6:53am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Current Name: Willowpaw Warrior Name: Willowleaf Age: 12 Moons Rank/Clan: ThunderClan apprentice Personality: Very kind and forgiving. She's the one to give you a listening ear. Deion: ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" /> Willowpaw is a pure white cat with blue eyes. She has sharp eyesight which enables her to do well in hunts. She often changes cats- from evil, coldhearted and mean to a kind, jovial and sociable cat. History: When her littermate, Soulpaw, was born, Soulpaw's mother found Willowpaw and adopted her. Not long after, their mother died, and was accepted into the Clan. Mate/Crush: Starpaw Family: Soulpaw {sister} Other: None <:
6:58am Jul 16 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/234.gif)
Posts: 1,576
<this post is to be used when Willowpaw's bio is accepted :p so that it doesnt lag back again > Willowpaw staggered into the clearing where she found Soulpaw, her sister, with her mentor. Unwittingly she pounced playfully on Soulpaw. They started wrestling playfully on the floor, stopping when they found the others nearing. "Soulpaw," Willowpaw started, "You go on with your training. I'll watch." Soulpaw then looked at her mentor, eyes asking, "Can she follow us for training?" hoping the answer was positive, she sat down again, but this time with Willowpaw sitting down too, both of them with gigantic pleading eyes.
7:18am Jul 16 2010
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Sunflare looked up to see his apprentice, Soulpaw. "Oh, good morning, Soulpaw." He purred, pleased to see that his apprentice was as eager as ever to start training. He glanced at Willowpaw. "Uhm..." He could see the desperation in the two she-cat's eyes. Not wanting to do anything to anger Willowpaw's mentor, Sunflare sighed. "Well, of course Willowpaw can." He paused. "But only if her mentor allows it, Soulpaw." He did not want to upset the two apprentices, so he said these words very gently.
10:21pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,576
(( Willowpaw doesnt have a mentor yet :p )) "Of course she can!" Soulpaw insisted, pressing close to Willowpaw. "What are we doing today?" Soulpaw asked hopefully. She brushed her paw over her face, cleaning it. She didn't want to be a dirty little cat during training and let the CometClan cats sneer at how horrible ThunderClan was.
5:00am Jul 17 2010
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[[Ah, bleh XD]] Sunflare could not help but roll his eyes. "Soulpaw, you will get mud and dirt all over yourself while patrolling and hunting. Clean later." He flicked her shoulder with his tail and started walking towards the camp entrance. Sunflare paused. "Are you coming?" He called. "I'm sure the mice and birds don't catch themselves, you two!" Sunflare meant his words, but there was a little spark of amusement in his eyes. 'These two apprentices really are stuck together.' Sunflare thought, wondering if his life would be any different with a littermate.
9:59pm Jul 17 2010
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"Coming!" The duo yowled together, springing to their paws. They ran after Sunflare, imagining the mice and birds they were able to feast on. "Let's have a contest!" Willowpaw suggested. "Whoever catches the most fresh-kill wins!"
4:42am Jul 18 2010
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Sunflare purred at the enthusiasm his apprentice and her sister showed. "They'll be good warriors if they keep up that attitude." He thought. Sunflare bounded to catch up with them. "You better be quiet, you two." Sunflare said. "The prey have ears too, you know." Without waiting for a reply, Sunflare immediately leapt up into the air, landing a few tail-lengths away. He sprinted a few more tail-lengths, and slammed onto a mouse, the mouse whose paws made the scuffling sound Sunflare's ears picked up while he was speaking to Willowpaw and Soulpaw. Sunflare got up and grinned at the two apprentices, and buried the mouse.
7:28am Jul 18 2010
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Soulpaw watched in awe as her mentor made the stunning leap and kill. "Awesome!" she whispered. She stalked a rabbit, eying it hungrily, and pounced. Her sister, on the other hand, caught a mouse. Both brought their fresh-kill over proudly, tail in the air. "We did it!" they chorused.
10:35am Jul 18 2010
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[[Errr, when is everyone else going to RP?]] Sunflare watched as Soulpaw hunted the rabbit. He also turned his attention to her sister, Willowpaw. He purred with happiness when he saw each cat land on their target. "You two will be great hunters." Sunflare said, proud of Soulpaw.
9:16pm Jul 18 2010
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((Sorry, was on a vacation of sorts. Willowpaw is accepted Twintkitty, is Hawkmask as a mentor alright?)) Panthergaze chuckled at the two kits enthusiasm and flicked Lightkit's nose with his tail. "When your apprentices alright?" He meowed calmly, preferring not to anger their mother by taking them out of camp at their age. Not that he would, but most cats did not seem to trust him enough to know that. Finally he glanced around the camp and looked at Snowpaw, wondering what to teach his canny, un-trustful apprentice today. "Perhaps we can talk about Thunderclan's apprentice some other time." He meowed to Belle, grinning slightly. "Got to go train a annoying apprentice." He grumbled the last part to himself. "Snowpaw! Lets go." Turning on his tail he padded out of camp. -- Looking around camp with gentle green eyes, Falconwing yawned widely. Sleep had not come to easily the night before and her muscles felt sluggish and mind not comprehending things at her normal pace. Scratching a annoying clump of mud from behind one ear the warrior of Thunderclan growling out a curse to the morning sun. Finally feeling awake enough to go about her normal duties Falconwing searched for her apprentice. "Bloodpaw?" She called softly, getting to her tiny paws. -- Grumbling in annoyance as yet another thorn left a scratch in his pelt, Starpaw reached his paw forward to try and grasp at the juniper berry bush veiled by a curtain of bramble. Wintersong, the medicine cat was clawing at some roots a few tail lengths from him while calling out encouragements. After a small pile of the red berries had gathered beside him, Starpaw sighed in delight as his mentor, by default, told him to rest. But his paws still felt light, and as meows of some of the other apprentice reached his ears the medicine cat apprentice decided to investigate. Trying not to trip on up lifted roots, Starpaw finally watched at Willowpaw and Soulpaw got a kill. He tried not to let jealousy cloud his mind as the other apprentices could complete such a simple task while he was stuck picking through herbs. "Nice catch!" He meowed, stepping form the bushes.
9:23pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 12:38am Jul 19 2010)
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Lunarmoon's ears picked up Panthergaze's voice. "Hmm.... training that Snowpaw." Lunarmoon noted, her eyes still half-closed and nowhere near wonder. "I wonder if that apprentice even likes his mentor." Lunarmoon mumbled, slumping down onto the ground next to Rainflower. --- Rainflower sat up as soon as Lunarmoon lay down. "Ah, it is Panthergaze!" She said, excited to see another member of the Clan up and about. "Lunarmoon, let's go hunting, or patrolling!" Rainflower was bouncing up and down in excitement. "Calm down..." Lunarmoon mumbled, her eyes now closed. "Just relax and bask in the sun." --- Sunflare turned around to see the medicine cat apprentice, Starpaw, pad out of the bushes. "Ah, good morning, Starpaw." Sunflare greeted the young cat. "Soulpaw and Willowpaw are fine hunters, yes?" He flicked his ears and gazed at the prey the two she-cats had brought down. "What are you doing, Starpaw?" Sunflare asked, wondering if the medicine cat apprentice was helping Wintersong gather herbs.
4:10am Jul 19 2010
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(I'd take any mentor, Stray. :P ) As Soulpaw and Willowpaw got praise from the others, their faces were clouded with shyness. "Uhm, it's no big deal, thanks." They muttered. Willowpaw sighed as she saw Starpaw. She'd always pitied him- it wasn't fair for him to be cursed with weak limbs, making him unable to follow them on hunts or battles. She padded over and dropped the mouse at his feet. "How's your day so far?" she asked sociably.
4:18am Jul 19 2010
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Sunflare looked at Willowpaw. "Alright, that's fine. We can rest, thank you for asking, Willowpaw." Sunflare said sarcastically. He took one quick look at Soulpaw, to see what she was doing, and was off, wandering around the area near the three apprentices, searching for prey. "Really, that Willowpaw." Sunflare thought, wondering why she was being so kind to the medicine cat apprentice. Of course, it was common to see apprentices interacting with each other, but Sunflare always thought they would be focused and on duty during training and hunting. The ginger tom sighed, slightly irritated, crouching down and pouncing on an unsuspecting mouse effortlessly. Sunflare grinned. Despite his thoughts, he was still moving along, as quiet as a mouse during leaf-bare. After bringing down one bird and another mouse, Sunflare collected his prey and headed back to the apprentices. "Are you two ready again?" He asked.
5:17am Jul 19 2010
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"Yep, Sunflare!" Soulpaw replied in an enthusiastic yowl. Willowpaw unwillingly stood up and left to find Sunflare and Soulpaw. Soulpaw spotted a finch, crouched down, padded slowly, softly, over to the prey. They wouldn't have expected how to die- Soulpaw realised the finch was pulling out a worm, the prey of it's own. A prey for a prey, Soulpaw thought with a grin and pounced on the somehow delighted finch. Happily she ripped the finch off the ground, patting the worm back in it's place.
5:22am Jul 19 2010
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Sunflare rolled his eyes. 'Ah, they didn't catch my sarcasm or irritation.' He thought. The deputy did not know whether to be relieved or even more irritated. "Good catch, Soulpaw." Sunflare purred, laughing at his apprentice for putting the worm back. "The worm shall help the soil." He mumbled, the sentence almost muffled by his laughter.
8:24am Jul 19 2010
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Trying to hide his irritation as Sunflare interrupted what he was about to say, he watched as the three cats padded off, jealousy pricking at his paws. Huffing, he turned back towards Wintersong to fulfill his role as unwanted medicine cat. He flicked his ears as the strong scent of Cometclan reached his nose, and his curiosity got the better of his sense. Padding towards the boarders, his blue eyes scanned the territory that once belonged to Thunderclan. Now it looked cold and hostile. Taking a step forward, unknowingly over the boarder, Starpaw itched to explore. A sudden yowl of fury reached his ears and the tiny cats jerked back as a m*censored*ive paw came a whiskers breath from his nose. Yipping in surprise and terror, Starpaw's eyes stretched wide at the sight of the large ginger tom in front of him, fur fluffed out and claws sinking into the ground. "Beat it kit!" He flinched.
4:52am Jul 20 2010
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Soulpaw uttered a mew to her mentor, informing him that she had to go, and ran off to the unfamiliar figure attacking Starpaw. She inhaled sharply, then let go. Marching in front of the mas.sive tom she positioned herself in front of Starpaw. She spoke bravely, "Hey, you!" she felt her claws dig nervously into the ground. She started fighting like a kittypet ((lol, sorry :P )) and knew that her sister would come over quickly. Willowpaw then noticed a few cats struggling rather far away. Dashing over, her sister hissed, "Quick, attack from the back!" it was quiet enough not to let the others hear, but still, she caught it. Swiftly darting to the back of the cat, she pounced and landed neatly on the head, doing a front-paw blow as her sister once taught her from her trainings. Her sister, knowing this would be the right time to strike, dug her claws into the left side of the mas.sive cat. The blood slowly dribbled down her claws, staining her fur. She didn't stop, though, for the safety of the other clan members were put in front instead.
12:20pm Jul 20 2010
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Starpaw yowled in surprise as Soulpaw and Willowpaw attacked the cat in front of him, unsheathing his claws in preparation to fight along side them, though he knew he would do more damage then good. He could not fight nor did he know how. Something suddenly caught his eye, the tom was not fighting back instead he was just thrashing to try and get the smaller cats off of him. Starpaw's eyes met the ginger tom's own, and he was surprised at the longing and pain in them. "Willowpaw, Soulpaw! Stop." He yowled, taking a step back. Fallenwind opened his mouth to speak to his son, heart clinching at the resemblance to Shimmerpool in Starpaw. Instead two bodies crashed into his own, and pain inflicted into his back and flanks. About to whirl around and knock the much smaller cat aside, Fallenwind realized these were apprentices, not warriors. He could not hurt them any more then Cometclan had already done. He would have done anything to change what he'd done in the past and joined Thunderclan along with his now deceased mate. Thrashing around to get the apprentices off of him, Fallenwind looked over to Starpaw, looking into the younger cats eyes as if trying to convey a message. He sagged in relief as his son called the two she-cats off. "I mean no harm to you!" He yowled, sheathing his claws and backing away from the border.
12:36pm Jul 20 2010
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Hawkmask got up and padded out of the den. Looking about for her apprentice she sighed as she couldn't see her knowing if she wasn't around camp she was with Sunflare and and Soulpaw. At least I know that she's safe either way. Those two siblings are always with each other. No matter what. Deciding to go to the training hollow she padded towards where she thought she'd find her apprentice. Sighing in annoyance she walked about the forest. Hearing the sound of fighting she ran towards the sound and glared at the Commetclan cat and slashed at the cats face. Sighing Snowpaw got up and padded towards his mentor. "I'll see you both later on. Training." lifting his head up he went towards Panthergaze and stopped beside him looking up. "What are we going to do today?"
12:37pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 236
i think it workes!))
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