2013. Zombie Apocalypse.

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12:33am Dec 4 2011 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 15 2012)

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Posts: 945

There's already two other Apocalypse RPs, I know that.

I decided to start another, because one is extremely full and I didn't like the concept of the other.

If you've come to complain, you can leave.


PLOT:  Early into the year 2013, the world is beginning to end.  Now, mere days after the new year, carcasses are strewn like dolls across the world.  The streets are painted red with blood.  What could possibly be responsible for this? Many things.  Sudden natural disasters so violent, they flatten entire countries.  Animals gone rabid.  Outbreaks of disease.  These are the worst of our problems, though, for they have created the largest issue the world has ever known; Zombies.

They are nothing like what Hollywood has led us to believe, though.  They are incredibly fast, strong, and they do not need to eat or sleep.  Zombies do enjoy human flesh, brains, organs, and every other part of them, and will stop at nothing to fulfill their wants.  They cannot die.  Worst of all, they are all people we know.

Only eight percent of the world's population before it began remains.  We are part of that eight percent.  Some are families, running from place to place in search of safety.  Others have only their friends.  Most have only themselves.  Everybody has something in common, though; we want to get away.

Some believe that there is a place on earth, buried among the ruins, where we cannot be harmed.  The zombies cannot get to us, and neither can anything else.  Although it seems illogical, it is their only hope.

Thus, we search endlessly for this haven, and some will do anything to find it.





- this is a semi-literate roleplay, so no one sentence posts.

- no PP, GM, Mary or Gary Sues.

- no killing others unless you have their absolute consent.

- be polite, respect others.

- remember, almost all animals are out to kill us all.  You can have no more than one animal companion.

- all other rules of res.








Companions? (Human or Animal)

Where are you from?








Jethro Morgan



Has a Black German Shepherd Dog who's name is Airleas. 

Where are you from?
Dublin Ireland 

Butterfly knife and a black Beretta 92SB

 6'0 ft tall, black Hair, with a scene hair cut, but he styles it with spikes all over, freely swaying in avery direction. Jethro is very pale, but that's just because he is Irish. He has cerulean colored eyes, with black around the iris'. He wears a black Deadmau5 shirt. He is very skinny, and looks anorexic, Even though he definitely is not. He eats almost anything. He also has a tattoo of a black clover on his upper right arm.

Jethro loves music, and really is a rather happy guy. He only dresses in black because he looks ridiculous in bright colors, he thinks. Jethro loves Airleas to death, and would do anything to save her. 

Nope, not really... that's pretty much it. Other than his favorite music is by Deadmau5....


4:32pm Dec 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((I would like to join the rp if that's alright. If you need me too I'll send you an example of my rping skills over rmail.))


9:05pm Dec 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 945
((That's ok! You can join! Bring your friends, heck I don't care. You can send me RP'ing skills if you want, but it's not necessary. After all, Mine I'm sure are not that great. xD))


9:12pm Dec 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((OK then my bio's will be up in a second. I'll just edit them into this post if you don't mind so I don't spam up the thread.))


9:14pm Dec 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Ha ha I don't care about 'spaming' up the thread or stretching it, lmao.))


9:27pm Dec 5 2011 (last edited on 9:40pm Dec 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((Well then good thing I forgot to edit this into my last post XD))



Paige Esenger





Companions? (Human or Animal)

Her next door neigbor Corbin

Where are you from?

She is from a small town on the edge of San Francisco but had travled quite far since starting off there.


She had a double barrel shot gun strapped to her back with a piece of cloth.



Paige dosn't speak much unless she has something important to say however she does tend to get angry easily and even if you havn't known her long it's clear to tell when she disagrees. She could care less about what others are doing most of the time unless if involves her or someone she's close too. She isn't the stario-tipical teen age girl in the sence the she doesn't ware revealing clothes or try to act dumb or flirt to get a guys attention in fact she usually dosn't care about what guys think of her in terms of a relationship stand point. She doesn't care what other people think and sometimes does the exact oposit of what someone wants or believes she would do just to suprise or anger them.

She takes pride in her work on motercycles since that's what she tended to do on empty afternoons with her father before the epidemic and since she had watched and later on joined in with working on the bikes at a young age she is now imune to dirt so to speak because she rather enjoys getting down and dirty.


She has a morotcycle is that alright with you



Corbin Matley





Companions? (Human or Animal)

His neigbor Paige

Where are you from?

The outskirts of San Fran


He carry's a crowbar



Corbin is shy and skitsh almost all the time. He stutters often and is easily overwhelmed. He dislikes being alone but also doesn't prefer to be in large groups but rather somewhere in the middle so he isn't alone but also isn't over loaded with sounds and people. He can be quite nice when you can get him to talk and on rare occations when he makes a strong connection with someone he will stand up for them.


nope. Sorry his personality is so short Oh and by the way neither of these pics are mine.


1:16am Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 945
((That is Awesome! I love the pics, as well! Short and sweet, which is awesome. Did you draw the chick? If you did, wow she looks amazing! : And a Motorcycle is fine :D)) 


9:14am Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,053

((I'm sorry I can't upload the looks, cause I don't know how.... I'm sorry))


Annabelle Jackson





Companions? (Human or Animal)


Where are you from?

A large family's little servant




Very shy, will do what you want, is obedient to everyone, and is scared easily. 


9:50am Dec 6 2011


Posts: 3,217
((is it ok if i join? i dont Rp much unless the story sounds really interesting and this sounds epic :]))


8:31pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Pancakez, That's ok! And love your character! We need a shy girl every once in a while, eh? He he! And Skypi, Yes! You can join! 8D And This is going to be epic. Hopefully. lmao!))


8:32pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Merlinlover I really want to see your characters! No rush though I'm just excited XD))


8:49pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,053
((okayy should we get started? and thank you!!))

8:51pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Pancakz...the owner of the thread and another person who is joining havn't posted their bio's yet so I don't think this will start quite yet...))


8:53pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,053
((oh im sorry :D))

3:24pm Dec 7 2011 (last edited on 12:39pm Dec 14 2011)


Posts: 3,217


Vita Hollow





Companions? (Human or Animal)

animal-rottweiler/Australian cattle dog mix



young adult dog (male) 

Found as a puppy being terrorized by other dog and rescued by Vita. Vita used to carry him around in her bag until kit out grew it, he often trys to crawl back in when tired or cold.

although still young, Kit is strong and loyal to Vita and his excellent senses have rescued them both from trouble on many occasions. 

 (Vita still searching for her partner/boyfriend)

Where are you from?

was on a backpacking holiday from England


what ever she can get her hands on



dyed her hair pink because of a dare from her partner 

wears a mood ring and the key to her house back in england around her neck for safe keeping.


Vita is a very  logical thinker and loves problem solving, but looses thing easily. 

Shes resourceful and rather laid back although it can take alot to annoy her when things get too much and she get scared, angry or stress it can overwhelm her.

she prefers to be in small close knit groups rather than big ones or alone and will do anything to stop that group from breaking up or being separated. she is still fiercely loyal to her partner who she got separated from when things started to go bad and the panic spread.

Before the outbreak she was rarther shy and withdrawn (apart from around a select few) but since society collapsed and the human population dwindled shes come out of her shell. Although she wont admit it she love the freedom that the Apocalypse has given her, free of work, social issues and governmental  laws.

she misses her family back in England terribly and will often withdraw back in to her shell when thinking of them

sorry if its not very good :p


6:20pm Dec 9 2011 (last edited on 6:20pm Dec 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 945
Dear everybody who joined -  Sorry about my delays. I had a few D's to make up.... but I'm back now. I will post my characters and bios ASAP! I am so so sorry!!


6:24pm Dec 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((It's fine I have a D to make up too and so I'm kind of sneaking on with my iTouch... but yeah in short I understand.))


7:28pm Dec 9 2011 (last edited on 7:30pm Dec 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 945
My Character is up above! Take a looky!


12:13am Dec 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Ha ha nice. I wish I had an iTouch. Or an iPad......))


6:20pm Dec 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((love the characters Merlin and I'm glad that someone made another guy. I find that in EPA where gender ratios don't have to be even that everyone(or almost everyone) only makes girls.))

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