7:01pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 170
((Aw, okay Rika. xD; )) Jayden smiled softly but squeaked as his hair was ruffled. He was blushing still, because well...he never really had someone be that nice to him and he just felt awkward and things. "T-thank you..." He murmured, then looked up towards Aleksei. "I-I'm really thankful...I'll pay you back sometime...p-promise." the boy nodded more to himself than anything, looking down again towards his violin case. It was wet, yes, but it didn't seem too damaged or anything...and that was a good thing for him. ((Shortfail. x-x))
7:38pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Julian took a surprisingly short time to get outside, the rain hammering on his black jacket, rolling off in droplets. His eyes took in all the new faces, his mind analyzing and remembering all of them. He sighed. This year looked like it was going to be a busy one. He allowed himself another stretch, this time, his back had finally stopped protesting to his movements and he allowed a small sigh of relief to p*censored* his lips. He stood straight, his eyes wandering once more over the new faces before he turned and walked towards a nearby bench. He sat, placing both arms over the back of the wood and looking up at the slate gray sky. Despite his looks, Julian did not mind being in public. He was an albino, and a very good looking one at that, but not by his own statement. Some random girl from another school someplace had said it, strangely enough. He closed his eyes, wondering where on earth Elias had got to. He''d usually have seen the guy by now.
4:24pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 7,187
He had been sitting in the back of the bus, leaning against the soft materials watching as the others stood up at yelled, threw things at each other, and talked about their girls back home. He glanced out the window, focusing in the small droplets as they hit the side of the bus. The sky was a dull color of gray, making him feel worse than he already did. He sighed and looked down at the book he had in his hands. It was plain and black, the words on the spine and front cover were white and stood out painfully. He figured that had been what had attracted him to it. It read "The Beginnig." It was new, he had bought it before he got on the plane that had brought him over seas to come to this bloody school. He angerly shoved it back into his bag, he did not want to think of home or the people that had gotten rid of him now. He only carried three. One carried his laptop and nothing more. The another he had a couple of *censored*rs and pants and other essential garments of clothing that he would need for him to live here and his guitar case. "Hey. Kid. You getting off or what?" He looked up to see the bus driver standing next to him, looking around he realized that he was the only one left on the bus. "Yeah." He said, grabbing his bag and pulling it over his head and swinging the other over his shoulder. He stepped off of the rus and into the rain. Stopping, he looked up at the m*censored*ive school in front of him, he glared at it and stared back down at the ground. He walked slowly up the pathway leading into the school, then up the stairs and into the front doors. Ignoring the others around him, staring eyes and whispers as he walked by, puddles of water leaft in his path. He went straight to the stairs and to his room, having been given the room number by his father's pilot at the airstrip back in England. He closed the door behind him and leaned up against it, dropping his bags.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:03pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I am so sorry, guys. -_-' I couldn't get on yesterday and most of today. Recap, please?)
Isn't this fun?
8:07pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(I'm sorry, Alexis is a student, I accidentally put him down as Teacher!)
Isn't this fun?
8:15pm Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis just looked at him for a minute, then back down, not givign an answer. "I'm not a victim of anything, if that's what your wondering...Hell, that's what everyone's thinking..." He said quietly,.
Isn't this fun?
4:36pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 7,187
bump! ^_^ (( I don't really know what happened except that james got off of the bus last and went straight to his room xD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:56pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Omg. I'm here for...an hour at the most. All the computers were taken and we had to wait AGES. ;n;)) Aleksei beamed down at the smaller male, gently patting his shoulder. "No need to pay me back, malchik. You being my friend is good enough," he stated. "Moy drug," he said in Russian with a grin. "Moy drug Jayden."
______________ Altair cocked his head a little to the side, curious yet again. "Then why is it that you don't talk?" he asked, blinking once. Quite frankly, he had been a little surprised about getting a reply at all. Progress! ((Drug is pronounced drog in Russian, by the way. xD;))
5:34pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 7,187
James looked around the room before picking up his bags. There were two beds in the room, both were king sized. He carried his over to the bed on the left and layed them down beside the bed. He opened the blue bag that had his clothes in it and pulled a white V-neck short sleaved sweater that has thin black stripes out, laying in on the bed. Crossing his arms over his stomach, he grabbed the shirt from the bottom and peeled it from his body. Drops of water races down the lean muscles, both in front and back. He didn't like the buff look but her didn't like the scrawny look either. He brought the shirt with him to the bathroom, along witha pair of coal-colored blue jeans and headed for the bathroom to change out of his wet pants. He changed and walked out of the bathroom with his clothes and put them in a small bucket thing for his clothes. He would wash them later. He had a towel over his shoulders and he had put on a little colone and after shave. He layed on the bed and pulled out his new book, putting one arm behind his head. He forgot the shirt lying on the foot of the bed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:41pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Aha. Wonder how well James and Altair will get along? XD))
5:44pm Mar 25 2010
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((Gotta go again. D:))
5:56pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( James and Altair havn;t met XD DX Bye Rika! ='[ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:21am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(What abotu Crispin running into James? XD Crispin's going into one of his creepier moods soon, anyway. XD) "..." He didn't reply for a minute. He thought it best not to reply. Rain had p*censored*ed by the two. Nothing suspicious really, but he was looking around as if for someone. Alexis looked up at him as he was leaving the room. "...He's Schitzophrenic...." Alexis mumbled. "I know a lot about things here...More than Crispin..." He mumbled, even quieter than before, then dropped his head back down. "He's probably looking for Crispin again...He's keeping him on his pills and out of trouble..."
Isn't this fun?
2:41pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 170
Jayden smiled lightly, though his ex pression then changed to one of confusion as his head tilted to the side at the mentioning of the Russian before his name. "Moy...drug...does that mean 'my friend', Aleksei?" He asked curiously, turning to face the boy as his gray eyes met those of the taller, and the smile the other wore soon started to creep onto ihs own face. "Because if it does...well..you're my friend too, you know."
2:16pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Aleksei nodded. "Da!" he chirped, glad that Jayden had deciphered his Russian.As Jayden's gray eyes met his own bright blue ones, his smile widened, the grin as big as it could possibly get when Jayden told him he was his friend as well. "By the time this year is over, you will have learned much Russian, my drug," he told him, though he was a little embaras-sed. "It is a habit to speak in the language of my mother country," he told him. ________________ Altair turned his head to watch Rain as he pas-sed, eyes flitting towards Alexis at his statement. "Schizophrenic?" he repeated, curious before turning around to fully face the other male again, his steadily drying black hair slipping over his shoulder to partially hide his face, his bangs hanging in his bi-colored eyes. "You never answered my question, though." ((They're roomies, Tsu-dear. C: -pokes first page- Altair and James are rooming together. |D And I wonder when the other three are gonna notice my little firebug has popped in for a visit? ;O))

2:50pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 170
Jaydens' smile widened with it, his stance relaxing as he realized that Aleksei wasn't as bad as he thought all the students were; he liked the boy now, and realized that he would be a really good friend to hang out with and such. "I'd like to learn a new language. Its...fun learning." he added with another blush and embarr*censored*ed ex pression; a lot of other boys used to tease him for such things, but...hey; maybe not this time. "It's okay. I'm used to speaking French or English all the time, so its not a problem, really." He added, and then paused. "Oh, Aleksei...curious; where are you rooming? Like...your dorm. I don't know about my room-mate yet...I never looked at the paper.."
3:24pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((FFF. I meant to type moy drug. xDDDD And malchik is boy, by the way. P:)) Aleksei smiled again. "Ah! Good, then!" he said, clapping his gloved hands together happily. "I shall teach you, malchik, over time," he added, tilting his head a little. "I will translate things I say in Russian to English, da?" HIs blue gaze flitted from Jayden to the dreary sky, then back to Jayden as he spoke, curious. "Dorm?" Aleksei repeated, then began to fish through the pockets on his coat. A moment later he pulled out a little piece of paper he had scribbled something on to look at it before frowning. "....It got wet..." he muttered, following this with a soft sigh. "I do not know which dorm. I had written it, but the paper got wet and now I cannot read it..."
5:00pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( Rika: I know they're roomies. But James went straight to his room lol <-he's in one of his anti-social moods-> Jade: Sure! That would be cool! <-should I call you Jade or Matt?-> )) James reads. (( |D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:24pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Whatever is easier for you, don't oressure yourself, hun. XD)
"No reason...Just a bit depressed, I guess..." He said, clearign his throat.
The door opeend up, and the clad-black psycho looked straigth at James.
"Ohh~ I was hoping to fidn Rain, but who are you?" He questioend takign three dangerous steps closer to the other.
Isn't this fun?
3:12pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair tilted his head slightly. "Depresed? Over what, may I ask?" he asked, leaning forward out of curiosity, which shimmered in his bi-colored eyes. He rested one elbow against the table, propping his chin against his hand.