8:49pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 8:59pm Mar 22 2010)
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.: Є ˩ Ɩ Δ Ƨ :.
Good, thought Elias, the newbies were coming. Elias tilted his head slightly to the side with a sudden jerk; quite plainly were a few audible cracks beneath the flesh, the sound of his neck loosening. The human mind took that as a sort of threatning tone (what caused that Elias did not know, only that it worked), and gave the youth a sort of powerful sense about himself. He was relaxed, leaning on the step behind him. His feet were planted and knees were up, arms resting on them in a way that his elbows were bent outward and his hands hung lazily. Laying his head back, his mouth gaped wide in a yawn, showing the world a lovely pair of canines, among various other..teeth. Eyes closed, and he breathed in the smell of rain, of a thirsty earth stirring and reaching up tendrills of green and yellow, all twining and struggling towards the heavens for the chance of getting a drink. A sneeze, one that shook his body, and reminded him that he was indeed human. The cold water was soaking not only into the earth, but his skin as well, giving him quite a chill. Like a 'tough guy,' he decided not to wear longsleeves. Now was the time for his repent; much more of this and he'd surely get sick. Illness converted to weakness, and that simply wouldn't do at all, especially not so early in the year. While in the process of sniffling in, he heard someone coming behind him. Laying his head all the way back on the stair above his, he looked up at a familiar face, that of Lior's. He was fond of the fellow, and considered him a friend, along with his room mate Crispin. He briefly wondered what the boy was up to, but became more interested in what was currently being said. He grinned, and shrugged a bit innocently. "I'm sure there is," he said in English, although there was a rather thick accent that made the words ring, "But I'm sorry to tell you that worms are absolutely disgusting vermin that should stay in the ground where they belong." With that, in a fluid motion, he sat up and rose to his feet. When standing, he was quite tall, nearing six feet five inches. More often than not, though, he decided that good posture was a waste of time and more or less slouched. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, and he puffed his bangs out of his face. "And you're really one to talk, you're out here just as I am. /I/ happen to enjoy the..uhm..let's say fresh weather. What's your excuse, mm?"
:: Ooh, a note for Lai-lai? ouo; -curious- ::
8:59pm Mar 22 2010
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((Aleksei just kind of does what he feels like doing. xDDD)) Aleksei grinned down at the smaller male. "Puzhalsta," he said, reaching out to ruffle the boy's wet hair. He wasn't cold in the least, and his tan jacket was keeping his clothing underneath dry and warm. It had been designed for the snow, but it worked well enough in the rain as well. "You may keep it until you feel you are warm enough and do not need it," he told him, dark blue eyes flitting tot he side, the Russian boy watching the rain as it fell, much like a person from Florida would watch the snow. Aleksei was tired of snow, though. He like the rain because it was new and warm to him, foreign and welcome. ((He's from around near Siberia. -nodnod- ;O))
9:04pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 305
Zachary quickly made his way to the courtyard type area where one very tall, incredibly stunning boy stood talking to another boy, looking to be around the same age. Though the tall one, gave off a regal air. He stepped under an onning, and lit up another ciggarette. He huffed again as he realized he had left his only lighter on the vehicle. He stepped over to the taller of the boys, and smiled. "You got a light?" He hated asking other people.. He didn't even know anyone's violent history. Though, he didn't look too bad. Zachary stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep the ciggarette from getting wet as his other had, and he pushed the too damp hair out of his face with his one free hand. The blonde gave a dirty appearance thanks to the rain, but it brought out his blue-grey eyes, and it made his muscles glisten. Those were his best features, at least he believed so. He spent most of his time in a gym and outside. He wasn't addicted to smoking, but it just so happened that he was often bored, and that was all he had to do most of the time. He shook his hair again, and gave it another flip to the side. Others would believe him arrogant, he just had confidence. People had often mistaken Zachary for someone that just thought what he did looked cool. That was BS. At least in his mind. His muscles shifted under his skin again, as they usually did in the cold, but really his muscles were the only thing affected, he never really noticed the weather. Unless it was dreadfully hot.
9:10pm Mar 22 2010
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((Mm? Would Zachary be speaking to Aleksei? Or Elias? ;O))
9:14pm Mar 22 2010
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:: My first thought was Elias, but I'm afraid of making a reply and looking like an idiot =x ::
9:17pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 305
ooc: its elias. (:
9:19pm Mar 22 2010
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((That's why I asked, Req. P: -pats Aleksei- Oh! Aleksei is a Russian boy's name meaning "to protect". C:> His last name means something too, but I don't feel like looking it up again. xD;))
9:38pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 9:39pm Mar 22 2010)
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.: Є ˩ Ɩ Δ Ƨ :.
While conversing with Lior, Elias turned his head slightly with the approach of another boy. This was someone he hadn't seen before, and was..smoking? His brow pulled together and an eyebrow arched above an eye the color of early morning oceans; gray, dull, with hints of azure. Amusement flickered in them when he realized the fellow must be more or less new to the 'neighborhood.' Hah, it was almost cute how ignorant he was. Turning his entire body, he gave himself the oppertunity to examine this possible ally. Deliciously muscular and with eyes similar to his own, hair that was a more gold shade of blonde than his own. The cigarette between his fingers was a point of interest, but also gave way to the question of whether he was serious or acting rough. It didn't matter, though, because the lad's question caused Elias to break out into laughter. "Hahahah!" he cackled, "You are asking /me/ for a light? Is that a rhetorical question?" he asked with a chuckle, grinning a devlish sort of smirk. Shaking his head at the boy, he bent over and reached into a bag at his feet, fished around, and frowned. "Hnn...this is proving difficult, why don't you try and find it for me?" he asked, picking up the bag. He flashed a wink at Lior; this was something he did to most new students to give them an idea of who he was. Picking up the back, he held it out to the yet unnamed boy and licked his lips. Within the bag was enough 'fire power' to put him away for 10-15 years (not literally, of course). Yes, there were lighters, and match sets, bottles of gas, and all manner of other hanus trinkets perfect for causing mayhem. He had enough supplies to light up the entire school. "Go ahead and pick out something pretty~" he purred, and winked.
:: Sorry it's short D: ::
9:44pm Mar 22 2010
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((I feel the need to add in another boy. .O. I just can't help it. |D -bounce- I think I might make this one a full-out pyromaniac that got sent to the school after blowing up his previous school's chem lab. xDDD He was playing with fire and it all went wrong. ;O -bouncebounce- Anyways, may I add in a pyromaniac please? :D))
9:45pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Mar 22 2010)
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[[ Lulz Rika xDD FAIL. I'm the same way though c: And sure, go for it. I was thinking about adding another character too. ]]
9:48pm Mar 22 2010
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((YAY. I have way too much energy now. My ADHD pill must have finally worn off~ -bounces off to go make her new charrie- And yus. Rikafail knows she's a fail. |D))
10:11pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 10:12pm Mar 22 2010)
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Username: RikaTheFallen Name: Adol Wolf (Adol is Germanic meaning Noble, I think. oWo) Age: 19 Gender: MAle Role: Student Origin: Well, he was born American, but his parents are German. :D Sexuality: Bisexual P: Likes: Fire, warmth, the color red, lighters, bonfires...The list goes on. C: Dislikes: Being wet and cold, the rain, strong winds, and the cold. Oh, and homophobes. owo Pets: Nope. He wishes that phoenixes were real, though. Personality: Just like fire, he has a hot head and a tendency to burn. He has a short fuse and will explode without warning. So yeah, he's a ticking time bomb. Appearance:  ((And now I gotta go. Might be on tomorrow, and after that, probably not until some time next week. I have no Internet at hoooome. DX))
10:21pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 373
Lior smiled and laughed at Elias's reply. You're right. Worms are freaking gross. But it's nasty days like this that they come wiggling out of the ground," he added looking over at the bus of new students. They were already starting to pair off. He could see two young boys standing with one another, and another coming their way. He took his eyes off of the crowd and looked back at Elias and shrugged. "You know just as well as I do that you messing with the new flock is much more interesting than staying inside all day," he said with a smirk on his face. Lior tossed his head to the side and couldn't hold back a chuckle as one of the students approached and asked for a light. This poor kid probably had no idea what he was getting himself into. He almost felt a little sorry for him; One wrong move in front of Elias and it was all over, granted he hadn't changed the content of his bag since the last time he pulled this little stunt. Lior leaned against the doorway, slightly behind Elias just in case things didn't go over smoothely.
1:46am Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I'm completely lost, everyone. -_-' And yeah, Crispin left a letter on his bed. >_>')
Isn't this fun?
1:50am Mar 23 2010
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Alexis looked at the other a moment, then back down, not saying anything. "Hey, Alexis...So...." There was a short pause, and Crispin randomly jerked his left hand forward. No particular reason for doing so, and the worst bit is it was completely involuntary. "...Oh, Jeeze....." He mumbled, rubbing his left wrist. Alexis had noticed the other man, and was about to say something when Crispin abruptly stood up. "Guys, I'll leave you two to chat, I gotta go do something..." He said stalking off into the betheroom.
Isn't this fun?
9:20am Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 9:22am Mar 23 2010)
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Julian yawned. Great. He had heard the bus before he saw it, having being laid out on his bed, eyes closed, listening to the outside noises without much interest. At the sound of bus wheels, however, Julian opened his eyes, before pulling himself up into a sitting position, looking over at the window of his dorm. "Hmm..." Out of curiousity, he got himself up from the bed and strolled over to the window, looking at the gloomy gray of today. Great. Depressing weather, excellent. He yawned again, this one accompanied by a stretch that pulled the entire length of his back and causing him to flinch slightly. Ack... Looks like he slept funny. Pfft. Standing at 6'1 made Julian pretty tall, and having a bad back didn't really help all that much. Damn beds. Julian strolled over to a chair in the room, pulling off his black jacket and shrugging it over his shoulders before leaving the dorm and strolling towards the closest set of stairs. He wanted to be outside, despite the weather, besides... He wanted a better look at the new people.
3:32pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 305
Zachary could feel his face light up as he searched through the bag of nifty fire things. It wasn't often that he got to play with fire... thanks to being in hiding most of the time. He stuck his head almost completely into the bag, and examined all the little torcher things. A simple lighter was not fun enough. Zachary pulled out a small container of lighter fluid, and poored it on the tip of the ciggarette, a huge grin on his face. He took a more powerful flame lighter, and smiled even bigger as it torched the top of his ciggarette. He wasn't done yet though. He took a puff of the ciggarette, and looked at Elias. "Mind if I play around a bit?" He stood, playing almost as a child would with the many fire starters. Goodness, he had been much too bored on that bus... and now he probably gave the appearance of an all too intrigued child.
"I will not be rude anymore, though, I happen to love the quality and quantity of fire thingies." He gave a huge smile once again, realizing that he had once again done something stupid by using the words that his little sister had often used. Thingies and Sparklies were often terms he used that he got from his four year old sister. She had loved fire as much as he had. His blue grey eyes flecked with silver watched around intently, hoping that his obvious fascination in fire hadn't made him look like a complete and total fool. As it usually had. He took another puff of his ciggarette, and gave sigh as he released the smoke from his lungs. He felt himself relaxing once again.
He smiled at just how lovely the boy was.
3:54pm Mar 23 2010
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As Jayden and Aleksei talked, a slender blond stepped off of the bus. He let out a growl as he immediately got drenched, eyes narrowing with his obvious dislike of the rain. He pulled up his goggles and placed them atop his eyes, the golden-brown irises tinted by the light orange goggles. He held his left hand, which was covered by a fingerless glove, and flexed the fingers, wincing slightly as the movement caused the leather gloves to rub against his recent burn wound, the rest of which was hidden by the long sleeves of his jacket. Only moments afterwards, his face lit up in a wide grin as he recalled the incident that had caused his injury. "There are just some chemicals that should never be placed near an open flame," he purred to himself, chuckling. "If they do, the chem lab explodes~" He padded forward, shaking out his usually slightly-spiked blond hair, glaring up at the sky as it continued to drench him. As the salty rain began to bleed into his clothing, he took in a sharp breath. The salt was making the burns sting something fierce, so he quickly skittered over to the nearest source of dry land, his ungloved hand shooting up to grip his stinging arm. "Ah...play with explosive chemicals and you get burned..." he muttered, lightly rubbing his arm. "Stupid rain," he hissed, glaring at the sky before his goggle-covered gaze flickered over to three boys, one holding a bag of...something. His curiosity won over his good judgement, so he headed over, shifting his own bag to his good shoulder. He peeked over the shoulder of the boy who was holding the bag, his face lighting up instantly. "Oooh~ A pyro's best friends~" he said quite cheerily, despite the fact that he was still holding his arm. "You wouldn't mind a fellow pyro over here, would you?" he asked, moving to let his pack fall to the ground with a dull 'thud'. ______________________________ Altair blinked as Crispin got up and left, then he turned his colorful gaze to Alexis. He lifted a hand to move his black hair out of his face, the strands beginning to dry now that he was no longer out in the rain getting soaked for the sake of the newbies. "So, why is it that you don't talk?" he asked.

5:35pm Mar 23 2010
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((Gotta go. Will be gone for a few days.))
5:36pm Mar 23 2010
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( Okay, Rika :3 )