A Betrayal of Trust {Warrior Cat's} Carries a Heavy Taboo

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4:02pm Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 779

Snowpaw got up and shook the sleep and parts of his nest off and headed out. Seeing his mentor made his day from good t bad in less then a second and he sighed heavily. "Good morning Panthergaze." standing where he stood and went to the fresh kill pile head low.

Fawnpaw sat in the clearing and looked at her brother. "Snowpaw...would you like to share?" seeing Snowpaw smile he padded and sat down with her. "Sure." smilling the siblings ate and chatted a bit even their father was with the duo. Redeye was truly proud of his kits and showed it. "You two better eat what you can anyways. Seems Panthergaze is waiting for you Snowpaw." looking at his son cringe he chuckled. "I don't like him anymore then you but he is our clanmate. And he always will be until he is exiled or killed."  watching his son sigh he was happy when he heard him say he'd try. "Good." 


4:10pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Jul 14 2010)

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Posts: 1,713

4:21pm Jul 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713

Belle awoke to find Panthergaze already awake. "I pity those Thunderclan beings. There brains are two small for their heads! I live to rip Logan's head off!"

Stormlight and lightstorm dashed over to Belle. "Mommy there you are!" they said. "Can you take us spying in the night again?"

"No, only when needed and Panthergaze went last night.  Tonight Snowpaw and Fawnpaw will go"


6:37pm Jul 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Panthergaze watched as Snowpaw padded from the den, and saw the strange look in his apprentices eyes. He knew very well most cats did not seem to like him, though he was not really sure why. Then again he really did not care, as long as the clan was fed and those Thunderclan mouse-brains were not on their tails. "Morning Snowpaw." He meowed, voice smooth and cunning, one of the reasons he was so good at deceiving cats. As yet another cat sat beside him, he smiled genuinely at Belle, one of the only cats it seemed that truly understood what he had planned for the forest. Well him and Darkstar because he could do nothing without his leaders consent. "As do I Belle, perhaps one day we can do just that." He mused, green eyes watching the forest again, a knowing smile on his muzzle. "Us, Cometclan together. As long as you and Darkstar think it's fit." He dipped his head, accepting that she was deputy and plainly showed it. It was one of the reasons he'd infiltrated Thunderclan's camp and got what he needed to know, he was a great actor, and sly. But then again he had no reason to play Belle to get what he wanted, as long as he was a warrior with a clan to protect he'd listen to what the leader had to say and do it without second thought. It was what made the clans strong, so he'd been told. A amused grin lit his face as Stormlight and Lightstorm came bounding over to their mother. "Perhaps one night we can all go to the borders together." He told the younger cats. "And watch a patrol. A night when the wind is against us so we can get close. It would be fun to see how you two have progressed in your training." 


8:48pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 10:50am Jul 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 236





Deion: Beautiful white she-cat with green eyes,many cats crushing on  her for her skills and appearence

Personality:Skillfull athletic and noble she-cat

ta:image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhMSERUUEhQWFBUWFxYWGRQUFxoXGBYUFBQXFBQUHBQYHygfHhwkHBQeHy8hIygpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYsLCkBCQoKDgwOGQ4PGSwkHiIsLi41MjYsNTQ1MTI0MDU1LDQ0LC0pNDIsNDU1NTU1NSwqNDQ1LTQtNSwuMDYpKiw1MP/AABEIAFcAdAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAECAwUHBgj/xAA4EAABAwIDBQUHBAAHAAAAAAABAAIRAyEEEjEFQVFhcQYTgZHwIlKhscHR4QcUMvEXI1NiY7LS/8QAGAEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwT/xAAdEQEAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDESEiMUET/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDoZwoLctSHjmPiFaaFrE6b/mnHmFIsjRALWNtfHmE1EO587yPLmhdsYju2l0AnmNOcBcff+smI715yA04dkYZmZhpcZiOIA5W1AdyoC3T1EFWUq8GPwuGf4r4mq+KdShh2Npgk4hjnd48RmAyNdBJNhAEC5S2H+stYPjFMY6n/AMbIdM75MRHATbmiNu7Y2tYc02FqrKwe1WVqTX0zLCA4cgQp0q5RL0NGpKeuYugsHV0RtUWQDtqSU5XnO0nbHDYG9epDiJbTb7T3dGD5mBzRPZnb/wC7piq1pa12gMTHOFG/iN86bzGqRTtCRClKtOnKSDHpsPHTcjaFSbEQVkU6gGvmP7Wjh3g75HL8IH2ls4VGEH0VwTbPY/ucW+iSGj2ntLm2yEy0ggbjLY/2819ETZYnaTsmzFsE+xUZJZUABidQQdWneOQuCARllpNq6r6yzUm9dROpfMb9lRUeHGGgmD7w3breKBxFDKeXUHnuXVdpfprimVL4dlVvvCpDSbXjLmGmgndcp9lfoxVrPz4pwY3/AE6YgZeGaPjCrjm8z2hTF+m+wn9GdoVKlB9MwWsMDjf2vquhspnMPXFeb7H9mP2GKq0mNcaTyHscbwYyupl3GwInUE8CvbPord0HwJWuDZZuEpLRboQUHy122FTEbTqZJqvqOsG3Mm2XkAPABfQHYDYhw2CpUnmXNaJPPUxykq/ZvYfC4ZxdSpAF2rtXHq43PmtvQQFSlZiIifWeOs1rETzKTSpQmpMUyrtEMqSlCSDyzeMef2RFF0aOjlEoPOeKtp0p0J8EG1QqH3kUH8brIw+dul+voIylinHVsdDPwQHBoKepQtZVtrciptrBAAMNBJ3njCrcbI+vH9LOxToPM/SEBOFKIxbPZO5B4eqJVu0K/sRrbTjyQT2Tie8YZ1aS0niNWnyKIqBY3Z6r/mvG4tnxaR/6W5ElA7G2UXK1VuKCslJJJB4wvTNrpy4cvXgU+RvHyH3AQGUMWPUIpmIB3fFZIdHofdG0HkjX6INVuIgfmfkrf3INwVk5X8jym6up1oixvbT5oNBtaVTjGjLfTiFEZWjr1KniqOZhbxCDLfi8pH0VlbaAIgG/A/Jc2x22cRgar6Ndpcy7qVczB3hjzfTcenVeRZt6tUrOccSXGZyNsG9BwQdm2NtHJjGCbPOW+sukAeYXtwFxfsLQq4nGUTJcKLg95OjQ248SbR+V2eUDkqsuUnlBbSxOWk8zlMGHcHQcvx+g3oCUkNs+rmaTf+RF78NOW/xTIPKd8Bx9eKkMQOCg6mFDNG4euqC2piDuE9PwisLiXEXHgUEHzrKiaZOh8G+vjdBovqtBBJI6X/CtbXJ/i4Tz+yynVo1PkZ+OnkCp9+2xLQOhv90G73ryBYT0H1TirUzD2REXvv5evJZDsW2IDneB+auFf+OV7gB5u6oL9pbPZWplr2Ag6+K4fR7C4gbRq0aVOGh5io8+y2mYIPE2Og3rtL8SYsS4k2jd4ojZuxYcXuu52pOqAjsvsanhKAp0xzc86vd7x9WWyHIcU4U2uQXFy8bje3dF2OqYAFj3FkNcHSzvHNIfQqGCA+bgXBnKYdY+szLO2vTZ3LgWNIEODYFns9trwDYuaQHDogJwDYYI4u/7FOqcDUJptJ1Ik2972vqkg83Ki4J0kFWWeg9aKrviXQLNGvM80kkBVt+qi7BySfU8UkkAbdngusSN2u7efXFaWFwQBAN+vKUySDbweHBPitZrUkkCcFUXJJIK3PQ+Koh4ymfD6Hce*censored*CykwBoB3ADyEaJJJIP/Z" alt="" width="116" height="87" />

Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

8:50pm Jul 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((Accepted, jump in where ever you'd like.))


8:50pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 8:52pm Jul 14 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 236



Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

8:52pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 8:55pm Jul 14 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 236

((are you the only onw online?))

Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

9:10pm Jul 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((I think so. Mind if I ask if your semi-literate candrasa? I'm not to picky on this RP, but I know some of the others are possibly a little.))


8:22am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

Sunflare opened his eyes to see sunligh streaming into his den. Yawning and stretching, he quietly got up and poked his head outside of his den. He could see the camp was rather quiet, meaning he was one of the first cats to wake up. Sighing, he straightened up a little bit and strided out of his den. "Mmm, today is another good day to hunt." He noted, looking up at the sky. Sunflare smiled, and sat down in the middle of the camp, observing his Clanmates.


 Rainflower was already up. She was silently whining to herself about the lack of rain today. Rainflower sighed, looking around her camp and hoping to find another cat up."Aww..." Rainflower sighed, and started to lie down on a rock. "Hey. That's my job." Rainflower's ears pricked up when she heard another she-cat speak. She peered down the rock and saw Lunarmoon. "Good morning Lunarmoon!" Rainflower called down perkily.


Lunarmoon was about to sun herself on her favorite rock, when she saw a grey cat body on her spot. When she realized it was Rainflower, Lunarmoon called up to get her attention. All she received was a good morning from the naive little she-cat. Lunarmoon's eyes were dreamy and half-closed, as if she was tired. "Good morning to you, Rainflower." Lunarmoon said in her usual drawly tone. She looked at the direction where the ThunderClan camp lay. "I wonder what those cats are doing..." Lunarmoon murmured. "What?" Lunarmoon turned her head back to face the slightly confused Rainflower. "Nothing, Rainflower. Nothing." 


Coalpaw was up and about, walking around and taking a small tour of his camp. He saw Rainflower on a rock, and Lunarmoon just below it. Both she-cats looked like they were conversing. "Hmph. She-cats." Coalpaw twitched his whiskers in slight amusement. He stopped right next to the apprentice den, beginning to clean himself. 

[[By the way, who is Coalpaw's mentor? My internet is extremely slow today for some reason, so I'll barely be on Res.]]


9:41am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713

((stray, you mind spreding out your lines?? like making a new line  for quotations? it is hurting my eyes to read it all, i wind up reading different lines and mixing everything up!))


Belle looked at her kits. "Panthergaze is right. Maybe one day we can ALL go, I will just need to teach you how to sneak around."

"REALLY?" Stormlight cried.

"Hey that was my line!" Lightstorm told her mother."REALLY" she continued.

"REALLY!" Belle repeated.


((gotta go)) 


10:45am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713
((oh and don't Lightstorm and stormlight go under kits for the cometclan))

10:47am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 236
((that makes sense now))

Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

12:27pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

((Tld: Is Midnightflower alright to mentor Coalpaw?

rainbow12: Yeah i'll try, I just tend to get caught up in writing and forget things get confusing. If Lightstorm and Stormlight go under kits then their names would be Lightkit and Stormkit. Thats where I got confused. So their kits right?

candrasa: Thats good.)) 


2:23pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713
((oh right!))

2:29pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Oh darn it. I thought I was off the hook cause I didn't Thornclaws or Midnight's name there but I just checked and she does have an apprentice (sp?) But does anyone else see the page is stretched or is that just me?))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

2:56pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 236
((sorry it was my siggy i fixed it though))

Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

3:50pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Darnit, I don't know what to post, and I don't think I have yet.))


11:50pm Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[I'm fine with any mentor : D Well, I guess I'll wait for some cat to interact with mine XD]]

Rainflower shifted to let one leg hang loosely over the rock. She was resting her head on one side. "Well, Lunarmoon, you sure are acting strangely right now." Rainflower noted. "Usually, you wake up last and..." Rainflower paused to yawn. "And you don't usually talk to other warriors!"


Lunarmoon leapt up onto the rock anyway, sitting next to Rainflower. "Well, it is a nice day, Rainflower. Shall I say the weather has influenced my emotions?" Lunarmoon glanced at the crescent shape of the moon that rested on her shoulder. She always felt special whenever she saw it. 


Rainflower rolled over and stuck all four of her paws in the air. "Well, I can safely say that I don't like this weather at all! I prefer rain, where I can splash around like a fish, and blend into the forest!" Rainflower was always seen as a strange cat, since she was one of the few cats in her Clan that loved the rain instead of loathing it. "It's nice to see you... pleasant, Lunarmoon." Rainflower purred.

[[I think I'll make Lunarmoon and Rainflower close friends, like littermates. But they won't literally be littermates.]] 


6:30am Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 6:35am Jul 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

((psh, sorry i didnt do anything yet :p i'll try to follow.))

Soulpaw shook away her sleep. She'd tried to stay up all night but failed. Padding out of the den with the warm sunrays beaming onto her pelt, she went off to find her mentor. "Sunflare?" she called. Eventually she found him in the center of the camp. "What;s our training today?" she asked, hoping it would be catching mice. She fixed her gaze on her mentor, eying him askance. 

Now she hoped it would mean to be able to go out of camp. She wondered how CometClan was like- she didn't believe that they were meant to harm her clan. She longed to take a few steps more, to walk out of the camp. But she sat still, tail wrapped around her paws. 

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