9:01pm Apr 16 2010
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Noticing some movement, Drakine stopped and placed her hand against the wall. Her black eyes focused on the figure she saw move. "I'm sorry for hurting you," she said, and it was clearly a pain for her to say it. She hated everything to do with humanity. "But you must understand that it was defensive only." She closed the palm containing the fire and it the flames vanished quickly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:07pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia didn't trust her. She peered out from her hiding spot curiously for a moment, to see that the fire went out. She was glad for that, because now she could see better. Her eyes were better adapted to darkness than most peoples thanks to her Karzon form. She could see the other person's outline easily. She growled sligthly, looked down at her injured hand. She muttered, " There wouldn't have been a fight if you could take a hint and leave. " She mixed several growls in her speaking though so it was difficult to understand her. Zynonia was slightly surprised that she still remember how to even talk. It had been years since she last talked to anyone. She decided soon after that it was okay to stop hiding. She got up from her hiding position and stepped forward a little bit to see the other person a little better. They wwere hardly even scraped up and she was over here with a broken hand. Lovely. This thought made her angrier at the other person and she growled again.
9:23pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Drakine narrowed her eyes. "I was just p*censored*ing through," she snarled, her old hatred towards other people returning. "And you overreacted." Snarling, she narrowed her eyes more and spun on her heel to leave. She turned her head slightly, her mouth open like she was going to say more. Deciding against it, she closed it with an autible snap before storming off.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:51am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia just grumbled to herself. It wasn't her fault she wasn't properly socialized. She blamed that on all the people who had kept her from meeting other people. People like her parents who isolated her. She couldn't remember why she had been kep talone liike that when she was younger, just that she was angry about whatever reason it was. She wanted to curl up and sleep away the rest of the storm, but she was still curious. She wanted to know how this other person was able to shift forms like she was. Were they born like that? She had no clue, or any reason to try and find out. She curled back up in her cold corner and fell asleep, hand protected by the rest of her that was curled around it.
10:56pm Apr 17 2010
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OOC: Will post tomorrow. Sorreh x3
1:45pm Apr 18 2010
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OOC: Wowz. Lotsa posts I had to re-read. O.O I still need Flaw to post before I post, however. Ssather... You're going to have to read through the posts you missed, but I'll try and cover everything. Well, basically currently everyone is spying on Flaw's charrah, Dusk, Squall, and Nightmare in a random clearing and they're about to ((hint hint)) go to Thief Headquarters... Of course there could be detors.. ;3 But you're going to want to read through the posts anyways.
1:47pm Apr 18 2010
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((I'm not spying. I'm sitting in my home with a broken hand thinking angry thoughts about other characters. O3o))
8:00am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 73
Erin looked up. The two stranger's faced did look more than welcome... it was a tempting thought to put her absolute trust in them. She quickly came to the decision to follow them. If anything happened to make her feel insecure, she could run for it. She nodded once and walked toward them. Suddenly the sun lit something sitting on Nightmare's side. A dagger! "Hey!" exaclaimed Erin, stopping. "Can I see your dagger a for a moment? Pretty please??"
8:29am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Hmm... We needs to find a way to meet up then... -thinks- Nightmare was taken aback. She fingered her dagger that hung loosely at her side. It had been given to her by Damien. She had learned to use it well. It was when she couldn't control her powers as well and used the dagger to help learn how to concentrate and how to chanel her powers. And now she could use it well. She looked through narrowed eyes at Erin. "Why?" she asked, her voice suspicious. Squall was now peering at Erin even more curiously. "She probably wants to hold it... Not use it against us," he said, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Even if she does, Nightmare, I can always step on her shadow," he mused. But really, that wouldn't be needed.
11:41am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((I'm a bit braindead, urf. I think I'll just read along for a few posts~))
I\'m back.
11:57am Apr 19 2010
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OOC: I know the feeling, Kate. >.<
3:50pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 842
Dem walked forward, out of the bushes, right up to the group of people. Hissing menicanly, she stalked forward. Finally stopping in the middle of the loose circle, Dem paused. "Run." She said simply. Vincent groaned at Dem. She never, never, did anything right. She was a child, you had to watch ofer her and clean up her messes. He stumbled forward, following her. Cursing her silntly in his head. He pulled up beside her. "What she means is that if was don't get out of her soon, we are all dead, that storm does not look good." Vincent paused, considering. "just saying, but headquarters would most likly be our best bet. just saying."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
5:13pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Nightmare's attention turned to the girl walking into the middle of the clearing. She immedietly recognized her. The strange girl. She always seemed to be doing things her own way. What was she called? Something with a C? No, a D. Not Damien... Oh yeah. Dem. Or at least that was her nickname. Then a guy walked into the clearing, somebody whom Nightmare also recognized. She remembered his name more quickly than she had remembered Dem's. It was Vincent. Squall seemed to be thinking along the same lines. "Run," Dem said. Yes Squall thought that is a good idea. Vincent spoke up. "What she means is that if we don't get out of here soon, we are all dead, that storm doesn't look good. Just saying, but the headquarters would most likely be out best bet." Nightmare was nodding solemnly in agreement. Squall, however, broke out into leisurely conversation. "Heya, Vincent," he said, waving a hand. "I didn't know you and Dem liked taking walks as well." Of course he was only teasing. Nightmare hid her face with her jet black hair. She smiled faintly. Then she flicked her hair behind her shoulders yet again, her face looking like her normal-creepy-but-cool Nightmare self. "Come on, Squall. We should take his advice to heart," she said. Squall shrugged. "Whatever you say. I was just trying to be friendly," he said, amused. How Nightmare and Squall got along was a mystery. They were complete opposites. "Let's get going then," Night said, sheething her dagger. She looked to Dusk and Erin. "You two come as well."
6:51pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 842
Vincent laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, just like you and Night? Yep, totally." Dem looked at Squall all funny. She pause, tilting her head to the side. "You know Squally, 9 out of 10 scientist agree that hostility is just a subconcious from of attraction." The Dem spun again and walked off, heading towards headquarters. Cracking up, Vincent fake punched Squalls shoulder. "Oh man, you just got schooled by Demi, though day dude, tough day." Vincent laughed again, and started to follow Dem out. After a couple steps, lighting flshed, strking a tree near by. Vincent froze. After a few seconds, he slowly turned around. "I don't nkow about you, but I am so out of here." ooc; oh, the fail is so sad, I am so braindead right now.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
7:17pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Aws it was a good post, Casanev :3 I'm going to wait for Kate and Flaw to post before I do...
9:49pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Bump ^^
2:54pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"I don't know..." Dusk replied to Nightmare, eyes shifting to the sky. "I've seen bad weather plenty of times, and it always clears up fast." By the dark and gloomy looks of the clouds above, Dusk thought that maybe he was underestimating the power of the storm. "I think I'll be fine alone here, and if not, Spike will bail me out." He had more confidence in his pheonix than himself. At the thought of his little pal Spike, Dusk clapped his hands together in a bang almost as loud as the thunder that crackled in the distance. The faint outline of a winged creature descended from the skies, getting larger as it approached. It a matter of moments a proud pheonix hovered down and scooched up beside Dusk.
I\'m back.
4:41pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Nightmare and Squall haven't returned yet. Nor have Dem and Vincent. Damien was sitting in a nice building-- well, it was a nice building compared to everything else. It had once been a large building full of many offices. Unfortunately the last couple of five stories had been ripped off. There had been twelve stories in all (for it had been a huge building once), so now there were only seven stories left. The seventh story had no roof. It did, however, provide a wonderful view of the city of Minae. He was on this top story right now, gazing at the hazy sky. He knew that it once had been clear and the air had been fresh. My poor city Damien thought to himself. This world is rotting. He knew it was. How long mankind had to survive he had no clue. Most of the humans without talents would be the first to die. Damien knew this for a fact; it was only his organization, Thief, full of talented individuals, that would survive. He had a plan. But he knew that now was not the time to tell it. If he told the members now, some would most definately turn against him. He thought about Nightmare. She would definately join him, though, when the time came... He wasn't sure about Squall. Currently he was looking out at the City of Minae, not as the head of Thief, but as the leader of the city. Poor things he thought, looking down upon everybody he could see from above they don't know who I really am... Damien looked towards the huge storm. Most likely it would be raining; acid rain, of course. He would need to get the people of Minae ready to find shelter... But something else was on his mind. There's a storm coming, one that is greater than this... -x-x-x- Squall laughed, admitting that he had been owned by Dem, of all people. Nightmare would never let him forget this one. "I think I'll be fine here, and if not, Spike will bail me out." Finally, Dusk had answered. Squall looked at him. Nightmare opened her mouth and spoke. "You should come with us either way. I can tell by looking at those storm clouds that it will be raining acid rain. You don't stand much of a chance here," she said, her voice grave. "Besides, I think Thief could use someone like you. We don't have a member yet who can summon a phoenix." It wasn't like Dusk would understand what she was talking about when she said Thief, but she knew that most people like them would be curious...
5:02pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((...Wow, that's one wall of a post there, Nightmare~)) "Theif?" Dusk asked, perplexed. "I guess I'll tag along." He agreed, knowing that if he disliked something he could always part ways. A weak sense of curiousity influenced him to want to find out what Theif was. To Dusk, it sounded kind of suspicious. No more than a glance was enough to tell that it would rain soon. Everyone would need to take shelter quickly. Dusk would have offered to let everyone ride Spike to get to their destination faster, if it wasn't for the fact that someone was bound to get shooken off. Spike like to show off his tricks, and never listened to Dusk when he requested a smoother ride. ((I just can't seem to think of any filler for my posts. I want to bump up their length so they don't look so wimpy.))
I\'m back.
5:59pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Here's a secret; center everything and ramble a lot. That's how I do it x3 -is a failure- lol. Either that or I just have an idea in my head where I know exactely what I want do and it takes a couple of paragraphs to write... But yeah.. That post was kinda long. O.o And your posts are fine, Kate. There's nothing wrong with them. Besides, there are times when I think that only one line is needed x.x And I've made posts much more wimpy then that. -cough that sounds suspiciously like 'Unite or Die'- BiC: "Thief?" Nightmare could tell that Dusk was very suspicious about this organization. It was a natural reaction that everyone had, even Nightmare had had this reaction, when they were told about it. "I guess I'll tag along." Squall nodded. Damien'll like this he thought to himself. He really did like finding new people to join Thief. After all, they were like a family, in a way. Most of the members of Thief didn't have any family to speak of, and when people found out about their strange abilities in the City of Minae, they were treated like they had the black plague or something. Like it was contagious. Which is a completely rediculous idea, really... Squall thought. "Well, I would like to continue talking," Nightmare said [Squall smirked as she said this], "but the clouds are getting closer." And indeed they were. The impressive storm cloud was now larger than it was before. She could see lighting-- sheet lighting and forked lighting-- and hear thunder. The clouds were a blackish green colour. This was all due to pollution, of course. Nightmare hadn't seen the world before. She had heard tales of how it had once been a beautiful place, but she highly doubted those stories now. "Let's go, then," Squall said. Abruptly, without waiting to see if anyone would follow, he ran off towards the City of Minae. It wasn't that far away (about only one mile), but they still had better hurry up if they wanted to not get rained on. Nightmare hesitated and turned to look at everyone. "Just follow us." Then she too took off running. OOC: *by the way... I would usually wait for you guys to reply to this, but it would be kind of pointless considering they're just running to the Thief Headquarters... So... I'm just going to act like we've just arrived and are are about to walk into the Thief Headquarters building.* BiC: After a mile of nothing but solid running (Squall and Nightmare were both wishing that they could've had a ride on Dusk's Phoenix now) they arrived at the City of Minae. The storm was nearly over top of them. They had time enough to walk into Thief. "Here's the building. Everyone else doesn't go near it in the city. Damien makes sure of that," Nightmare said. She gestured towards a large one story building. It was a run down factory. It was mainly just one large room with a cement floor on which people placed blankets and sleeping bags and such. There was a table as soon as you walked in where people would place the 1/10th of the money they owed Damien. A cardboard box in the back left hand corner had clothes that other kids had grown out of that others could use if need be. Damien was sitting in a chair at the table with the money on it. "This is how we are able to live good lives," Nightmare said.