3:06pm Jul 13 2011
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After grabbing weapons from their uncle's house, Serafina snatched his keys off the counter. Annabel Lee stuffed the backpack they shared with boxes of crackers, fruit roll-ups, and bottles of Poland Spring. Serafina pulled all of the winter coats from the closet. She also grabbed a ton of blankets and pillows off the couch and carried them outside into the crisp white snow splattered with red blood. Annabel Lee fumbled through the keys, pressing the first car unlock button she saw. The lights on the black escalade in the driveway blinked on, and the two rushed to fill the backseat with their supplies. Annabel Lee contemplated stuffing her bike into the trunk, but decided against it. She grabbed her baseball bat off the sidewalk and pulled it into the car with her. "I'll drive," Serafina volunteered excitedly. "No you won't, Fina. You get pissed easily, and we'll both get killed because of it," Annabel Lee replied, climbing into the driver's seat. Serafina rolled her eyes but did not fight her cousin for the wheel. Neither of them had their liscense, but it didn't matter anymore. Now, it's all about survival of the fittest. Annabel Lee put the car in reverse, backing out of the driveway smoothly. Snowflakes collected on the windshield as the wipers tried in vain to push them off. The two turned left on to the main road, swerving around stranded, empty vehicles. Nothing was going to get in their way on their quest to head north.
3:28pm Jul 13 2011
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4:45pm Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 4:50pm Jul 13 2011)
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Name|| Jethro Reagan Gender|| Male Age|| Twenty Companions|| His neighbours, Ellowyn and Dyson, plus their dog. Where are you from|| New York Weapons|| He carries a Glock strapped to his side and Beretta ARX-160 rifle strapped across his back. He also has a swiss army knife and a silver lighter. Looks|| Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. Across his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and his chest two inches bellow his right collar bone in smaller letters says Evil is just a point of view. The inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forearm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell. He wears a black long sleeved shirt that pretty much hugs his broad shoulders and every other muscle. Over that he wears a leather jacket, over that he wears a black gun holster.
Personality|| Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all?
Other|| Nothing. - - - - Name|| Ellowyn Jackson Gender|| Female Age|| Eighteen Companions|| Her twin brother Dyson, their neighbour and her giant rotweiller Luther. Where are you from|| New York Weapons|| She has this strange fascination with knives. She has one hidden in each boot that can join together to create one blade. She also has a hunting knife straped to her side and a couple hidden in other places of her vest. Although she also carries a Glock 17.
Looks|| Ellowyn is relatively attractive, in a california beach girl way. She stands at a slightly above average height of 5'9'' and gets her tanned/fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls fall just bellow her shoulders, and bounce whenever she moves her head. Her eyes are a pretty grey-ish blue, that light up whenever she laughs. She has no visible scars except for one faded one on the side of her left forarm from when she fell from a tree as a child. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin, so she is a pretty curvacious girl. Although, she lacks in both the upper and lower departments, probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. She has a small nose that fits her face, and when she smiles her pink semi-full lips show off her straight white teeth. Most of her height is made by her long legs which are covered by tight, dark blue skinny jeans, which allow her model like legs to move freely helping her with speed and parkour. Elle's ear ar peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peirce on her left ear, and on her right she has an industrial piercing. She normally wears a form fitting v-neck with navy and white stripes.Ontop of that she wear an olive green military styled jacket, which has an army patch hand sown on the left arm and a red strip that looks tied onto her right, although upon further inspection you can see it been crudely sown on also. She also always wears her father dogtags she never takes them off. She also has a red scarf she likes to wear. On her legs she has a modified gun holster which carries both her hunting knife and gun. Personality|| Ellowyn is a rather nice girl, I guess you could say. Not necesarily the most talkative person in the word, but still nice all the same. She can pick a lock, although it mostly ends in failure and she probably just ends up shoting it off. She also has got quite a mouth on her, cussing out with the big boys. Not to mention her violent temper, the slightest things get on her nerves and she tends to attack. Now she's not that bad all the time, quietness may sometimes comes across as rude or or snotty to some but the girl isn't like that. She is also fond of animals, except for cats and little dogs, she feels like drop kicking those. She can be rather childish sometimes, even a little coy if the time is right. If you can crack her shell she a bit crazy and often does things like climbing unstable objects of flipping off of things. She is more of a listener than a talker, so she's a pretty good person to confide in. Elle is a loyal friend to her core, and she will stand by you, and try anything to keep you safe. Now she wouldn't take a bullet for you, or catch a grenade, but she sure as hell will try and push you out of the way (literally and metaphorically). Other|| Is Dyson's twin sister. - - - - Name|| Dyson 'D.J.' Jackson Gender|| Male Age|| Eighteen Companions|| Twin sister Ellowyn, their dog, and their neighbour Where are you from|| New York Weapons|| He also like his sister carries a Glock 17 which he keeps at his side, he also carries a Carbine M16 Assault Rifle on his back.
Looks|| Standing at an average height of 5'11'' Dyson has similar characteristics of his sister. He has a lean athlectic build and the same mocha coloured skin tone. He doesn't have much muscle bulk but he is very toned. Now unlike his sister his hair is black and grows in curly waves on his head, although he normally keeps it short seeing as it would grow into an afro. He also like his sister has the same blue eyes that stand out against skin tone and hair colour, but his a much more intense a colour. That is where their similarities ends. His nose is broader, not as pointed as his sisters, his nostrils slightly flared. In the summer if he spends to much time in the sun freckles dot across it. His slightly full lips are usually never in a smile but if he did you would see his straight white teeth. He also looks more cold and closed off, he is fairly attractive but he doesn't look friendly. (God, I seriously fail XP Just try to imagine Avery from Grey's Anatomy, he kinda looks like him XP) He wears black jeans, a grey top which is normally covered by a black military styled jacket with a fur lined hood. He also wears dogtags but they are his.
Personality|| (He's kinda new so this will fail) Dyson is more of the strong silent type, a man of few words. He is always with his sister, the two are nearly inceperable. He is an unsocial lad, most thinking he is mute seeing as he doesn't talk. Although once he warms up to you you might get a few words out of him. (Fail XP)
Other|| Ellowyn's twin brother.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:19pm Jul 13 2011
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7:07pm Jul 13 2011
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8:55pm Jul 13 2011
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((Bump, someone please pick up where we left off?))
9:47pm Jul 13 2011
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((Oh no prob. Sorry about the longness of some of it though. Also for this post, it may have typos)) "You know that motorcycle of yours makes a hell of a lot of noise." Ellowyn said standing up from the dead body she was poking at. She knew it was horrible but she often checked them to see if they had anything they could possibly use. Unforntunatly this guy has nothing nothing besides a drivers license. He sure as hell doesn't look like that anymore. She though as she looked at the decompsing body, and a few bucks. She pushed some golden brown curls out of her face before lookng at an older man who was leaning against a motorcycle, a cigarette in his mouth. "Aww, c'mon Princess. Don't be such a party pooper." The man said, when he finished he took a long drag before blowing smoke into the younger girls face. "God, you really suck Jethro." She said fanning the smoke away form her face as she walked closer to the man. He raised an eyebrow and peered at her with his steely blue eyes. "Whats your problem?" she asked bluntly as checked her gun. The man, Jethro, shook his head. "Nothing. Just thinking is all." He said grinning that deep dimpled grin that had caused her heart to flutter when she first met him. She let out a little breath and shook her head, she wasn't going to even bother asking. The things in his mind, there was no use trying to figure him out. She pushed the magazine back into the gun, before to turning and looking around her. She remembered how much this had disturbed her. The blood and the bodies strewn across the street. And that horrible smell, how it used to make her stomach turn. She had pretty much refused to leave their apartment building, they had to take her out while she was sleeping. Tearing her eyes away from the streets she looked over at Jethro. He seemed so unfazed, smoking his cigarette. His blue eyes so nonchalant, his smiled easy and carefree, it was as if this whole apocalyps thing was nothing. She saw the dimple in his cheek go in and she looked away back to the street. The thought that probably saddened her to most was that she was dulled to it all now. When she saw a dead body it mean nothing, hell she was just refiling throug a dead mans wallet. And the killing, it came so easy now, there was no hesitation. She just pulled the trigger and let the echoing sound fill her ears. Soon aother sound filled her ears. Barking. Shaking herself out of her thoughts she looked over and saw a big rotweiller bounding towards her, a man holding a gun trailing behind. She squated down and welcomed the dog into her arms. "Hey there boy, how are you?" she said petting him and playing with his ears. This dog was one of the few things that gave her happiness, dispite his giant size. As the man with the gun drew nearer it was Jethro who spoke up. "Hey D did you find anything?" he asked dropping the cigarrette on the ground and outing it with his foot. The other boy nodded and passed him a bag. "I found a convience store that wasn't too badly luted. Got some stuff." Jethro grinned as took to bag where he found bottled water, canned food and what looked like a plastic bag of rice. "Oh Dyson my man." He said excitedly he looked back up at the boy. He didn't look much like his sister, but because he knew them so long it was easy for him to see. "You didn't run into any trouble did you?" Dyson grinned at that. "Nothing me and Luther couldn't handle." he shook his rifle as he said so. "Woah, calm down Army man." Jethro laughed causing Ellowyn to roll her eyes. She stood up but kept her hand on the dogs head. "You sure you're alright DJ?" She said using his childhood nickname. She peered at her brother and waited. "Winnie I'm fine. I can hold my own." He said as if annoyed. She nodded and looked up at the sky. "Well we'd probably better can a move on." She said, she moved and grabbed the backpack from Jethro's hands and made her way over to a parked van. She opened the slinding side door and threw it into the back which had other things like a couple of pillows and blankets. She whistled and Luther can bounding and climbed inside. Ellowyn then closed the door and moved to the passengers side before slamming it with a loud thud. Dyson flinched at the noise as he watched his sister. "You two really need to kiss and make up." Came Jethro's voice from beside him. He looked over at the taller male who was checking his shotgun before sliding it into the holder attacked to his bike. He looked back up grinning and said, "Minus this kissing, that's kinda incestuous." Dyson smiled and punched him in the arm meving walking over to the van, kicking a rock along the way. When he climbed in he placed his gun beside him and looked at his sister, who was busying herself looking out the window at something that wasn't there. He turned his blue eyes away and looked at the road ahead of him before starting the van. The drove in silence, the only sound was Jethro's motorcycle roaring up the street. He watched the man in the motorcycle helmet swerve into another street, he often liked to do that. Sometimes for supplies, others to think, most of the time just for the hell of it so he could get into a fight with whatever wanted to fight him. Dyson looked down and saw that the van was running low on gas. "Sh--." He said looking back at the road. "What is it?" Ellowyn said opening her mouth for the first time the whole ride. "We're running out of gas." He said pointing the empty side with his finger. "Well pull over here. Let 's go fill it up." The van came to a stop and Ellowyn climbed out, followed by her brother. "I can do it myself." she said courtly as she opened the side and grabbed a tank of gasoline. "Yes, I know that. Just keeping an eye out." he replied as she shoved past him and made her way to the front. It was when she opened the hood that they heard the sound. A loud bang. Followed my a scream then followed by a second gunshot. Ellowyn looked over at Dyson, her eyes having a frantic look to them. "Win, you can't be sure they're-" but it was no use she had taken off running. "Ellowyn!" Dyson yelled, he grabbed his gun from van cursing under his breath, he whistled and Luther poked his head out the open door. Dyson motioned with his finger and the dog went bounding off behind the girl, Dyson following close behind. He watched as Elle ran, he couldn't keep up with her as she easily manuvered around dead bodies and fallen peices of concrete. Easily hood sliding over a car that was in her way. He suddenly wished he had taken as much intrest in parkour as she had. She saw the group of people long before her brother had. She slowed for a moment taking them al in. Two guys around her age and two girl, on diffenately younger, cluthing a dog. The other holding a gun pointed at a dead corpse on the ground. She slowed even more as she approached. "Are you guys alright?" she called to them as she neared. Soon Luther and Dyson behind. When Dyson reached her he leaned over and put his hands on his knees breathing heavily. She just ran three blocks and was copletely unfazed. He looked up. "Jesus Christ Win." He panted as he looked up at her. "I am so out of shape." He looked over at the dog who had his tongue lolling out his mouth slightly panting. "You too?" He paid no mind to the people infront of then as he tried to catch his breath.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:04am Jul 14 2011
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Posts: 945
Merlin walked down the cold streets of New York, shortly after the world ended and he coming from Ireland to America. Ok, Merlin thought. I wonder if there are any survivors in America. I sure hope im not alone in this world. I guess i'll just hide her in the Big Apple untill someone finds me, if there really are survivors. Merlin saw a pile of round giant pipes and climbed to the top of the pile and crawled into the highest tubr., and fell asleep.
10:45am Jul 14 2011
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After a half hour of driving, the girls were in New York City. Normally, the drive would've taken two hours, but under the circumstances there were no traffic rules whatsoever. Although the city was one of the most dangerous places in the world at this point, the girls were utterly exhausted and desperately needed to rest. Annabel Lee kept watch while Serafina slept, her revolver in her hand and bat under her seat. Within an hour, Annabel heard voices. She had begun to doze off, but quickly jolted awake. She held her revolver tighter as she leaned forward to peer out the window. Down the street, she could see people climbing into a van. She turned and shook Serafina awake. "What the hell is it?" she growled. "There's people outside," Annabel Lee said quickly, a mixture of fear and hope glistening in her grey-blue eyes. Serafina's eyes widened. Not once in the last two weeks had the girls seen another living soul. The last time they saw another human was when they watched in horror as a group of the undead devoured their parents, siblings, and entire family alive. Then, they had climbed down a ladder out the window and into Serafina's dad's truck. Together, they huddled in the truck, utterly petrified. Soon, the zombies had finished their meal and left the house. The two held their breath as the zombies sniffed at the air, pausing, before running off to the new smell of flesh. The two shuddered at the memory, pushing it out of their minds. Annabel Lee slowly pulled up beside the mysterious van. The voices went silent. Serafina pulled her revolver up, leveling it with the window. A gun emerged from the darkness of the van, pointed at Annabel Lee's head. She slowly raised her hands into the air, swallowing hard. "Uh, hello...... we just, er, wanted to see if you perhaps......." She stopped and cleared her voice. Serafina stared at her expectantly. "Wanted to see if you wanted to join us. We are heading as far north as possible, since zombies can't live in such cold climate. Would you like to accompany us?" Annabel finished. She closed her eyes and nodded to herself, waiting for an answer.
1:02pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 1:03pm Jul 14 2011)
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((Who are your characters talking to Myth?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:48pm Jul 14 2011
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((Well, I'm pretty sure everyone. This is the part where we can decide or decide not to travel together))
2:17pm Jul 14 2011
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((But you said a van. I'm pretty sure my characters were the only ones who were in a van, but they left. SO everyone is pretty much out in the open, so that post doesn't make much sense. I'm really sorry If I sounds mean because I'm not trying to be, but I'm just saying.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:18pm Jul 14 2011
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((Oh, okay, sorry. I guess I'm talking to the other people then XD))
2:57pm Jul 14 2011
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((Let me know when you want me to start writing Kay. I'm pretty busy but I think I can squeeze something in.))
 "Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King
4:25pm Jul 14 2011
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8:20pm Jul 14 2011
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10:12pm Jul 14 2011
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((Will Poor Merlin ever be found in the pipes underneath the big screen tv?))
10:23am Jul 15 2011
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2:18pm Jul 15 2011
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((Someone please pick up))
5:50am Jul 16 2011
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((Oh, Merlin is just waiting to be found. i guess you can just make up where you found a little boy, if someone decides to find him))