun 28 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Join as a Demon? -has a character itching to use- Lets RP
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:30pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
OoC:// yup, you can join
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:33pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 265
OoC: Can I join as one of the shifters?
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
4:35pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((Join as a Mage, please? Let's RP))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:37pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Jun 28 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
Bio Name: Katana Age (appears/actual): 17/17 Ocupation: Traveller Species/ power: Human Shape-shifter into white Alsatian, Shinobi, chosen weapon black Katana. and element cards, (air, shadow) Looks:  wears shorts under skirt Persona: Optomistic Other/History: companions with lucifer Bio: Name: Lucifer Age (appears/actual): 22/ Ocupation: Traveler Species/ power: Demon, air elemental (im keeping to the name) can summon white angelic wings. Looks : Ignore the nakedness, he has the same clothes on 
Persona : a bit of a flirt. appears kind, has a dark side. Other/History?: companions with katana. his shirt has rips in the back from his wings.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:38pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Thanks. And I kind-of have to warn you. 'Tis long...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:39pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
OoC:// Blue, read everything, paige, yus
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:40pm Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 5,310
X- Name -X Ariskye Siome [Are-e-sky Sci-o-me] X- Age -X Unknown; Looks 20 X- Gender -X Female X- Species -X Demon X- Occupation -X Wanted Exile X- Appearance -X Demon Ariskye has alien crimson eyes that betray no emotion whatsoever and unnerve people to no end. But when she gets angry enough, black cat-like pupils will fade into the crimson eyes. Her hair is long, blue-black in colour and ends at her hips. When it is up, her hair ends at her waist. Not to mention that it is silky smooth and super soft. She doesn't wear the normal clothes of the humans, well... not it this form. She prefers to wear metallic black armour. It is only on her top like a sleeveless shirt, but it ends under her bust and curves around to neck where a black cowl is attached. And when it is pulled up, her face is cast into shadows. Hugging her hips are tight leather pants that end at her knees and is covered by black metal chain mail. She wears nos shoes. But tied around her waist is a black leather belt that can be used to hold any type of weapon. Ariskye stands at six feet four. The colour of her skin is hard to determined because she is covered in blue-black scales. Sprouting from in between her shoulder blades are large bird wings with black feathers and the five fingers of the standard dragon wing. The wing span is eighteen feet. Ten inches below the first pair is another that only has a nine feet wing span. Her spine continues out into a very long, flexible tail that ends in the traditional spade. Silver slashes outline the spade. Her fingernails are long, wickedly curved talons and can be sheathed to look like normal fingernails; and the nails are black. The heels of her feet are brought up so she can walk on the balls of her feet. She has four toes on each foot and they are tipped with black talons that are curved back towards her foot. Jutting out in the middle of her feet is another toe with another curved black talon that helps her grip into surfaces more easily. Ariskye has no fangs, all her teeth are sharp, pointed and curved towards the back of her throat. Though her canines are slightly longer. She also has a barbed, forked tongue. Human Ariskye still has her crimson eyes, but this time, they are confined to two small circles surrounded by white. Again, the pupils only show whenever she gets angry enough. She still still has her hip-length blue-black hair, but when it is up, part of it covers the left side of her face. Ariskye is dressed in black that is completely out of whack against her pale-white skin. Her shirt ends at her waist while it curves around her neck, and it is skin-tight. Her pants start at her hips and goes down long, muscular legs until it reaches her ankles. The pants are also skin-tight. Her shoes are black boots with silver skull fastenings. The boots also have two inch heels. Black scales curl down her arms until it ends at her wrists, looking like a long tattoo. Her fingernails resemble claws and they are tapered to a pretty sharp point. Her canines are slightly longer and she looks animalistic when she smiles. Her hair covers slightly pointed ears. Ariskye stands at six foot one. X- Personality -X Ariskye is very mysterious in her actions because her species is unseen or unheard of by most. But when she does let somebody befriend her, she is very loyal and protective. Fierce and aggressive when caught in a corner or a fight. X- Powers -X Ariskye's powers are different than everybody things. They are wild and sometimes uncontrollable, but she can keep a tight lease on them... when she feels like it. Shadow Control; It naturally rolls over her shoulders, wings, and tail. And it makes her a bit more intimidating when she is fighting an opponent. Fears; She can find them out and replay them over and over until she deems it necessary to stop. It happens when her pupils fade into being. Flight; She has two sets of wings that she can use when she is flying. Either at the same time or separately. Shapeshifting; She can turn into a total of five different animals: reptile [dragon], big cat [king cheetah], bird [osprey], canine [wolf], and human. But, with each transformation she does, it costs a little bit of her strength. Shadow Portal; She can create a portal by using the shadows around her to make it. Sometimes, she can go to other dimensions or other worlds. Fire Control; It is silver, and hotter than the regular type of fire. Some say that it can be so hot, it's cold. She can also bend it quite easily. Lightning Control; Use it to summon swords and other things. Can also bend it quite easily. Telepathy; She can read people's minds', project thoughts, erase memories, project a working shield, and blast people with a mental blast that sends them flying. X- Other -X She was born human with the soul of an ageless demon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:41pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 265
OoC: Oops, didnt see TT.TT XD lol Lets RP!
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
4:43pm Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 1,805
OoC:// Blue now yus ^_^
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:45pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Name: Danica Soto Age (appears/actual): Appears Eighteen, and is Eighteen. x3 Ocupation: Traveller. Species/ power: Mage..and, well, she's a Mage. :3 Looks: 
Persona (RP it out allowed): She's very outgoing and fiesty. Danica will stand up for her loved ones at any moment. She can also be very flirty if she wants to be. Other/History?: Nothing of importance.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:51pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
OoC:// Dragon, you've gone a bit overboard on the shape shifting and powers wouldn't you say? if you try cutting down the shape shifting? all the other powers are very original ^_^
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:55pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -cocks eyebrow- She came with them. She is supposed to destroy the world... well... in another roleplay that I need to post. -scratches head-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:58pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
OoC:// *Shrugs* Okey doke, i will put an acception in the first post for you, K? i will also mark you off as a shape shifter place.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:02pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 5:12pm Jun 28 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
Bio:Lets Rp!
Name:Angel Age (appears/actual):Appears- 14 Actual-14 Ocupation: (traveler, exile, bounty, etc)Traveler/begger/orphan Species/ power:Mind powers. Sees future, makes illusions, can levitate, and read minds. Looks (pic prefered, and add any other items in a deion): Persona (RP it out allowed):Rp it out
Other/History?:Angel has a bad history. She is quick and steals from the rich. She was abandoned by her owners, for she was a slave.The orphanage did not let her in for reason untold, so she wanders the streets alone. She has weapons of all kinds but uses one the most. An unbreakable bamboo stick given to her as a reward in a wrestling match.
5:03pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Alright! -punches air with fist-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:08pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
OoC:// Mercy, not accepted, read everything again. and the bamboo cane, it can be unbreakable, but it cant be something that can knock everyone down just like that.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:10pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 265
Name:Jacelyn Iressin Age: 17, looks younger Ocupation: Exile Species/ power: Shifter into a small cat, which Amara carries with her whenever in public. She can also talk in her mind to Amara Looks : Persona : RP it out Other/History?: will reveal later on Name: Amara Iressin Age : 15, looks 15 Ocupation: traveller with Jacelyn Species/ power: can control water, turn it into ice, melt it, etc. She can Also talk to Jacelyn in her mind Looks: Persona: RP it out Other/History?: will reveal later on
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
5:11pm Jun 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
OoC:// Like mah charrie?? She's mystacal.... * stares at Angel* So much work...