7:38pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Don't worry Shaste. That was the whole point of the direct contact ^^. I have worked with these powers for a little while now, so don't worry... They won't become a problem. And even if you felt like they were, you could tell me and I will listen. XD))
7:38pm May 12 2011 (last edited on 7:38pm May 12 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((-Nodnod- I agree with Shaste. NEXT PAGEEE~I don't feel like starting, BTW.))
7:39pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Okay, just making sure. xDD SO! :D Shall we wait a while for Weba?))
7:39pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((*Pokes pokes* Shaste! I started the Fringe Division Rp... Just so you know. No one else has made an intro yet though.))
8:12pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))
8:31pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((FIEN. I start.))
Five looked through inquisitive eyes as watched Professor Wilde at work. He was fiddling with his bottles and tools, normal, but e was figety and tense. He knocked over a green bottle with his hand, and it went spilling and crashing all on the floor. Five backed up to the wall as Professor Wilde cursed and gripped his hand, which was shrivelling up. He quickly grabbed a pink bottle, and put the contents all on his hand. It went back to normal, but slowly, and Five turned away. "Still no powers showing, eh?" Professor Wilde snarled at Five, andwhen Five said nothing, he storked his chin. "maybe her body stablized the injection. Should I give her more? No, maybe her powers aren't showing yet. I don't want to kill her."
8:45pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Still wanting you to join, Weba! :D)) "Leave me alone!" A girl shouted in her cell. She kicked at scratched at a rather young man in a lab coat who was grabbing her arm, or attempting to. "I said to effin' get off of me!" She screamed in the man's ear, making him stop for a minute.
A moment later, he came in with a syringe. The girl immediately stopped squirming. She didn't know what was in that vile, nor did she want to know. She shut up instantly and followed the man out of her cell. She walked into the room she got her injection. It was blue, bright blue. She remembered it vividly.
"Katherine here," The, what Katherine assumed, assistant said to the Dr. "I'll go get Connor next."
9:03pm May 13 2011
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"Good. Katherine can go in Cell Six. Beside what's-her-name. I can't remember whatI put her down as..." he shuffled through papers, and then finally sighed and ran his fingers through his black hair. "can't seem to find it." he sighed again. "just put her in Cell Six, beside number Five." Professor Wilde smiled wickedly at Catherine. "I bet you're wondering why your going to Cell Six not Cell Fifteen." he whispered softly. "You're going in Cell Six because the child that once occupied that Cell did not last the night." Five screamed, loudly, ghostly, and Professor Wilde fell against the desk, clutching his heart. "shut up, girl," he snapped. "I daresay you're still thinking about how the girl in Cell Six died. Just a small injection, and you'll be cured of that memory." he grinned, and with his eyes still fixed on Five, he snapped his fingers at his assistant and said, "get Connor. He can go in Cell Fifteen."
10:52am May 14 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Emerald, Weba, where are you? :o))
11:43am May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((They either deserted or they're not on the computer yet... :c I want to continue, but we must wait.))
4:29pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Bump. Do you think they deserted?))
5:42pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Sorry, my electronics have a nasty habit of malfunctioning. I would never desert by the way. XD)) She was strapped to a table, her long black hair falling over the edge. Her deep blue eyes stared at a young man, his name badge spelling out 'Assistance'. "You will never get away with this. Some one will find out, then you and your boss will pay for this." She spat, tugging at the restraints once again but to no avail. The man stayed silent, but turned his back to her to select a syringe. It contained a liquid that was a light, rosey pink. She cringed as he stepped near and grasping her arm. With an indifferent look he plunged the long needle into her arm. She cried out, the liquid burning her veins. Her small yelp grew to a loud agonizing scream as the fire reached her chest. She heard her name called out in the distance, echoing in her ears. Then her whole body went limp, her muscles ceasing to twitch. "Well, I will have to report another failure to the Professor." He began to push the table, rolling through hallways. "Professor, this one didn't make it. Her hair has gone from black to pink but then she stopped moving. What now?" He asked, missing her index finger twitching. Her eyes slid open, staring blankly upward. "What the-?" He exclaimed, looking to the Professor for answers. "I could have sworn Jade had no pulse left." Jake yelled through the bars of his cell. He screamed for his twin, Jade, who had just been taken from their joint cell. Tears filled his eyes as he listened to her screams, unable to go to her aide. "JAAADE! Let her go! Let us go!" He yelled, banging on the walls. ((Failure, I know.))
5:53pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"That's normal. It's happened before. Give her a blue pill, but make sure it says 27 on it, or she might actually die," Professor Wilde said. "Assistant, what hapened to putting that girl in Cell Six and the boy into the Injection Chamber." Five heard someone screaming a name loudly. She put her hands over her ers and curled up, rocking her body back and forth.
((No more assistants. I actually was thinking he worked alone, but I guess you guys made it otherwise. And it's rather confusing, saying Connor is going into the injection room and Jade being in the injection room.))
5:56pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Eeep, sorry. XD I am slightly confused so I tried my best. Guess I kind of failed, didn't I?))
5:57pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
(('Tis okay.))
7:47pm May 14 2011
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((BUMP. Shaste? Weba?))
1:06am May 15 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Connor struggled endlessly as he was thrown into a room oh-so-common to him. It was where he was given an injection. He looked all around, suddenly going quite. "Oi, Dr." Connor said 'Dr.' with such sarcasm, it was almost insulting. "What in the hell do you want with us?" He demanded to know. Connor didn't like not knowing what was going on. In fact, he hated it. ((Fail. D;))
11:39am May 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"I like experimenting on things, and I think I've decided to go past guinea pigs." Professor Wilde smiled wide, showing his blackened teeth. "Put in the injection," he ordered. "make sure he doesn't scream like the girl. I didn't think tiny needles could actually hurt that much."
8:35pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Bump? c: ))
8:37pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"I heard it's not the damn needles that hurt," Connor growled, shying away from the man with the needle. All he got was a slightly evil grin, then he grabbed Connor's arm, injecting it with a black liquid. Connor wanted to scream, but it got caught in his throat. All the noise that came out, was a small croak. His whole body writhed with pain.