5:10pm Jul 20 2010
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Tifa walked past vincent and shot kadaj. Kana heard the camotion and ran to see what was going on. She spoted kadaj and cloud fighting. She was shocked

5:10pm Jul 20 2010
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(No!) Violet screamed in pain.
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5:11pm Jul 20 2010
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((Bump bye ata))

5:12pm Jul 20 2010
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((koga wanna do an rp?))

7:10am Jul 21 2010
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Kadaj disappered.Cloud went over to violet then looked at vincent.Vincent looked at tifa and cloud sighed"violet can you hear me"He said as vincent took the bullet out.
9:17am Jul 21 2010
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Violet screamed and nodded.Hanari ran over and quickly cut herslef,letting the blood drip onto her sister's wound."Violet...you idoit!You could have been Killed!"Hanari yelled,tears in her eyes.Violet got up and ran away,sick of Hanari yelling at her.
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9:19am Jul 21 2010
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Cloud was too shocked to move but he got up.His eyes flivkered red.
9:23am Jul 21 2010
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"Damn it violet!"Hanari yelled,sprinting after her.Hanari grabbed her arm and sighed."What is the problem?"She asked."I'm sick of you yelling at me Hanari!"Violet yelled,walking back to cloud.
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9:33am Jul 21 2010
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Vincent looked a cloud"Whats wrong".Cloud looked at him"nothing"
9:34am Jul 21 2010
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{{Recap? o_e}}
9:35am Jul 21 2010
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Violet looked at Cloud and went back to the house."Leave me alone Hanari!I've had it with you yelling at me!"Violet snapped."Violet come on I said sorry"Hanari said."I don't Care Hanari...just leave me alone"Violet said.
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9:37am Jul 21 2010
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(9fights fights and more fights lol) Cloud looked at her then at hanari"whats wrong with her"
9:41am Jul 21 2010
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"She's mad because I keep yelling at her"Hanari said.A knife wizzed past Hanari.Hanari sighed."Oh thats low Violet.Even for you"Hanari snickered.But it wasn't Violet who had thrown it,it was Yazoo.He had taken over Violet,her violet eyes now a blood red color as she tried to fight to get Yazoo out of her body.
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9:41am Jul 21 2010
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{{How should i jump in?}}
9:43am Jul 21 2010
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(zack need tojump and hold violet down...then violet can hurt zack(without meaning to))
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9:45am Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 9:49am Jul 21 2010)
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http://fav.me/d2uhzhu( koga) Cloud growled and so did vincent"these guys are really pissin me off"He said reloading his gun.
9:46am Jul 21 2010
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Ace scowled as her shadow followed after her, she was a ways away when she heard fightng going on and left her with no choice but to bring her so called"dark side" along seeing as she couldn't lock it up any more..."Okay, either be good or i'll skin you myself." she told it it simply replied, "I'd like to see you try." "Hmf," was ehr only response.
9:49am Jul 21 2010
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Zack heard the fighting too.He looked at ace"come on".He ran to see violets eyes super red.
9:51am Jul 21 2010
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Ace nodded and she ended up getting on her shadow and making it walk for her,"Eh, i'm lazy today." It only glared for a brief moment before leading to where she directed it.She wondered why no one yet had noticed the proud and evil thing following her...hmm.
9:52am Jul 21 2010
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Violet screamed as she tried to push Yazoo out again.
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