7:53am Jul 28 2010
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Kadaj chuckled lowly"not you of course"He turned to see vincent"The time has come...vincent".Vincent made a low growl he held his heart and was sweating.
7:55am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 7:55am Jul 28 2010)
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7:59am Jul 28 2010
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Violet got up and pulled the dress off,reveiling a black shirt and black pants.She ran back to the other and attacked Kadaj."Your not take my Cloud away"She screamed.
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8:01am Jul 28 2010
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Kadaj ducked dodging her attack"i dont need to"he looked at vincent who was slowly transforming.
8:03am Jul 28 2010
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"What are you doing yto him!?"Hanari screamed.She looked at Vincent and started crying.
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8:05am Jul 28 2010
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Vincent couldnt stand he fell to his knees he became chaos a light flashed and he stood up when the light vanished.
8:08am Jul 28 2010
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Violet growled and transformed.She was finally a full blooded werewolf...and a vicious one at that.
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8:11am Jul 28 2010
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Vincent now chaos stood before kadaj who chuckled and now had cloud in his grasp who was uncontious from the geostigma.
8:28am Jul 28 2010
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Violet screeched and ramed Vincent.
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8:32am Jul 28 2010
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Vincent didnt move an inch just stood there he wasnt vincent anymore he was chaos his wings flashed out and kadaj chuckled evily handing cloud to him by the throat chaos nodded and flew into the air.
8:37am Jul 28 2010
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Violet changed back and took out a hidden knife.She was kill herself if she couldn't be with Cloud.
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8:41am Jul 28 2010
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Kadaj looked at her"oh so soon".Cloud regained conciousness and slahsed chaos out of his grasp and landed to the ground with his sword out.He looked at violet and quickly grabbed the knife"dont you dare die on me"he said in all serioussness and took it away from her.
8:48am Jul 28 2010
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Violet looked at him and hugged him."I thought he was going to kill you"she sobbed.
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8:51am Jul 28 2010
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He hugged her"Dont worry about me".Kadaj came with his sword and cloud with violet in his arms dodged the attack.Chaos came down with his gun and shot cloud in the arm.cloud grunted and pot violet under a tree"Stay here and dont move"He jumped in the air and chaos and cloud colided.
8:55am Jul 28 2010
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Violet watched with terror in her eyes.She was afraid that Cloud was going to be seriously hurt.
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8:59am Jul 28 2010
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Chaos back flipped and so did cloud.Then all of a sudden vincent transforemed back to his regular form and fell to the ground.Sephiroth appeared and chuckled"Cloud its been far too long"
9:01am Jul 28 2010
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(gonna add new characters for more plot twists) · Noctis(Ata)rich guy who has the power to teleport and has the power of telekinisis the soldiers want to kill him for the crystal Although he wears normal, modern day clothing, he works to protect the family crystals from creatures that come from another world. The protagonist of Final Fantasy Versus 13 is the heir to the throne of his country. His royal family’s kingdom has protected the family crystals for generations. His country, which has recently come under attack, has the last crystal in the world. · Stella(Amh) noctis rival who is a rich girl - Driver for noctis
- Shot gun guy who is one of noctis friends
- scarred guy another one of noctis friends
- The white robbed guy
A rich kid named noctis has joined with sephiroth to help use the planet as jenovas vessel and kill all who get in their way. Also their job is to protect the crystal that was handed down to noctis. Together they seem unstoppable .The heros need all their power and strength to help defeat them and save the world from great peril. If they don’t get at it soon they will all die. Cloud strife is being threatened and left to die by the two. Its seems sephiroth convinced noctis to help him destroy cloud.

9:01am Jul 28 2010
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Violet got up and snarled,transforming into her full werewolf form.
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9:04am Jul 28 2010
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Suddenly another guy came next to sephiroth.His eyes were red as he looked at cloud.Cloud gasped and took a step back.
9:06am Jul 28 2010
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Violet ran to Cloud's side and snarled.
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