2:32pm Jul 17 2010
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He deflected her sword and slahed her chest.Cloud almost had him but sephroth deflected his attack as well.
2:34pm Jul 17 2010
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Violet grabbed onto his arms and bit as hard as she could.
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2:35pm Jul 17 2010
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Sephiroth smirked replacing his armwith clouds doing it quickly.Cloud screamed in pain still deflecting sephiroths attack with his one arm.
2:37pm Jul 17 2010
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Violet let go then backed away.She turned and ran,transforming as she did so.."Now look you made my baby sister CRY!"Hanari screamed,throwing bombs at Sephiroth.
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2:38pm Jul 17 2010
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Sephiroth vanished and kept fighting cloud who was still using his injured arm.Sephiroth gave anevil smirk"too bad"he said calmly.Vincent shot at sephiroth but seohiroth deflected then kadaj slashed vincents chest.
2:40pm Jul 17 2010
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Kana slashed him even more and hit him directly in the back. She put her arm on her wound as it healed quickly

2:41pm Jul 17 2010
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Hanari growled andjumped on Sephiroth's back and forced his mouth open.She then dumped two vials of posion down his throat.
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2:42pm Jul 17 2010
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((That ruins the point koga you cant do that! *Cries like a baby*))

2:43pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm Jul 17 2010)
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He smirked deflecting the slashes and clouds as well but he did get a skash on his arm that was minor./he rolled his eyes and it healed he stabbed cloud in the chest and threw him then he slashed kanas arm again.He went back to clou and nearly stabbed him in the head but cloud deflected it and as sephiroth pushed harder down cloud pushed harder up.Sephiroth was amune to the poisin he spit it out and smirked evily.
2:45pm Jul 17 2010
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Kana pulled back from the fight and held her arm. She then went over and tried to defend cloud. She clashed swords with Sephiroth and slowly moved infront of Cloud.

2:46pm Jul 17 2010
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(can too!I'm your mother!x3) Haruslashed Sephiroth's back,drawing blood.
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2:47pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 2:48pm Jul 17 2010)
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Sephiroth ignored her and slashed her away.He almost struck her stomach but cloud took the blow and fell to the ground he gotup and they both clinged swords.Sephiroth healed from the slash.
2:50pm Jul 17 2010
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(Poor violet she now wants to kill herself after she bit Clooud TT^TT) Violet took out an knife and held it in her hands.
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2:51pm Jul 17 2010
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kana fell to the ground and felt her body in pain and couldnt heal.

2:52pm Jul 17 2010
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(no dont make her die) Sephirtoh diappered without a trace and so did kadaj and yazoo.Cloud fell to the ground and so did vincent.
2:55pm Jul 17 2010
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"Violet's gone you guys!I can't find her anywhere"Hanari said.Violet held the knife to her chest,ready to die.
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2:56pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 2:58pm Jul 17 2010)
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Kira then started to heal and went over to Violet. "What are you doing?" She asked

2:57pm Jul 17 2010
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Cloud looked up at her he put his sword away and darted off without a word"violet!"he yelled then he saw her"Violet no!"he yelled.
2:59pm Jul 17 2010
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((i bet after violet dies this rp is gonna end))

3:04pm Jul 17 2010
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(she better not die)