8:51pm Jan 11 2013
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"I'm your best friend, don't you remember?" he said with a smirk, he was know for playing mine games, with his friends and with his rivals. "Don't you remember? I was your best friend when you were smaller... When I was a wee tiny foal..." she said, still smirking.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:57pm Jan 11 2013
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Posts: 42
"You can't fool me, outsider." She suddenly jumped at the horse, missing by a mile and accidentaly jumping into the river behind them and getting all wet.
9:03pm Jan 11 2013
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He laughed at the cat and pinned his ears back up. "Who do you think you are? Some little killer? I highly doubt you'd be able to kill me." he blurted out and began laughing.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
3:14pm Jan 12 2013
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Karra was floating peacefully in the water all by herself. It wasn't customary for otters to be alone at any time, but she had just needed a break from all the fun and laughter. This all ended, of course, when a rather large cat landed on top of her, sending her under the water. She resurfaced quickly and glared daggers at the ocelot landed on her. In the heat of the moment she had misjudged it's size; it actually wasn't that much larger than Karra herself, maybe by a couple inches.
Karra got out of the water, and shook all of the fluid off. She was still glaring daggers, but she had a new person to glare at. It was obviously a stallion, and even more obviously a fire element. He was about to cross into water territory, and he was most unwelcome there.
Would you to mind taking your little baby fight somewhere else? she snarled. Some of us actually have a life and a family that they don't want injured. Besides, you fire elements are not welcome here, so I suggest you leave before I have the entire sea at my side.

3:57pm Jan 12 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[I might not be on as usual most of the days, I have a dance club to be at, so I'll try most of the time to reply at posts before I leave or when I get back witch will probbly be late... lol]
Death snorted and walked over to her. Sparks flew from his hooves with every step. "And, I am to listen to a small dog?" he snickered and let out a snort, it didn't matter to him if they were females, nor if they were from diffrent elements. He chuckled and swished his tail.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
4:27pm Jan 12 2013
Posts: 3,217
From his nest of twisted twigs, leaves and warm downy feathers Kintu woke with a start, there was a frantic splashing coming from the river. Despite the sudden wake up, he was still groggy. In the few seconds before his eyes cleared the world seemed to shimmer and swim before him, colours and shapes blurring and melting slightly, long gone memories bloomed in his mind as he blinked the sleep away, bring every thing back in to focus. Vague memories of a being a pup, eyes barely open, his mothers fur engulfing him.... he shook his head trying to clear it. No time to dwell on the past when there was potential danger close to home.
Kintu snorted softy as he poked his nose out of his nest, ears flattered, eyes closed, concentrating. The musky sent of wet cat was barely detectable, even to Kintus fine nose. Another sniffed revealed an odd smell that Kintu instantly recognised as a horse.
Sticking his whole head out Kintu scanned the forest around him. There was no sign of any thing devious or dangerous, so, cautiously he headed to wards the noises, keeping his belly low to the grounds and using bracken for cover.
Still staying a safe distance away Kintu watched the odd scene play out in front of him. Pawing at the ground to make a comfy seating place.

4:30pm Jan 12 2013 (last edited on 4:31pm Jan 12 2013)
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Karra snorted with fury. She may have been small, but she was a fully trained warrior, and quite capable of knocking out this beastly thing in front of her.
A small dog? That would be otter, thank you very much. And you supposed your size would intimidate me, don't you? Too bad I have fought and won against actual horses, let alone a foal. I doubt that you are even pure blood horse! I wouldn't be surprised if your parents were mere ponies!
The tide from the river was now growing larger and larger. It lapped at their feet, some twenty feet up shore. If this thing kept pushing, she might have to do something about it. Size didn't always matter, and she was much more than willing to prove it to this monstrosity.
In the heat of the moment, she had even forgot about the cat that had knocked her into the water.
4:50pm Jan 12 2013
Posts: 3,217
From his hiding place on the other side of the river Kintu shifted uncomfortably. His fur prickled like it did when a thunder storm was rolling in, yet the skys were clear. Ears tilted towards group in the river, only catching faint wisps of them from this distance. Plucking up his courage he decided to edge closer. Once again staying low, he edged forward. Nerves making him edgy. In no time at all he was on a little rise on the river bank, right above the action. Curiously and curiously, he peered over the edge of the rise. A few small pebbles tumbled down, plopping in the swelling river below. Kintu froze, worried, he hadn't had any encounters with the animals in this area before, and the first impressions weren't looking too good.
Lucky they didnt seem to notice the small noise.
5:02pm Jan 12 2013
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Death reared, his eyes were full of flames and furry. "I may not be full grown, but I'm still powerful!" he snorted and as soon at his hooves hit the ground, flames shot up, but as soon as they shot from the ground, they were imidently put out by the water. The hot ashes blew into the otters face, also into his. He didn't mind though. He was use to it. "And does it matter if I'm pure blood! It's not like your any better." he snorted. As he breathed, smoke came from his nose. He knew he wasn't able to defete a water element, but he was willing to try.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:51pm Jan 12 2013
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Posts: 42
Felix squeaked and jumped into the bushes startling a small dog-thing. She squeaked again and backed up and fell into the river again.
10:12pm Jan 12 2013
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Karra eyes told how furious she was. Often, she didn't have to speak to her family or friends to tell them how she felt. She was extremely expressive with her eyes, and this look told a story of pure anger. She had been known to be able to kill small shellfish with just that look. Of course, she didn't expect the horse to fall down dead, but the look still told her story.
It would be wonderful to knock this pathetic little thing out, but would that do what she desired? It would wake up and immediately come back, and it wouldn't be as infuriated as she'd like. It would be furious, no doubt, but still horribly angered.
Then again, what else could she do? If she walked away, it would probably anger the thing more than a fight, and she would have no chance of looking, but she might also be seen as a coward. Still, it would be wonderful to anger this horse that much.
Karra weighed her options, and turned around. Why not do both? The river swelled as she re-entered it and engulfed the horse. She then walked up on the other side and walked into the forest, where she promptly ran into that ocelot who had practically drowned her earlier.

11:55pm Jan 12 2013
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Posts: 42
Felix squealed and lashed out in defense, claws extended.
3:58pm Jan 16 2013
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Karra squealed as the claws entered her flank. She had been able to stop the water flow before getting hurt. Good thing too, if it had continued it would have certainly injured the horse, and the spell likely would have gone out of control.
Karra spun around and looked at the cat. Her flank was bleeding profusely, but it didn't really bother her. She wasn't in a particularly good mood, but she could tell the cat was just defending itself. She just sighed and shook her head.
I'm not going to hurt you. That dumb horse just got on my bad side. She turned around and growled in the direction of the river.
4:14pm Jan 16 2013
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He flickered his ears and snorted as the cat dissapeared. He then began to trot further back into the grass territory. he let out another snort and began to graze. It wasn't the grass he was use to eating, but it seemed better than the grass back in his territory. It was always covered with ash, or even burning. He had made a living out of eating flaming grass, or ash covered grass though. This grass was so lush and green. He hoped no one would spot him, eating the lush green grass. Other wise, he'd eatheir get in trouble, or get fought by a grass element. He knew he'd win, but e wasn't in the mood for fights...
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:54pm Jan 17 2013
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Posts: 42
Felix loosened up and explained who she was and voluntered to get the heck out of the warter territoy.
7:49pm Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 7:49pm Jan 17 2013)
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Karra looked questioningly at the ocelot. It didn't seem to want to hurt her, and even more, it was a natural type. Natural elements weren't really the enemies of water elements; water elements big enemies were really just fire elements. Even grass elements relatively got along with water types, but water and fire had never really gotten along.
Karra cracked the bones in her head a little. She was extremely stiff and sore, probably because of the last couple minutes. Maybe having a walk would stretch her out, who knew?
Nah, you don't really have to leave. I'm not mad at you. Natural elements don't bother us very much.
10:51pm Jan 17 2013
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Posts: 42
Felix sighed and paced out of warter territory and went into her home, a small dark cave with cobwebs and remains of prievious meals such as squirells, rabbits and... otters. She didn't intend to hunt otters, but when none other were around then she hunted. She was full at the moment and laid down on a little bed of twigs and just tried to take a nap.