11:08am Jul 19 2010
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He looked in her eyes"i love you too"
11:11am Jul 19 2010
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{{Okay,i kinda wanna see how this rolepaly turns out as a 1x1, so there is anotehr one like it although that one is open for anyone to join. :D *runs to make thread*}}
11:17am Jul 19 2010
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Violet smiled and quickly pulled away before screaming.She had a cut in her back fromYazoo,who had disappeared.
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11:22am Jul 19 2010
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cloud looked at her "violet wha..".Zack bucked his eyes"Whatch out"He took out his sword but it was too late.Kadaj and put his sword through clouds back and fell to his knees.He took the sword out and slashed kadaj but he disappered.
11:25am Jul 19 2010
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Violet called Hanari."Hanari.You and Vincent need to get here and fast"she said.Hanari hung up."Cloud and Violet were attacked."Hanari said.
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11:29am Jul 19 2010
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Vincent nodded and reloaded his gun"lets go" he took her hand and put her on his back and darted off.Clouud fell back on his knees he was shot too.
11:31am Jul 19 2010
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"CLOUD!"Violet screamed.kneeling beside him."Cloud?"She cried.
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11:38am Jul 19 2010
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He was panting hard he looked up at her"im fine".He tried getting up but fell to the ground again.
11:40am Jul 19 2010
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"VINCENT!"She screamed,pulling out the bullett and putting pressure on the wound.
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11:44am Jul 19 2010
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They arrived there and vincent saw cloud on the ground he got hanari of his back and went over to him.Zack was there too trying to hold cloud up.
11:45am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 11:49am Jul 19 2010)
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{{Can i join in BTW?}} Name- Ace Warrith Age- 17 Gender- Female Looks- (Just with blonde hair....)Crush(s)- open other- She lost her memory a long time ago due to Sephiroths doing...She is belived to be an incarnet of Ace Cardvess though her blood says she is not related to the Cardvess bloodline. She sometimes ahs flashes of Aciescra Cardvess's memory and not her own... weapon: 
11:47am Jul 19 2010
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(yea ranni)
11:48am Jul 19 2010
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Violet had blood dripping from her back but she didn't care.She put more pressure on the wound,so it would stop bleeding.
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11:51am Jul 19 2010
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Ace saw Cloud get shot and the others trying to hold him up. Seeinga s she had expirience with being shot at she came closer and said,"I can help... if you want me to that is."
11:51am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 11:52am Jul 19 2010)
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vincent looked at cloud whos eyes were starting to close"this is gonna definetly hurt"Vincent told him.Cloud looked at him with a sickly ex pression.Vincent had on gauntlets so of course it would hurt.Vincent took his two fingers and grabbed the bullet inside cloud.Clouds eyes flashed opne and he grunted in pain.Vincent looked at ace"yeah come and help me"
11:55am Jul 19 2010
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Hanari was hugging the crying Violet close to her."Shush baby sister.He'll be fine"Hanari said.Violet tried to get to Cloud but Hanari held her back."Let me help"Hanari said,pulling out her giant weapon of a sword.
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11:58am Jul 19 2010
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Ace nodded and came forward to help try and stop the bleeding. She hoped there were no wounded organs because that was out of her knowledge. She saw Zack and Aciescras memory flashed before her eyes and she closed ehr eyes as they went away. then she reopend them and went back to try and help Vincent with Cloud.
11:59am Jul 19 2010
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Cloud bucked his eyes at her sword.He made a short yell as vincent took one of the bullets out.Vincent flicked and put his finger on another one that was deep.
12:01pm Jul 19 2010
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"Tell me when and I'll cut a wound so deep the blood will pour onto his wounds and will heal them"Hanari told Vincent.Violet was still crying as she watched them.
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12:03pm Jul 19 2010
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Vincent nodded"he has about 4 more bullets stuck in his body"he said pulling at one in his chest.CLoud made a low yell.Kadaj was laughing in his mind.Cloud growled.