4:56pm Aug 25 2011
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ooc:// Shanks. I usually have her a happy-go-lucky ditz who just loves everyone, but I recently re-read the Sandman series I decidedly made her somewhere between Dream and Delirium.
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10:42pm Aug 25 2011
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Name: Elric Wheit Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Elric is a man of few words; infact, he's a man of pretty much no words. He is very shy, and because of this he rarely speaks. He stays out of other people's business. Most people he meets get the either the impression that he is mute, or simply that he thinks he's better than everyone else and so he refuses to speak. He's actually a very nice person, but many people think he is a jerk and he doesn't really have friends. He is somewhat childish; he sleeps with a stuffed rabbit that he's had since before he can remember, and he can have tantrums that last for hours. While he's not too great at most subjects in school, he excels at English. He has a habit of constantly chewing on something --if it isn't his fingernails, its his cheek or lip. If it isn't his check or lip, its his pencil. If it isn't his pencil, its whatever is close enough for him to stick in his mouth. History: The main reason he shies away from people is his power. When he was really young, the breaks on his bike went out and, in a run of bad luck, he hit a low street sign, splitting his throat. A woman rushed to help him and his power lashed out, sucking in her energy so that Elric could heal and live. The woman ended up dying, so Elric stopped going near people to keep from hurting anyone. Appearance: Messy brown hair, pale skin, bright green eyes. He's good looking in a plain sort of way. He's tall and lean, but he has horrible posture so he looks a good four inches shorter than he really is. Animal: Lion Power: Kinetic Absorbtion. He draws energy from the living beings around him; the drawn energy either heals him, or is released in a sonic boom.
9:09am Aug 26 2011
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Ooc; Um, Cane, the relationship between your animal and power are that lions are predators, right? ( Our powers are much the same! 8D)
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
9:49am Aug 26 2011 (last edited on 9:51am Aug 26 2011)
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((LOL, honestly, I believe my original thought was that lions roar, roars are loud, Elric makes sonic booms, and those are loud, too. xD but the predator thing makes....much, much more sense. The lion thing made sense in my head at the time. That's what I get for not sleeping, I guess. 83 OOH! And lions rely on each other to survive, like Elric's power relies on other human beings to keep him alive in times of need. Yeah. There we go. =D I knew there was another reason I'd thought of. I couldn't remember. xD I'm an odd person... Are they? I'm so sorry! D8 I didn't mean to copy anyone! I read a book a few years ago and one of the characters in the book was a "psychic vampire" and I've loved kinetic absorbtion as a power ever since. I can change it, if you'd like? =S))
10:09am Aug 26 2011
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(( Oh, no! That's fine! I have another character who has kinetic absorption, but I couldn't think of an animal. I was just thinking mabye our characters should bump into each other. :D ))
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
11:05am Aug 26 2011
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((He could be a........ parasite in his other form since they feed off others?))
 <-- Click me
1:09pm Aug 26 2011
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((Oh, okay. xD yay! Elric needs friends. =3))
7:28pm Aug 26 2011 (last edited on 7:29pm Aug 26 2011)
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ooc:// He and Liz could be friends, even though Eva would hate it. But that would make it super exciting. So... Are we going to plan out ALL the relationships, or can I post my fawesome intro? :3
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7:32pm Aug 26 2011
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[[Has everyone made their bios? If so, I shall post up mine. 83]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:55pm Aug 26 2011
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ooc:// Yeah, they're all up. //shot for impatience
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10:15pm Aug 26 2011
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Name: Dawson Montokaly Age: 13 Gender: Male Personality: Rp out History: Orphaned at four years old, has lived in a home until he got this letter, whereupon he took all his savings-made by busking-and ran away. Appearance: Long, jet black hair, with a pretty spikey/punky style about it. His eyes are a striking emerald green, flecked with an aqua blue, with a violet ring on the edge. His skin is pale, although not porcelain. He's tall for his age, five foot eleven, so will probably grow into a really tall man. He wears black jackets with turned up collars, with white v-neck shirts. His deans are dark blue blue, or sometimes black, denim, and if he's in the city, he'll have his guitar slung over his shoulder with a red strap. His guitar is a black varnished, acoustic version. Just the classic shape.
Animal: Arctic Wolf. [I chose a wolf instead because a wolf has good communication] Power: Communication with all animals.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:21am Aug 27 2011
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((K, I think I'm gonna change my charries again. :P)
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
10:15am Aug 27 2011
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[[Ookies. How long till we start? 83]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:00pm Aug 27 2011
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Colors. Eva loved them. As she wandered the halls, she left a rainbow trail. Freak. She heard the voice, soft and malicious, just loud enough. Barely. Directed right at her heart like a little arrow of void, trying to suck out all her bright colors. But she wouldn't let them. The one thing she had complete control over was her self-ex pression, and that was were her beautiful brilliant colors came from. Her parents, an artist and an author, had given her free reign of their tools and bank account, saying: "If you have the passion, you should have the resources." In retrospect, she hadn't properly thanked them for that, which wasn't very nice of her. So Eva added a little skip to her step, grinning as she went. Her eyes flashed with a silent challenge, hair flouncing. Her colors were all her own. No one could make her something less than what she was, and with that knowledge came power. Eva's thoughts turned to the Camaro in the parking lot, coated with acryllic paints in swirls and splashes, patterns she changed whenever it tickled her fancy. 'Defacing something your parents payed for. Downright disrespectful.' Not if they helped. Like a balloon of happiness Eva drifted along, letting her colors shine. Ha Min watched with a chuckle, shaking his head. Eva was... Well, she was a cool girl. He envied her strength and pride, looking down at his rather passe ensemble. Nothing special, though nothing to be sniffed at. He felt like he expressed himself well enough. Maybe he just had different colors to express. Shrugging he returned to his sketching, doing the barest of sketches as people walked by. Unfortunately he hadn't brougth his markers, and the boy simpy didn't feel right drawing Eva without the colors that made her so memorable. On the other hand, people recognized Ha Min no matter what he wore. He tried to imagine what Eva looked like in plain clothing without her makeup and just couldn't. He doubted anyone would know it was her if she showed up to school dressed like... Well, like Lizzy, for example. The girl liked colors just fine, but she tended towards an altogether simpler, more natural palette. No one would recognize her dressed like that. He went back to the sketches, thinking that maybe everyone had their own colors and no one should try to hide behind another's set. Exactly. Lizzy giggled at Eva, waving cheerfully. Seeing that walking rainbow always brightened her day. Like Ha Min she thought to her own colors and agreed with the idea that no one should try to be something they weren't. At the same time, people shouldn't let their colors define who they are. That was taking it a bit far. Also like Ha Min, she thought how no one would recognize Eva outside her ridiculously bright get-ups and ultra-neon makeup. Perhaps that was when it was just too much. Colors were never meant to be that restricting. After all, what good was freedom of ex pression if it eliminated pretty much all your other freedoms? The petite red-head sighed, looking down at the book in her lap. There were other forms of ex pression. Ha Min had his art, she had her books and poetry. Colors were just one part of an extremely colorful deal. It was more the pity if Rainbow Brite Eva didn't see that. At least she had the coloring and facial structure to pull of neon and heavy makeup. The colors were even brighter against her dark tan skin and near-black hair. Hey, new poem idea. Lizzy went to her notebook, scribbling lines at random. She could go back and organize them later; she always did.
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6:13pm Aug 27 2011
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ooc:// burmp <3
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12:30pm Aug 28 2011
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ooc:// Uh... Bump again?
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10:03pm Aug 28 2011
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ooc:// Now I am lonely. 38(
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10:14pm Aug 28 2011
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((Where'd they go? D=))
10:36pm Aug 28 2011
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ooc:// Heeeeey cane. you need to reply to my fawesome intro.
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11:04pm Aug 28 2011
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((I was gonna wait for everyone else to post, first, but... xD I guess that isnt happening?)) Elric walked quietly through the hall, trying not to draw attention to himself. It was an easy enough thing to do, really; the girl traipsing around like a living rainbow drew everyone's attention like a light drew in a bug. His hand tightened on the strap of his bag as other students shoved by him, and frowned. Did they absolutely have to touch him? There was a reason he wore long sleeves and gloves, why he stayed as far away from the other students as he possibly could. Didn't they understand that they could get hurt? But no, he supposed they didn't. He'd been at the school for several years now, and hadn't said a single word to another person --excluding the teachers, of course, but even then he didn't say anything during class. Only in private meetings, when he needed help with something. It was very unlikely that any of the otherstudents knew anything about him, at all. They talked about him, sometimes, he knew. He wasn't an idiot. They thought he was overly arrogant, or suicidal. Something crazy. But he wasn't. He just didn't want to-- He cut the thought off before it got the chance to fully form, because he really didn't want to think about something like that happening again. He could control his power by now, of course, but it still terrified him.If he ever lost control again... He fell back against the wall as someone shoved him aside, and watched the rainbow girl, frowning.