4:47pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 4:05pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,372
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Starting the Roleplay~! Still accepting <3 Plot / Setting
The world is shaked with war, painted with blood, draped with the uniforms of fallen men and tortured women. Society is falling to pieces, and it is possible that the only walls that are not caving in are they of Liebe. It is a school of sorts; boarding school, to be exact, with a great number of students. All are male, sent to the school for one reason or another. Most of them are bad; problems with stealing, abnormally violent, and other things of that nature. Still, other parents are under the impression that the school would set a good example for their progeny, and have condemned a well-behaved, possibly very meek and shy boy to a potentially dangerous place. However, there have been some dangerous rumors circling about the courtyard, that reports of shouden-ai/boy love has been occuring. The time is 1944, the place is France. Germans slide through the crevices of society, breathing down the necks of suspects. It is a dangerous game, a game of love and lust and friendship. Bonne chance...mon amour. Rules x FIRST THING'S FIRST: This is a shounen-ai rp, meaning boy love. Don't like it, don't do it. No bashing. x Regular rules all apply, of course. x In-character prejudice in fine, just keep it that way. In character. x When talking out of character, please use some way to tell it apart from other text. (), [], //, etc. x I want intelligent, mature roleplayers. Don't join if you're only going to mock this. x Literacy is a MUST. No less than 5 sentences. That creates a fourth grade paragraph, I don't think that's asking too much. You're old enough to be allowed to post on boards, please show it. x Cursing needs, NEEDS to be kept on the down-low. x Student x Student, Teacher x Teacher, and Teacher x Student relationships allowed. Just remember, NOTHING sexual other than hugging/kissing and whatnot. x Don't stretch the page with pictures. Profile Skeleton ( profiles will be posted in next post) Username: (res name) Name: (character name) Age: (between 7-20) Gender: (all characters should be male unless teachers) Role: (teacher/student/other) Origin: (what country you're from) Sexuality: (Homo/hetero/bisexual) Likes: (At least 5) Dislikes: (At least 5) Pets: (If any. Nothing mythical) Personality: (What your character's like. In paragraph form, no lists [ex: cold, cunning, emo. I will NOT accept if you do that.] ) Appearance: (Picture or deion. Don't stretch the page.)
4:47pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm Mar 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,372
DORMS: Student 1: Elias // Crispin 2: Julian // Lior 3: Zachary // Jayden 4: James // Altair 5: Aleksei // open *(I'll make more as needed, filled in as people join.) Teacher 1: Rain 2: Alexis
----------------------------------------------------------- Profiles Teachers: Username: DevilAngelKia (Please call me Matt, though!) Name: Rain Andersz Age: 20 Gender: Male Role: Teacher Origin:Japan Sexuality:Homosexual Likes: Blood, violence, his students. (Not liek that! DX), people listening, his pet German Shepard, books, painting, living. Dislikes: Homophobes, racists, fighting between students, closed-minded judgemental people, a crappy book. Pets: A german shepard named Tsume Personality: he is usually quiet, and understanding of his students. He moved to France from Japan after a rather odd incident of him beign rejected from his former teaching role after telling one of his teacher peers he was gay, when they had asked if they had a crush on a female teacher. He already had a interest in some strange things, like admitting he collects needles, and was once a photogropher. He sometimes stalks other students when he thinks somethign interestign is going on. He's not a snitch, but he likes to know what's going on too, and sometimes wants to join the fun. Despite being Japanese, he only knwos English and French. He can be sarcastic, cold and flat-out ignore people he doesn't like, but is tollerant of most things his student does. Appearance:  ----------------------------------- Username: DevilAngelKia (Please call me Matt, though! DX) Name: Alexis Brimming Age: 17 Gender: Male Role: Teacher Origin: His mother was Amercian, and his father was Japanese, but he was born in America. Sexuality: Homosexual Likes: Quiet, night time, people getting along, no fighting, his Cinammon ferret Cinammon, Sushi Dislikes: Fighting, Loud noises, argueing, gore, crying. Pets: Cinammon Ferret named Cinammon Personality: He is very shy and quiet. He doesn't usually talk, even leadign soem to believe he does not posess the ability to speak. He is, however, a very sneaky person when he wants to be. He has a bad case of tinnitus in his left ear, and 90% deaf in his right. He relies more on his eyes than his hearing, and sometimes even thinks he himself is gonig crazy. Appearance: -------------------------------------- Students: Username: xRequiemx Name: Elias G. Black Age: Seventeen Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: France Sexuality: Homosexual (he likes boys) Likes: Elias is very fond of..well, fire. He's a bit of a pyromaniac. His favorite animals are grizzly bears and cobras, and his favorite season is winter. Large crowds tend to put him in a better...more egotistical mood. Other favorites include combat boots, studded belts, dog collars, and leather. Also, he is rarely seen without a tophat. Dislikes: Girls, especially annoyingly cheerful ones. Cute, fluffy things like bunnies tend to make him roll his eyes, and he hates the color purple. Elias dislikes vanilla greatly, and the season of summer. Pets: He has, against the school's rules, a cobra. Personality: If one had read the rest of the profile, they would gather than Elias is...a troublemaker. He likes stirring things up and causing havoc. Very egotistical and headstrong, he'll do almost anything whether or not is makes sense whatsoever. Stubborn and, to put it bluntly, he's spoiled. Strangely enough, he's fairly sarcastic and intensely intelligent; he just puts that knowledge to..bad use. He's more than capable to pick a lock, and knows enough about rules and rights to get away with anything, if the right phrase is used. Talking his way out of things is a major strength of his. Throughout the school, he is a rather infamous figure, very arrogant and a big talker. However, unlike many other people. he has the abilities to back himself up. Physically, he's very strong, and his knowledge of various fighting styles and ability to read someone and tell what they're going to do make him a dangerous force of nature. Yet, as in all people, there's a sort of softness that resides beneath all of the muscle and flare. Appearance:

| ----------------------------------- Username: (DevilAngelKia (Call me Matt, please) Name: Crispin Townshend Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He is Amercian, and so were his parents, and thus where he was born. Sexuality: Bisexual, but claims to be straight, and prefers men older men. Likes: Blood, gore, violence, fighting, guns, knifes, the thought of the world blowing up, thus ending the world's suffering. Dislikes: Wrongful killing, hate crimes, people calling him gay, or mistaking him for gay, pedophiles, racists, homophobes. Pets: An Orange cat that no one knows about. It's black with three grey spots on the pelt. He also has a husky that people know about named Lake. Personality: He has one for every day of the week, one minute he can be happy, another he'll be slammign things, left and right. He hates being wrong, and is quick to annoy. He doesn't liek to admit it, but he goes the therapy, and people think he's crazy, but he's actually quite intellegent. He was tortured for two years before being transferred to the school by people who mistook him for soemone who stole a file. He is usually sarcastic and unwilling to help people even if there's something in it for him. He is suicidal, but fears death. He also plays hookie, and knows the 'prison' as he puts it inside and out. He acts homophobic, but knows right from wrong, and is willign to beat the crap out of people he really doesn't like, but not only if they bother him, if they bother other people. He also loves shiny things. He also has a small collection of a wide variety of small objects, and is known for stealing them, nomatter what it is, and will probably do just about anything for his shiny addiction.
Appearance: (Eyes are copper, though!) ----------------------------------- Username: Kurokayce Name: Julian Vielle Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: Born in Greece, moved to France at a young age. Sexuality: Bisexual Likes: Julian has a big liking for architecture, and prefers smaller crowds to the larger ones. He's fond of the outside world, and spends much as much time outdoors as possible, this being partly due to the fact he likes his silent periods. He loves reptiles, snow, sushi and the gothic style that comes with his fascination with architecture. Dislikes: He hates pink and flowers, both of which he considers to be made for the female half of the population, and he can't stand people who he sees as being "stuck up" and "snobby". He's usually lazy, so he doesn't do well with excercise, although he is athletic in form, and generally hates anything that constantly annoys him without taking a hint. Pets: None~ Personality: Julian is very laid back and constantly calm. He's rarely riled becuase he tends to let thing's go over his head, and whenever he is angered, he keeps his calm aura around him rather than losing to his temper. This calmness may be due to his general lack of doing anything, thanks to his lazy streak, which doesn't really get in the way when there's something that needs to be done. He usually sounds bored when he speaks, although he is more than capable of expressing emotion, and he is naturally (despite being lazy) very lithe and agile in build. He is unbelievably good when it comes to running away, his mind tends to read situations accurately, and he tends to analyze before getting himself involved; allowing him to as.sess when and where he should be careful. He was known as an adept thief, becuase of his uncanny ability to choose the right places and times, as well as dechipher when would be a good time to run. Generally, however, Julian is likable, and is perfectly sociable to friends and strangers alike. Appearance: 
----------------------------------- Username: SaruSaru Name: Lior Matveyev Age: 17 Gender: Smexy Male Role: Student Origin: Born and raised in France, but he's of Russian heritage. Sexuality: Homosexual Likes: Lior enjoys anything and everything that is mint flavored and is almost always chewing some sort of gum. Lior also really enjoys gardening. He's constantlly messing with plants in the school courtyard, regardless of how much trouble it gets him into. Despite being well behaved as far as being a student is concerned, he has a habit of sleeping in cl*censored*, and likewise can be found napping in his dorm when he's not up to anything special. He also enjoys playing the piano, but rarely does so; He's been horribly out of practice since he arrived at the school and hasn't had the heart to play again. Lior also enjoys writing his name as well as various other silly things in Russian on his papers so the teachers can't read it. Dislikes: Although he likes gardening and whatnot, he has an extreme distaste for outdoor pests, such as insects, mice and small snakes. He hates having to get up early in the morning, so it's not uncommon for him to arrive at cl*censored* late. Pet peeves include things like people chewing with there mouthes open, purposefully nosy people, and people who don't staple papers in the upper left hand corner. He's also scared of needles, and refuses to go to the school doctor for that very reason. Pets: Although he's good with plants, he's terrible with animals and likewise has none. Personality: Lior is rather moody for a boy his age. He as good days and off days, and thus is much more social and kind on days where he's feeling up to par. Generally speaking though, Lior has a neutral and stoic demeanor and enjoys spending time with the more delinquent portion of the school's students. He has a sharp sense of humor and is never afraid to poke fun at someone, regardless of the situation. Although he's rather on the intuitive side, he's not afraid to show his general lack of care for anyone he's not friends with, which has gotten him into some trouble in the past. He doesn't really mind ticking people off, but he's not exactly the confrontational type and does his best to tip toe around potentially physical situations. Appearance:  ----------------------------------- Username: GordoFigment Name: Zachary Ryan Call him Zachary, or Ryan. Nothing else. *Especially not Zach. Age: nineteen Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He is American, but was born in Germany. Sexuality: Bi-sexual. -He likes all boys, and older women (: Likes: Zachary is a smoker, and he likes pretty much anything that has to do with fire. People call him a pyromaniac, but he calls it cool. He would rather stay in his dorm all day and listen to music than go out to a party, or even just sit and talk with someone he liked for hours and hours. He likes horses, riding is one of his hobbies, but nothing that's too important in his life. He likes flirting, almost more than he likes to breath. "There's nothing better than a cute person to talk to." He also loves physical contact. Just cause he kisses you, doesnt mean he wants to be your boyfriend. He'll tell you straight up if he's interested.
Dislikes: Zachary dislikes bad moods. And he hates, absolutely hates, a boring person. He isn't the "party boy" but he hates party poopers. He dislikes summer, he prefers spring or fall, summer is way too hot, and it messes up his hair. Thats another thing... Dont ever touch his hair products. Or else. That includes his hair dryer and straightener. He also dislikes people touching his eyeliner. And his lip and nose rings. If he loses them, he wont be happy. He has a collection, and he knows exactly how many he has. No touchy-touchy.
Pets: None. Personality: Zachary is a metro-sexual-bad-boy. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Unless you know him, then you get it. He is straight up, he says what he thinks, and he isn't afraid of being disliked. Unless he thinks you're totally hot. Then it's on sweetheart (: He doesn't put up with little girly girls that are all like, hey like, did you see jackie at that party last night? Yeah, that's why he likes older women. They, "turn him on". And guys.. He likes em all. Yeah, he's easy, who cares? But when he gets serious with someone, his heart is theirs.
Appearance: ----------------------------------- Username: LittleNamine Name: Jayden M. Rawlings Age: 16 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: France, but is American-born Sexuality: Heterosexual, thank you. Likes: Jayden loves music and the arts in general, but he’s not the kind of person to rant off every little detail. His favorite animals are wolves and any canines in general, and his favorite season is winter (it was when he was born). He’s a bookworm, and likes to write poetry and little short works of fiction in his spare time. Oh, and he’s one of the few people that likes doing his homework and studying hard for exams. Dislikes: Large crowds seem to scare him, and he is afraid of spiders. He’s not the kind of person to curse like a sailor around (he hates it with a p*censored*ion), and he doesn’t like being teased or pushed around for his accent. He also doesn’t like people who smoke or drink—not that he would openly tell them, but he hates being around cigarettes and alcohol in general. Pets: Five dogs (A Rottweiler male named General, two Greyhound females named Alyssa and Siren, a Shepard-Doberman mix—female, mind you—named Misty, and a Border-Collie/Great Dane male named Symphony). Personality: Jayden is a bit of an average sort of guy. He tends to want to stick to himself all the time, and he’s not the kind of person to be dominative. He’s a bit shy, but also naïve and warms up to people who are nice to him quickly. A bit of a pacifist, Jayden prefers not to fight but always the one to be teased for crying after being made fun of. What can one say? He has a heart of gold and he’s sensitive. Those who know him *censored*ume that he has a bit of a mental problem, but really he’s just a sensitive but sweet kid sent to this school in particular because of his “advanced” skills in literature and music. Appearance:
----------------------------------- Username: LadyTsunade Name: James Alexander Age: 17 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: England Sexuality: Homosexual Likes: Reading, Music, Playing His Guitar, Writing Lyrics, Video Games, and Fast Cars. Dislikes: People that cuss, smoke, drink, or take part in sexual activities just because they think they look cool doing it. Being underestemated. He diesn't like 'girly things'. Homophobies. People who make lists. Loud noises, fighting, or people harrasing others. Pets: His black cat named Salem Personality: James can be the sort of person that will lock himself up in his room for days on end for no reason or if he has found a particularly good book. But, if he wants to be, he is the center of attention and is very athletic. He says what is on his mind if he feels like it and isn't afraid to stick up for someone or something he beleaves in. But he is usually calm and collected of himself. He doesn't like fighting, not really, but he won't hesitate if need be either, and he doesn't look like it but he can really pack a punch. Hes smart and witty, the top of his cl*censored*es. Sarcastic is his middle name, he loves it when he can confuse someone, and he likes origanal things. Appearance: (Picture or deion. Don't stretch the page.)
----------------------------------- Username: RikaTheFallen (But call me either Rika or Britt. P:) Name: Altair Esmiro Age: 19 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He was raised in America until he was 10, then shipped to France. His mother is Chinese, while his father is English. Sexuality: Bisexual P: Likes: Altair loves dragons, painting, wolves, nature, and just being able to live his life, even though he has been made fun of countless times for various reasons. Dislikes: Hunting, death, those who make fun of him simply for his appearance, those who will only pick on those who are smaller than they are, and know-it-all jerks. Pets: He often cares for injured creatures, though he hides this from everyone else, not wanting to give the general population another reason to make fun of him. Besides the occasional injured fox or sparrow, he owns a happy little beagle named Spot, who was actually named by his little sister back in America. Personality: Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap. Appearance: He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm.
Username: RikaTheFallen Name: Aleksei Chekushkin Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He is flat-out Russian. oWo Sexuality: Bisexual Likes: Aleksei greatly enjoys watching the sun set, the warmth that France offers, the French language and culture, the cultures of other countries, and, sometimes he likes to just sit there and cut his wrist, just to watch the blood flow along his pale skin. owo Dislikes: Aleksei HATES the smell of smoke, gasoline, bleach, cigarettes, and decay. owo Pets: He has none, I'm afraid. ;( Personality: Aleksei is on the mysterious, if not creepy and sadistic/masochistic side of things. Most people tend to avoid him because he has a tendency of suddenly lashing out at people, even though he had been sitting there calm and collected only seconds before. In fact, that was why he was sent here to this school. His parents were hoping that this school would help him get over his mood swings before he seriously hurts someone. Appearance:  |
4:56pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 373
((Homg Req, I love you for doing this~ This sounds amazing. ♥ May I join? :3))
5:04pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,372
[[ Of course you may! 8D ]]
5:23pm Mar 20 2010
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5:28pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(SO Joining! May I please?)
Isn't this fun?
5:29pm Mar 20 2010
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5:34pm Mar 20 2010
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~(I would love to join O_O)~
5:38pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,372
( Please do~ <3 But I have to leave now, feel free to fll out a profile and begin posting )
6:18pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 6:59pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 3,557
Username: DevilAngelKia (Please call me Matt, though!) Name: Rain Andersz Age: 20 Gender: Male Role: Teacher Origin:Japan Sexuality:Homosexual Likes: Blood, violence, his students. (Not liek that! DX), people listening, his pet German Shepard, books, painting, living. Dislikes: Homophobes, racists, fighting between students, closed-minded judgemental people, a crappy book. Pets: A german shepard named Tsume Personality: he is usually quiet, and understanding of his students. He moved to France from Japan after a rather odd incident of him beign rejected from his former teaching role after telling one of his teacher peers he was gay, when they had asked if they had a crush on a female teacher. He already had a interest in some strange things, like admitting he collects needles, and was once a photogropher. He sometimes stalks other students when he thinks somethign interestign is going on. He's not a snitch, but he likes to know what's going on too, and sometimes wants to join the fun. Despite being Japanese, he only knwos English and French. He can be sarcastic, cold and flat-out ignore people he doesn't like, but is tollerant of most things his student does. Appearance:  ----------------------------------- Username: DevilAngelKia (Please call me Matt, though! DX) Name: Alexis Brimming Age: 17 Gender: Male Role: Teacher Origin: His mother was Amercian, and his father was Japanese, but he was born in America. Sexuality: Homosexual Likes: Quiet, night time, people getting along, no fighting, his Cinammon ferret Cinammon, Sushi Dislikes: Fighting, Loud noises, argueing, gore, crying. Pets: Cinammon Ferret named Cinammon Personality: He is very shy and quiet. He doesn't usually talk, even leadign soem to believe he does not posess the ability to speak. He is, however, a very sneaky person when he wants to be. He has a bad case of tinnitus in his left ear, and 90% deaf in his right. He relies more on his eyes than his hearing, and sometimes even thinks he himself is gonig crazy. Appearance:  _______________________ Username: (DevilAngelKia (Call me Matt, please) Name: Crispin Townshend Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He is Amercian, and so were his parents, and thus where he was born. Sexuality: Bisexual, but claims to be straight, and prefers men older men. Likes: Blood, gore, violence, fighting, guns, knifes, the thought of the world blowing up, thus ending the world's suffering. Dislikes: Wrongful killing, hate crimes, people calling him gay, or mistaking him for gay, pedophiles, racists, homophobes. Pets: An Orange cat that no one knows about. It's black with three grey spots on the pelt. He also has a husky that people know about named Lake. Personality: He has one for every day of the week, one minute he can be happy, another he'll be slammign things, left and right. He hates being wrong, and is quick to annoy. He doesn't liek to admit it, but he goes the therapy, and people think he's crazy, but he's actually quite intellegent. He was tortured for two years before being transferred to the school by people who mistook him for soemone who stole a file. He is usually sarcastic and unwilling to help people even if there's something in it for him. He is suicidal, but fears death. He also plays hookie, and knows the 'prison' as he puts it inside and out. He acts homophobic, but knows right from wrong, and is willign to beat the crap out of people he really doesn't like, but not only if they bother him, if they bother other people. He also loves shiny things. He also has a small collection of a wide variety of small objects, and is known for stealing them, nomatter what it is, and will probably do just about anything for his shiny addiction. Appearance: (Eyes are copper, though!)
Isn't this fun?
6:37pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 6:44pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Username: Kurokayce Name: Julian Vielle Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: Born in Greece, moved to France at a young age. Sexuality: Bisexual Likes: Julian has a big liking for architecture, and prefers smaller crowds to the larger ones. He's fond of the outside world, and spends much as much time outdoors as possible, this being partly due to the fact he likes his silent periods. He loves reptiles, snow, sushi and the gothic style that comes with his fascination with architecture. Dislikes: He hates pink and flowers, both of which he considers to be made for the female half of the population, and he can't stand people who he sees as being "stuck up" and "snobby". He's usually lazy, so he doesn't do well with excercise, although he is athletic in form, and generally hates anything that constantly annoys him without taking a hint. Pets: None~ Personality: Julian is very laid back and constantly calm. He's rarely riled becuase he tends to let thing's go over his head, and whenever he is angered, he keeps his calm aura around him rather than losing to his temper. This calmness may be due to his general lack of doing anything, thanks to his lazy streak, which doesn't really get in the way when there's something that needs to be done. He usually sounds bored when he speaks, although he is more than capable of expressing emotion, and he is naturally (despite being lazy) very lithe and agile in build. He is unbelievably good when it comes to running away, his mind tends to read situations accurately, and he tends to analyze before getting himself involved; allowing him to as.sess when and where he should be careful. He was known as an adept thief, becuase of his uncanny ability to choose the right places and times, as well as dechipher when would be a good time to run. Generally, however, Julian is likable, and is perfectly sociable to friends and strangers alike. Appearance: 
6:55pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 3,557
6:30, it's what his clock read. His blue eyes seemingly glowed in the dark of the now leaving moonlight. He hadn’t gotten any sleep whatsoever the night, or the last two in a row, due to severe pain he hasn’t even told his doctor about. His back was always hurting, and he wasn’t even lifting anything heavy recently.
He blames the people that had been torturing him for no reason. He was always thinking of how vulnerable he was. How much pain he was always in, and how he didn’t even try to prove his innocence as he merely pretended he couldn’t talk.
Something had been stolen, and they wanted to know where it was. That was fine and dandy. But why pick him from the lot? He sort of sticks out in a crowd and not a lot of people look like him. How he hates his life.
He found himself tossing the night trying to get some sleep, but unable too. He could just talk to his therapist in the morning to get some pain pills. But then again, even he himself knew he wouldn’t take them. He’d probably sell them, or trade them to get what he wanted. He was like that.
He finally jumped out of bed and scanned the room he was in. He looked on the top bunk to see his roomie Alexis Brimmings sound asleep. Well. Maybe he was awake too, but it didn’t matter. Crispin didn’t care for Alexis, and Alexis couldn’t even talk.
He snuck out of his room, unlocking the door with a bobby pin he had taken from one of the female teachers. He thinks her name was Delilah…?
Didn’t matter. Despite the sun coming up he had to be fast and get back into his room before there was enough light for the camera’s.
He ran down the halls looking for a specific ‘inmates’ bedroom. He called this place a prison, referred to it as a prison, and always called his cl*censored*mates ‘inmates.’ He was just like that.
“Little farther, little farther, littler farth- Ooof!”
Just then Crispin had ran into something with enough force to send the other falling backwards on his arse, making him stand right back up, an exuse at the ready if it was a teacher.
“Well, Mr. Townshend, your up an hour earlier than the other students. What’s wrong?” Locks of raven hair spilled over the other man’s shoulder, showing a rather feminine lithe body, but male none the less.
“Oh, Mr. Andersz….Sir….” Crispin mumbled, more shocked at the teacher it was.
“Uh…What are you doing here?” “I was going to ask you the same thing, Townshend. I’m going to the library. I don’t particularly care where you plan to shuffle off to. Just go back to your bed when you get there,” He said about to p*censored* him, smirking at the look of semi-confusion of his face.
“Also, eight-thirty sharp is your psychiatrist’s appointment, do try to make it on time this time,” He called over his shoulder, his hair swaying at his side slightly.
Crispin normally would have shot something sarcastic back, but he wasn’t in the mood. Right now he was just watching his teacher he had a secret attraction to. He sighed, then continued back to searching for the student’s bedroom…
Isn't this fun?
8:05pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 373
Username: SaruSaru Name: Lior Matveyev Age: 17 Gender: Smexy Male Role: Student Origin: Born and raised in France, but he's of Russian heritage. Sexuality: Homosexual Likes: Lior enjoys anything and everything that is mint flavored and is almost always chewing some sort of gum. Lior also really enjoys gardening. He's constantlly messing with plants in the school courtyard, regardless of how much trouble it gets him into. Despite being well behaved as far as being a student is concerned, he has a habit of sleeping in cl*censored*, and likewise can be found napping in his dorm when he's not up to anything special. He also enjoys playing the piano, but rarely does so; He's been horribly out of practice since he arrived at the school and hasn't had the heart to play again. Lior also enjoys writing his name as well as various other silly things in Russian on his papers so the teachers can't read it. Dislikes: Although he likes gardening and whatnot, he has an extreme distaste for outdoor pests, such as insects, mice and small snakes. He hates having to get up early in the morning, so it's not uncommon for him to arrive at cl*censored* late. Pet peeves include things like people chewing with there mouthes open, purposefully nosy people, and people who don't staple papers in the upper left hand corner. He's also scared of needles, and refuses to go to the school doctor for that very reason. Pets: Although he's good with plants, he's terrible with animals and likewise has none. Personality: Lior is rather moody for a boy his age. He as good days and off days, and thus is much more social and kind on days where he's feeling up to par. Generally speaking though, Lior has a neutral and stoic demeanor and enjoys spending time with the more delinquent portion of the school's students. He has a sharp sense of humor and is never afraid to poke fun at someone, regardless of the situation. Although he's rather on the intuitive side, he's not afraid to show his general lack of care for anyone he's not friends with, which has gotten him into some trouble in the past. He doesn't really mind ticking people off, but he's not exactly the confrontational type and does his best to tip toe around potentially physical situations. Appearance:  ((Sorry about the late bio. XD))
12:35pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 373
12:59pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 305
Username: GordoFigment Name: Zachary Ryan Call him Zachary, or Ryan. Nothing else. *Especially not Zach. Age: nineteen Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: He is American, but was born in Germany. Sexuality: Bi-sexual. -He likes all boys, and older women (: Likes: Zachary is a smoker, and he likes pretty much anything that has to do with fire. People call him a pyromaniac, but he calls it cool. He would rather stay in his dorm all day and listen to music than go out to a party, or even just sit and talk with someone he liked for hours and hours. He likes horses, riding is one of his hobbies, but nothing that's too important in his life. He likes flirting, almost more than he likes to breath. "There's nothing better than a cute person to talk to." He also loves physical contact. Just cause he kisses you, doesnt mean he wants to be your boyfriend. He'll tell you straight up if he's interested.
Dislikes: Zachary dislikes bad moods. And he hates, absolutely hates, a boring person. He isn't the "party boy" but he hates party poopers. He dislikes summer, he prefers spring or fall, summer is way too hot, and it messes up his hair. Thats another thing... Dont ever touch his hair products. Or else. That includes his hair dryer and straightener. He also dislikes people touching his eyeliner. And his lip and nose rings. If he loses them, he wont be happy. He has a collection, and he knows exactly how many he has. No touchy-touchy.
Pets: None. Personality: Zachary is a metro-sexual-bad-boy. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Unless you know him, then you get it. He is straight up, he says what he thinks, and he isn't afraid of being disliked. Unless he thinks you're totally hot. Then it's on sweetheart (: He doesn't put up with little girly girls that are all like, hey like, did you see jackie at that party last night? Yeah, that's why he likes older women. They, "turn him on". And guys.. He likes em all. Yeah, he's easy, who cares? But when he gets serious with someone, his heart is theirs.
1:02pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 170
Username: LittleNamine Name: Jayden M. Rawlings Age: 16 Gender: Male Role: Student Origin: France, but is American-born Sexuality: Heterosexual, thank you. Likes: Jayden loves music and the arts in general, but he’s not the kind of person to rant off every little detail. His favorite animals are wolves and any canines in general, and his favorite season is winter (it was when he was born). He’s a bookworm, and likes to write poetry and little short works of fiction in his spare time. Oh, and he’s one of the few people that likes doing his homework and studying hard for exams. Dislikes: Large crowds seem to scare him, and he is afraid of spiders. He’s not the kind of person to curse like a sailor around (he hates it with a p*censored*ion), and he doesn’t like being teased or pushed around for his accent. He also doesn’t like people who smoke or drink—not that he would openly tell them, but he hates being around cigarettes and alcohol in general. Pets: Five dogs (A Rottweiler male named General, two Greyhound females named Alyssa and Siren, a Shepard-Doberman mix—female, mind you—named Misty, and a Border-Collie/Great Dane male named Symphony). Personality: Jayden is a bit of an average sort of guy. He tends to want to stick to himself all the time, and he’s not the kind of person to be dominative. He’s a bit shy, but also naïve and warms up to people who are nice to him quickly. A bit of a pacifist, Jayden prefers not to fight but always the one to be teased for crying after being made fun of. What can one say? He has a heart of gold and he’s sensitive. Those who know him *censored*ume that he has a bit of a mental problem, but really he’s just a sensitive but sweet kid sent to this school in particular because of his “advanced” skills in literature and music. Appearance:
 ((OOC: Hope the pic isn't too big! ;;))

3:21pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm Mar 22 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 373
((Bumples, do you guys wanna start without Req? :3))
3:55pm Mar 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 305
((Saru... Req has to approve profiles. You never want to start without an owner of an RP, that makes them annoyed most of the time.))
4:01pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,372
( Sorry I took so long to get back to this! Yes, everyone may start! 8DD )
4:10pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((May I join? <3))