10:17pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 6:19pm Jul 13 2011)
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There's already two other Apocalypse RPs, I know that. I decided to start another, because one is extremely full and I didn't like the concept of the other. If you've come to complain, you can leave. *~* PLOT: Early into the year 2013, the world is beginning to end. Now, mere days after the new year, carcasses are strewn like dolls across the world. The streets are painted red with blood. What could possibly be responsible for this? Many things. Sudden natural disasters so violent, they flatten entire countries. Animals gone rabid. Outbreaks of disease. These are the worst of our problems, though, for they have created the largest issue the world has ever known; Zombies. They are nothing like what Hollywood has led us to believe, though. They are incredibly fast, strong, and they do not need to eat or sleep. Zombies do enjoy human flesh, brains, organs, and every other part of them, and will stop at nothing to fulfill their wants. They cannot die. Worst of all, they are all people we know. Only eight percent of the world's population before it began remains. We are part of that eight percent. Some are families, running from place to place in search of safety. Others have only their friends. Most have only themselves. Everybody has something in common, though; we want to get away. Some believe that there is a place on earth, buried among the ruins, where we cannot be harmed. The zombies cannot get to us, and neither can anything else. Although it seems illogical, it is their only hope. Thus, we search endlessly for this haven, and some will do anything to find it. *~* Rules: - this is a semi-literate roleplay, so no one sentence posts. - no PP, GM, Mary or Gary Sues. - no killing others unless you have their absolute consent. - be polite, respect others. - remember, almost all animals are out to kill us all. You can have no more than one animal companion. - all other rules of res. *~* Bios: Name Gender Age Companions? (Human or Animal) Where are you from? Weapons Looks Personality Other *~* Members and Characters 1) Myth - Annabel Lee 2) Merlin - Merlin 3) Wolfie - Arielle, Hunter, and Alex 4) Anthro - Nicholai 5) Serenity - Jethro, D.J., Ellowyn *~* We are currently located in New York city, heading north where there are less zombies because of extreme cold. Begin! *~*
10:18pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 2:39pm Jul 13 2011)
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Annabel Lee Gubler Female 16 Cousin, Serafina. Both are co-leaders of group. New Jersey Metal Baseball Bat, revolver, swiss army knife, several boxes of matches, lighter 
Long, straight dishwater blonde hair, blue-grey eyes, very pale. Wears hair in a ponytail, jeans, an oversized black zip-up hoodie, a blue camisole with a green T-Shirt, and a pair of blue converse. She carries a backpack that she has her weapons in, along with some water bottles and granola bars. Smart, clever, sensible, cautious. She's jumpy and knows enough not to trust anyone with your life. Despite that, she is kind, caring, nice, sarcastic, and funny. Can be snappy and bossy when nervous. Doesn't trust herself. Her mom and sister died early on in the Apocalypse. Her father was injured, but she has no idea where he is now. She refuses to sleep for fear of being murdered by zombies or even one of her comrades. Keeps an eye on everyone around her. Like I said, trusts no one but her cousin.
11:09pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 945
Merlin Pendragon Male 14 Ireland No Weapons yet Has a 16 foot Albino python as a companion Merlin is 6"0, short black hair, and Deadly blue eyes. he always wears a pair jeans and a t-shirt. is kind of scrawny, wich has enabled him to hide from the zombies in small places. Merlin is very Pale, from seeing his beloved sister Morgana, be eaten alive when the zombies invaded their house. His favorite color is Green, although it used to be red until he saw it to much. Merlin is smart, and always has a plan. He is not at all shy, and wishes he wasnt the only one alone in the world.
11:11pm Jul 12 2011
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11:34pm Jul 12 2011
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((Yep no problemo! i hope me and u can continue it!))
11:36pm Jul 12 2011
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((Me too! Hopefully more people will join by tomorrow))
12:07pm Jul 13 2011
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((Bump, sorry guys, I slept in))
12:26pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 1:06pm Jul 13 2011)
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Name: Arielle White Gender: Female Age: 13 Companions?: She has a small jack russel terrier named Jazzie. Jazzie is blind in her right eye, but it doesn't affect her. Her blind eye is a lilac color that is very pretty. Her other eye is a deep brown. She also has her brother, Hunter. Where are you from?: Florida Weapons: She carries around a few daggers in her belt. Looks: Arielle is a small girl, only standing at 5'3". Her hair is a dirty-blonde color, it trails down to her mid-back, and it is very wavy. Arielle's skin is lightly tanned, and she likes to keep it that way. She hardly ever gets sunburned. Arielle's eyes are a deep green. She usually wears ripped blue-jean shorts and a tank top, due to how hot natured she is. However, if she gets cold, she will wear a long duster coat that is lined with fur that her brother constantly carries around in his large back pack. Personality: Arielle is a quiet girl, and she usually keeps to herself. She doesn't like violence, but she can hold her own in a fight. She is a swift runner, and is excellent at finding great hiding spots. She knows a lot about wildlife, and has a way with animals. However, most animals want to kill anyone near them... Other: Her brother is Hunter. ~~~~~~~~ Name: Hunter White Gender: Male Age: 19 Companions?: Just his sister, Arielle, and her dog, Jazzie. Where are you from?: Florida Weapons: He carries around a few pistols in his back pack. Looks: Hunter is very similar in apperance to his sister. He is almost six feet tall, and he has green eyes just like Arielle. His hair is the same dirty blonde color. It stops just above his shoulders, and it is shaggily cut. He ocasionally pulls it back into a ponytail. Although his hair is longer than most guys', it doesn't make him look feminine at all. His skin is a light tan color, and he usually wears faded jeans and graphic tees. Personality: Hunter is more outgoing than his sister. Although, he is a bit untrusting. He is very protective over his sister, and won't let anything get in their way. Other: Nope. ~~~~~~~~ Name: Alex Gender: Female Age: Eighteen Companions?: None Where are you from?: California Weapons: She has weapons hidden all over herself. She uses pistols, and daggers. Looks: Alex stands at 5'6". Her hair is very curly. It is a bright crimson-like red, and it stops at her shoulder blades. Her skin is pale, and she has a few freckles along her cheek bones and the bridge of her nose. Her legs are long, and she likes to show that off. Her eyes are a deep, deep blue, and she usually wears a short skirt with biker shorts underneath them along with a fitted t-shirt. Personality: Alex could be described as unforgiving, hostile, and just flat out mean. However, if you break through her shell, she can be quite nice, and a good friend. Other: Nope.
Love is all we need~
12:30pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 12:33pm Jul 13 2011)
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Posts: 22
Nicholai Mendem Male Nineteen years of age. Has a goliath tarantula on his shoulder or under his hat. His name is Jeeves. Miami, Florida. A sawed off shotgun, and 'yield' sign he hacked off in the middle of a street. Tall, lean, and moderately tanned, Nicholai was moderately attractive-- except for the scars that coat his body. Half of them are from animals, some from hurting hismelf when trying to aquire supplies, but the most noticeable are two that stretch across his face, blinding left eye, now a glassy gray color. He often hides his one useless eye under a lock of wavy brown hair-- Ah yes, his hair is evry messy, naturally. His ther eye is such a dark brown, one would think it's black. His plaid jacket is torn, his white top underneath stained with grease, blood, and some other undidentifiable substances, and his faded jeans are stiff and crusted with mud. He was once attractive. But none of that matters anymore. Nicholai has a very strong and kind heart,and he used to be very shy towards strangers. He still retains some of that shyness, but it's also mixed with suspicion. He isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but he knows wrong from right and two plus two, and that's enough for him. He's simple-minded, simple-acting, and very humbled, especially in his current position. Unfortunately, because of a terrible fall from his parents apartment, you see, he was at the top floor of a four story building fenidng hismelf off from his fathers newly risen corpse, he suffers from extreme disorientation and foretfulness at times, and this is crippling when trying to fight for his life.
12:38pm Jul 13 2011
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((Thanks for joining, guys. Does anyone want to start, or should I?))
12:40pm Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 22
ooc: Welcome. This sounds interesting. ^^ Um, I'm not really reliable with starting off... Also,s orry if there are a lot of typos. I've got a major crick in my neck and can't turn to look at the keyboard without wailing from the pain. @-@
1:19pm Jul 13 2011
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((I'll start, and would you mind changing 'Belle' to 'Wolfie'? Nobody calls me Belle.)) Arielle's dog, Jazzie, yipped angrily at the rabid raccoon before her. Faster than Arielle could register, the bear was charging her beloved canine. And then there was a large boom followed by the smell of gunsmoke. Jazzie ran as fast as she could behind Arielle's legs, and looked at the now dead raccoon on the pavement. Hunter rubbed his temples in frustration. "You stupid dog," he said, nearly yelling. "You don't lure in rabid animals with your loud barking!" Jazzie layed her ears back, and cowered down. Arielle picked up her dog, and said, "Hunter, don't get mad at her. She's just a puppy." "Ari, I'm starting to think that we should put your dog in a nice, safe place and leave her there. She's causing more trouble than she's worth." Hunter sighed. "B-but. She's my baby. We can't leave her. I'll hate you forever if you make me leave her somewhere. She'd die. She wouldn't be able to find food, or water, and the zombies would eat her alive." Arielle's eyes teared up. Hunter sighed. "Ari, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry if I upset you. It's just that... It's been so hard lately." "I know, brother. It's okay." Arielle sniffled, and wiped her eyes. She picked up Jazzie, and began walking, her brother behind her. ~~~~ Alex's curly hair bounced as she moved. She looked from side to side, her blue eyes scanning the streets for any sign of the undead. She hated those nasty things. They were walking, moaning, groaning man-eaters. Plus, they stunk to the high heavens, and had rotting flesh still clinging to their bones. She shivered at the thought. How she hated those things. Her black converse tapped quietly on the pavement, and then she heard it- a gun shot. "Survivors?" she whispered to herself. "No. They're probably dead. I bet the zombies are eating their bodies right now. No use in helping them if they're already dead," she whispered again.
Love is all we need~
1:27pm Jul 13 2011
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((Haha, it's okay Anthro. I guess I'll start)) Annabel Lee carefully navigated the streets of the city on her bike, dodging the carnage littering the asphalt. She dragged her baseball bat against the pavement, ready to swing in case something came up behind her. The silence was eerie, almost deafening. You could only hear the rattle of Annabel Lee's bike and the bat. She seemed to be all alone in this world.
1:48pm Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 22
He had grown used to the bodies that littered the streets now. It wans't difficult to, really, because if you didn't loom at them, or notive when you felt them-- if you only looked on ahead, and watched out for your own life, for the living, then they suddenly didn't exist. Why, by now, Nicholai couldn't even sense the foul smell of rotting flesh. It used to twist his insides, but now he went on, determinedly, stepping ove rbodies expertly-- he went on to survive. He stopped at a strange smacking noise-- lips smacking. Crunching, too. A soft, occasional snapping sound, and then hideous slurping. Nicholai cringed, reckognizing the series of soudns nad immediately hating them. Nicholai peered down the alleyway made by two near-crumbled buidlings. It was one of them. Of course. Nicholai backed hismelf up before he shot it. If there were any mroe in the alleyway he'd ahev some notice. But he was far away enough that he could, for ocne, walk by going unnoticed as the beast ate. And isntead of wasting bullets, Nicholai hesitated-- then slid his gun back in it's holster. Right then and there-- A shot. Nicholai froze as the unmistakable sound rang out, ehcoing across the otherwise silent city. And before another sound could pentrate the silence even further-- Nicholai ran forit. He leaped across bodies, he bounded across sidewalks and the remains of parking lots and parks-- With his one melee weapon, a neon yellow yield sign, he ran toward the sound of life-- A sound he though he would never hear again. Unbeknowest to the boy, the hungry beast, that was once a man like himself, followed his trail. "H-Hey!" Nicholai called out, against all he knew, all he had learned-- Stay silent. Stealth was your friend. "You there! The both of you!" And he could see them now, the girl, the boy, years younger than him, but he didn't care. They were alive, and it was obvious form the way they walked and the way the girl held that young dog in her arms-- and not eating it. And this was the vital proof he needed, as a human being, that he was not the last of his kind, and that there was hope. In times like these, man needed that simple hope. That he, against all odds, could survive.
2:19pm Jul 13 2011
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Alex smelled the zombie way before it ran in front of her. She pulled her pistol out of her pocket, and shot at the quick undead man, but she missed. The zombie didn't even pay her any attention. He was after the boy who had ran before him. The one with the street sign. Alex growled. Now she knew there were people who were alive here. She hurdled over a car, following the zombie. ~~~~ No sooner than Hunter had shot the raccoon, he was greeted by a boy who seemed to be his age holding a street sign. To him, this guy looked crazed. He raised his gun to shoot the boy, but he noticed the zombie right behind him. He aimed his gun at the zombie, and pulled the trigger. It hit the undead straight in the skull, causing it to fall to the ground. Arielle's dog went wild. Jazzie barked, but was soon shut up when Arielle put her hand over Jazzie's muzzle, and even then, the dog let out vicious growls. Soon, Arielle walked over to the zombie. Obviously, it was dead. Or so she thought. The zombie reached out in an instant, and grabbed the girl's leg, pulling her to the ground. Ari screamed, and Jazzie barked at the zombie. Then the zombie went limp at the sound of another gunshot. Arielle pried the bony hand off of her leg, and turned to Hunter. However, his gun was idle. Alex then stepped out of the alleyway that she had followed the zombie and the boy from, her gun smoking. She had just saved Ari's life.
Love is all we need~
2:38pm Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 22
He was practically sprinting toward them now, still not awre of the zombie that was chasing him. He was too cuaght up in the moment to notice the growls or even slisten to the other gunshots. So when the boy pulled out his weapon, Nicholai's advance stoppe dimmediately. He screeched to a halt and pulle dout his own weapon in defense. The position of ht eugn changed, and it was right then when nicholai heard the incomprehensible snarls form ebhind him. but he didn't dare turn around. As the boy in fornt of him pulled the trigger, he squeezed his eyes shut. Thud. Nicholai sighed in relief, when it was hte zombie who collapsed instead of him. he backed away slighlty to elave room for the girl, and make a wide space awya from the boy-- the elder one, who had pointed the gun at him first. Nicholai was sure of this, even as he was lacking depth perception. Though he wasn't sure why he was aimed at. He whirled when he heard the girl shriek, but immeidately halted when he saw the creature's face in the ground ocne more. His eyes flashed up to see who the newcomer was. Nicholai got a good eyeful of her, lettign out a low whistle, which would otherwise sound impressed at her skill in shooting, but it was really towards her appearance. Those fine, long longs, pale, creamy skin, and dark, red hair. "Nice shooting there." He gave her a wide grin, which was so full of pride and masculinity, which he really didn't have in him, that it fell apart into a short, shy smile, with a light blush. There was no need to try and flirt in the midle of the apocolypse, surrounded by zombies and corpses. Not exactly the most romantic situation. "So... Where- where are y'all heading? What are we al doing out in the open?"
2:40pm Jul 13 2011
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Serafina Gubler Female 16 Annabel Lee New Jersey Bow and Arrow, a revolver, and an obsidian dagger encrusted with diamonds (family heirloom) 
Looks like her ^ except has pale green-gray eyes She's snarky and fierce, very sarcastic and funny. She can be kind and understanding when the situation needs it. She is clever and has amazing reflexes, she's a fighter She has strong stature and is more powerful then the average 16yrold. Her family was all killed during a rampage for food, the only surviver being Annabel Lee, her cousin who she's very close. Her and Annabel Lee are co-leaders in this zombie revolution. Serafina's only true weakness is that she has trust issues. After her family died, she lost all connections with any humans, other than Annabel Lee. After a raid of their uncle's house, Serafina and Annabel Lee got their guns from his vault. (He was a cop.)
 "Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
2:46pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 2:48pm Jul 13 2011)
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((Yo guys)) Ok, so Serafina and Annabel have transportation, duh. Here we go; Serafina usually drives.
 "Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
2:57pm Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((May I join? I love post apocalyptic roleplays.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:00pm Jul 13 2011
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 "Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King