12:14pm Jul 26 2010
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The car came to a squeaky halt outside Seri's new building. It was a fair location and Seri had asked for a room on the top floor. Her eyes fluttered open as she let out a long yawn, she stretched and unbuckled her seatbelt. She had been traveling since 10pm. It was now around noon on the next day. Seri hopped out of the car and as.sisted her friend in unloading her belongings. "Thats it Seri." a young man said gently, as he heaved her heavy trunk from the backseat. Seri smiled lightly and gave the man a large friendly hug, "thank you. Will you come down to visit?" she asked, her dark green eyes excited but had their familiar harshness. The man hugged her once more, "Of course, cant stay away from my friend for to long." he joked, grabbing the rest of her bags. He threw them over his shoulder as Seri dragged the large trunk into the tall brick building. She walked though the front doors, her eyes curious and excited. She registered herself with the doorman before disappearing into the elavator, her good friend at her heels. He pushed the up button as the elevator inched up the building, it came to a halt on the top floor. Seri dragged her bag out and pulled out the room key, giving it a twist as the door creaked open. It was large for an apartment. Complete with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. Everything Seri dreamed of. She dropped the trunk into the bedroom of the far wall, her friend doing the same. He stretched and gave her one last hug before disappearing out the front door. Seri smiled lightly and explored the room. She pulled back the curtains, revealing a wonderful view of the streets below. She smiled and collapsed on the bed, it was going to be great here.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
12:15pm Jul 26 2010
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((the friend will most often be added later if thats ok :)))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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12:19pm Jul 26 2010
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 (Banner made by Kina)
12:23pm Jul 26 2010
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After Andrew ate, and drank his coffee, he walked upstairs to get dressed. He always took morning walks, but since he slept in today, he unfortunatly had to do a afternoon walk. Which was when everyone was up and wanting to greet people. He got on his usual clothes, and shoes, and walked out of his apartment, frowning.
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12:27pm Jul 26 2010
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Reska was laying on a hammock in his apartment, dressed in only board shorts. As usual, he had his headphones on and was listening to whatever came on next on his iPod. There was a fan sitting on a table a few meters away from him that was blowing cold air onto him. Although his room wasn't particularly hot, he still liked it having a slight chill and since he didn't want to crank up the A/C, he decided to rely on his high-powered fan for cool air. As long as he didn't move, he'd constantly have cool air. He yawned and lifted a hand up to rub his eyes. Hot days like this alway made him sleepy. Absentmindedly, he clicked the next button on his iPod before rolling over, allowing the fan to blow cold air onto his back. There was nothing for him to do after all, so it didn't hurt to get comfortable. If he did accidentally fall asleep, it would be no bid deal.
12:30pm Jul 26 2010
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((tri.. denied. sorry))
6:21pm Jul 26 2010
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(( As co-owner of this RP, i demand it not to die! ))
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8:33pm Jul 26 2010
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((as owner I AGREE!!!!!))
11:26pm Jul 26 2010
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((sorry was searching for a blonde intes all day -_-)) Seri smiled to herself as she pulled her hands behind her head, her leg bending so she was in a relaxed pose. She stood up on the bed and slid around the bedpost like a small child would do. She chuckled at the thought and jumped off the mattress, and landing gracefully on the wood floor. She slid open the bathroom door and ran the shower. The heat was unbearable. A cold shower would do the trick. ((sorry it was rushed))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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9:34am Jul 27 2010
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(( I dunno what to put yet, so i'll just wait for everyone else :P and AMH - LOL! YES! that made me chuckle....))
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9:50am Jul 27 2010
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[[You too, Fun? Man that alien is greedy. >.> I haven't found one Intes all day Dx And could you bump our thread, Earth? I lost it somehow ^^;; And should everyone be in the same apartment building? I dunno what to post o3o]]
10:11am Jul 27 2010
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(( YAY i thought you forgot our RP...:( I'll bump it now.. again...lol))
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12:12pm Jul 27 2010
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(( Loki - i think it would be a good idea, too, for everyone to be in the same apartment. But i aint gunna force anyone too..LOL))
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1:07pm Jul 27 2010
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((Yea, I think that would be a good idea.XD)) PJ yawned as she opened her eyes. She blinked a few times getting use to the lighting inside. It was dark but there was a little light coming in through the bottem of the door. She looked at the clock. Darn, I slept in. She thought yawning.She walked over to the window and pulled the curtains back. PJ jumped back screaming as she opened the window and saw a freaky wolf face staring straight at her. she crawled away from the window trying to close the curtains. She growled as she saw her brother take off the wolf mask and start cracking up. "That is not funny! You scared me." PJ said. Sinne snorted. "It's funny to me." He said laughing again.
1:10pm Jul 27 2010
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((okay i think ts funky how im watching rent and im just listened to seasons of love and as soon as i saw this they were singing 525,60 minuets... weird))
1:29pm Jul 27 2010
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((zombie, yeah. kir. grrr. i want his iviks though xD)) Seri wrapped the towel around her body as she strode out of the bathroom. The phone began to ring on the sidetable. "Hello?" she greeted through the phone, water dripping from her hair. "Just checkin in Seri." her friends voice echoed on the phone. Seri smiled, "Its only been about 45 minutes, how's the drive?" she asked, combing through her hair, untangling the m*censored* of black. "uh huh. yeah i know. ok I will See you later." Seri replied, hanging up the phone and drying off. She pulled on a pair of white shorts, with a tight tank top that was a mixture of greens and blues. She slipped on a pair of black converse and strode out the door, locking it behind her.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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1:33pm Jul 27 2010
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Andrew was walking back up to his apartment, from his short walk. He made it shorter then usual because he didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not that he was ever in the mood to talk. He sighed as he played with his keys, trying to find the right one to stick into the lock.
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1:38pm Jul 27 2010
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((OMG! im listening to it again...)) Zephanie stood from the fire escape and entered the apartment. She walked downstairs and opened the front door. She walked out and started to walk down town. She liked to go there every day. IT wasnt far so she could just walk there.
1:47pm Jul 27 2010
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Seri strode through the apartment building, glancing at the paintings that decorated the walls. She opened the door and looked down the staircase. She gripped the railing and hopped down the stairs, reopening the door on the main floor. She smiled lightly at the doorman who nodded towards her.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
1:49pm Jul 27 2010
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(( wow...noone is Rping with anyone else...LOL...)) When Andrew got in his room, he sat down on the sofa and started watching t.v. He checked the time, and noticed it was time for lunch. He wandered to the kitchen and made a quick and easy sandwich.
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