name- Aerith Gainsborough
gender- Female
crush- Zack Fair (Definitely! :3) and somewhat Cloud Strife
other- She's technically not dead, like everyone thinks...and shes still in tune with the planet. :3
Weapon- Metal retractable staff
((Sorry this is so late! (And the post is so long) OTL))
Booted feet padded lightly along the pavement. Maybe she wasn't dressed like normal--her hair down, the ribbon gone, a simple pink-and-white sundress replacing the original button-up she wore before. But her bangles still jingled merrily on her right wrist; the black ribbon was still tied about her neck. Aeris sighed, making her way into the city with pain from the Planet pulling at her heart. She wasn't supposed to be here, but she had to find someone. The Lifestream sent her out here for a reason, and she wasn't going to be pulled back into it unless A) She finished her job and B) she died again.
Second choice...bad one. She shivered as she made her way to the Old Church, and was relieved to see it still standing. With a soft giggle, the brunette made her way inside, pas.sing two very specific people who her mind was trying to recall but not remembering...although the black-haired male she recognized from SOLDIER. Still, she entered the big doors, a bit of her mind wondering if they even saw her...
"It's good to be back...but I don't know if I'm still remembered."