12:10pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 12:10pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 33
(I'll join, If I may.. Odd powerz time? :3) Name: Kiro
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Deion [pics allowed]: About 5'2 in height,
History [optional]: He was considered a freak, and abandon in where the wildlife refuge, some legendary floating ruins. Where he was raised by something that was defiantly not human. When the king found him, some odd figures flew away, He attacked, but he was "Persuaded" to join him, he was thought to speak English at an incredibility fast rate. He speaks an odd language that he said translates to "Shadow wing" in English.
Personality [optional]: He is emotionless, and acts almost robotic. He is a tactical genius, but only cares about results. He is cold, as said before emotionless, he perfers to stay away from others out of pure hatred for what this race has done to the planet. He is however, almost entirely obedient to anyone "Close" to him, but in a bl ink of an eye he could easily betray you. Powers [3, max]:He can turn into shadows, hiding from most sight, but if the light shines on him, his shadow can be seen. it looks just like him. If he is not using this power, he has no shadow. When angered, he can summon "shadow tendrils" from below his foes, they often have spikes covering them, and lastly, he is extremely agile, he can jump nearly thirty feet, and run very quick.

12:33pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay so when can we start?XD))
6:34pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I think we have enough people to start now ;3 I'll start. I'll post as soon as I can.
6:39pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay, awesome.XD))
6:53pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 11:29pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 33
(I hope I was accepted. you go back and look, and your powers were alredy taken.. sorta. @____@)
1:15pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Bump. Are we starting?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:50pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 33
(Apperantly soon. :B -shot-)
6:35pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Sorry. D; Posting now :3 Damien Fenris looked with satisfaction at the huge room, the "Thief headquarters" basically, and thought how much profit he was gaining from everything. Who would have thought that the gentlemanly kind-hearted handsome young man Damien was actually the leader of a good number of kids and teens that were all thieves? Nobody. His secret was safe. His people of the City of Minae were all in poverty and were nothing special... It was best he gathered all of the talented people and- well, he would think about his future plans later. For now there everything else to think about. The large room was a broken down factory with a couple of old chairs, falling apart couches, a blanket or bed-type-thing on the floor here or there... But this broken down factory for the thieves was home to many "talented" individuals. Nightmare was one of them. Nightmare was smiling. She had just stolen a pair of new jeans; they were a little big, but were less worn than the pair she had on now. And they looked prettier. She had a dirty old cloth that was tied up and jingled as she walked. Damien saw Nightmare as she approached him. He smiled warmly at her. "Found a new pair of jeans, I see?" he asked kindly. He was like the father Nightmare never knew. She did not smile, but she threw her cloth of money towards Damien, who caught it. "Yeah." Damien could tell, though, that Nightmare was quite pleased with her steal. "How about you give the old pair to somebody who needs it," he suggested. He could be a nice guy after all...
6:41pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Hello there. May I join? :3))
7:10pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yes, you may. And you're accepted, Infernal. Sorreh. xD
10:12pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Dusk's profile reflected back at him from the murky waters of a poisoned lake. His face showed a somber ex pression, the same ex pression that had been there for many long and depressing years. Stomach hissing desperately, all Dusk could do was listen to it. He hadn't tasted even a lick of food in about a week and his strength was withering away rapidly. Fresh water was an issue as well, and every time Dusk cam across a tainted body of water his heart sank a little more. He felt death approaching. Dusk shivered at the cold gusts that blew through the area and began to wander back to his shelter, which sat on the outskirts of Minae. He arrived at his destination in a few minutes, glaring at the crude tent he had as.sembled out of elk remains. He thought back to the day he had the power and the chance to take down a lone elk that had pas.sed through. Animals were scarce, and he was lucky to have even seen one.
I\'m back.
7:13am Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Apr 16 2010)
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Name:Zynonia Coronat
Age:13(I think.) Gender:female Deion:As a human, Zynonia has pale skin with freckles and brown, slightly wavy hair. Her eyes are a muddy mix of green and brown. She is tall for her age, at about 5'9''. Her other form, which she calls a Karzon, can be seen at the page below. :3. Just remove the wing things.
http://pandameg199630.deviantart.com/art/Dramatic-pose-152111872History:Eh...I'm not brave enough to ask her. O_o
Personality:It can change sometimes. Really just depends on her situation. She will sometimes overreact to things or panic. She can be a little territorial around somepeople and creatures.
Powers [3, max]:She can shift into a creature called a Karzon. It has poor vision but she can digest anything in that form and it is much stronger than a human.
11:32am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I think I'm going to add another character... I know, there's already a lot, but I want another one xD Pandameg: I know the feeling O.O Name: Squall Age: 15 Gender: Male Deion: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6700000/anime-guy-anime-guys-6785916-320-547.jpg Again... I don't feel like writing a deion. O.o Personality: Squall is easy going and a bit... Well, a bit lazy. He prefers the more melancholly life style. Yes. It's a short personality, but you'll get to know him better. ;3 History: There's some details of Squall past that nobody really knows. He stays silent when his past is mentioned, and for a moment the smile that is usually on his face will flicker. Then he'll just change the subject and act as though nothing has happened. The only thing I know is that Squall was found in a sickly and wounded state by Nightmare. He had strange scars all over him. Nightmare nursed him back to health. In fact, as time went on, Squall is Nightmare's number one friend... He's probably the only one who knows Night's real name (besides Damien). Powers: He can control somebody if he steps on their shadow. I so did not just steal that from a CERTAIN anime. >.<
12:03pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
"Sure," Nightmare said in response to Damien. She walked off to the back left corner of the room. It was "her spot". On the ground was a large blue blanket folded over in order to create a sleeping bag. A fairly large cardboard box was full of things; necklaces, food, and little things such as that. All stolen of course. There was a smaller, nicer wooden box given to her by Damien to keep her ration of water that she earned and the money that she had earned as well. Due to Damien, she could live in comfort. -x-x-x- It was midday when Squall came back to Thief Headquarters. He was swinging a cloth bag which was fairly full of random things he had stolen. In his left hand he held one large golden coin which he threw to Damien, who caught it. Without pausing to talk to Damien, Squall walked over towards Nightmare, a smile upon his face. "Hey, Kat," he said, leaning against the wall, looking down on Nightmare's face. Nightmare smiled back at him; it was a rare sight. "Done already?" she asked. Squall nodded. "I found enough money today to cover the whole week. Damien looked pleased," he said. "It was some rich woman." Both Squall and Nightmare scowled with distaste. "So," Nightmare said, taking her hand and putting a strand of hair behind her ear, "you're done, and I'm done. What now?" Squall chuckled. "Let's take a walk, shall we?" -x-x-x- *puts in random time skip because I don't want to make this post hugely long. o.o* "I've never been this far," Squall murmured. It was the very edge of Minae... To Nightmare, this place brought back percious memories. "This was where I met Damien," she said happily, remembering that day. It had been the highlight of her life. Squall nodded. His eyes, however, were looking at something curious. "Kat," he said, his voice suddenly low. "Look." Nightmare found where he was looking. In front of them was a curious looking animal. The two knew it was an animal but didn't know what type it was. The only thing they could identify were birds that still flew the skies, way high up above the clouds where the pollution was not as thick. "It's beautiful," Nightmare whispered. OOC: -waits for Kate to post ;3-
1:25pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 33
The air went cold, it seemed to have become more toxic. The feeling a gray eyed boy gave off. Pure hate. Although he can't experience angry emotions. He walked in and gave Damien his pay, or rather left it on his desk. But he had no use for money. "All that matters is the scrap metal." He mumbled ruining off to his "Lab".He unloaded his bag of metal. and went to the back and got his tools. He had some robots all lined up. Each one. A failure. Some looked like they could destroy an entire city with the weaponry given to them, they still did not meet his standards his notes for it said "Defective" and "Has yet to reach its full potential" or even "To be recycled" There was one that was not labeled anything negative. Its was just called, the Prototype. He stepped in its direction. And started to work on it. He smelted his scrap metal, cleaned his wires, And built his machine. Every part he put together, was precise, every minute in his cold dark "Lab" brought him closer to the final product. But further from what little humanity he had left. He stopped after awhile. Tired from all his work. He decided to wait for the return of everyone else

2:47pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Apr 12 2010)
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Posts: 73
Name: Erin Age: 5 years old Gender: female Deion [pics allowed]: Wears blue dress, sucks her thumb, and has long, brown hair. Typical 5-year-old. History [optional]: Unknown. She is found alone without parents, siblings, or any guardian. Personality [optional]: Erin is a pretty average 5 year old kid. She likes coloring books, cries when she's scraped her knee, and still eats noodles with her hands. But on the contrary, Erin is far from the normal little kid. Erin is an absolute genius. What's the square root of pi? How much does priceless cost? And how many homemade pies would it take to fill the sun? Erin asks these questions and answers them. Despite her outstanding views and understanding of the world, people quite often mistake her as mature and developed in her socializing skills. Since she is only 5, this is far from the truth. Now she tends to keep things to herself and is known to be more alone than with someone. She is too smart to interact with kids her age intellegently and successfully, and is too young to understand anyone older than herself. Quite often she feels like the 'fish out of water' and misunderstood. Powers [3, max]: Despite the fact that this has to do with powers, Erin has realistic capabilities. She's a child prodigy that's an absolute genius. She can't fly, and most certainly isn't telepathic; but she can tell you the structure of an airplane engine or discuss her hypothesis on how dreams are formed in the brain.
2:50pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Wowz. Breaking from the norm, are we Flaw? Accepted~
2:51pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 73
((aHAHahhaAHHA! muahhaha! ooh yes Nightmare. Likey? I have no idea how I'm going to roleplay this, but I might as well give it a shot. :) ))
4:14pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 4:22pm Apr 12 2010)
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Posts: 2,721
Hearing footsteps, Dusk decided to investigate. It was a rare occasion if anyone decided to leave the safety and comfort of the city, except for the occasional hunter searching for a kill. He peeked curiously into the distance until he spotted three figures, one of which was a farmilliar sight. He ventured forwards through the well known wastelands that covered the present day Earth. Or at least everyone thought they covered the Earth. Dusk had always imagined that far past the perpetual mist that shrouded these lands was a Paradise. A Paradise where trees grew, water was safe to swim in, and animals grazed peacefully in pastures. Stopping beside Nightmare, Dusk's glare focused on an animal he knew well. "Spike. Go home." He comanded the phoenix. Spike squawked playfully in response. "I mean it." Dusk cast a serious look. The phoenix nodded, soaring into the sky until he was longer seen. Though Dusk didn't like to admit to it, he couldn't fully control his power and Spike liked to summon himself. "I hope he didn't cause you any trouble." Dusk turned to Nightmare and Squall with a sorry glance.
I\'m back.
4:27pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia was in the outskirts of town in her Karzon form, chewing on a bone that was more likely than not human in origin. It broke with a satisfying snap and Zynonia began to lickk out the marrow withen. After doing that, she broke the bone into small enough peices to be swallowed. The sharp ends on the bone fragments didn't do any harm to her tough throught and were soon in her stomach. She felt rather satisfied after her meal, knowing that she would be full for at least a week now. She looked around her small home, a broken down Dollar Tree with the roof partially caved in ion the corner, and was disapointed to find that there were no more scraps. She had been hoping for a little more meat but she would be fine without extra. Zynonia began to shove the fallen in peices of roof that had fallen recently into a pile she had created. It could only enettertain her for so long though. Once she finished that, Zynonia headed out for a walk, in human form of course. She prefered walking in human form because if she was Karzon all the time she might scare off her main source of food. Sure, she could just eat the plasctic shelves and wooden tables scattered around, but they didn't fill her quite like meat. She wondered what she was going to find while on her walk. It semed that every time she left her home, something changed. That something was almost always interesting. It wasn't long before she found it. Two humans looking at something. They frightened her so she stayed well hidden and shifted slightly to see what they were looking at. It was an elk, or at least she thought it was. It had been a while since she had seen something on four legs besides herself. She fought the urge to shift right there and chase after it. Those humans over there had seen it first. Mabye they wanted to eat it. She wasn't one to steal prey from others, especially others that frightened her. She managed to sit there silently for a whil, watching the elk more thananything else. Her eyes caught it every twitch. Sight, now there was something she loved about her human self. Even though it was a weak prey form, it had wonderful eyes that could see farther than her Karzon form ever could. There were all sorts of colors and shades that without this human form, she wouldn't rembember, for every time she shifted, she loost a little bit of her memory. Not just memory of events, memorys of sights, smells, places, people, anything really.It didn't upset her though. She didn't rembember losing those memories anyways. She snapped her mind back to reality as the elk moved again. She needed to stop driftng off in thought likke that. ((Hurray. I have decided she will be forgetful. :D))
