A hero can save us(FF rp)Im not gonna stand here & wait

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10:35am Jul 28 2010

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He looked at her"Kadaj..yazoo".Suddenly they appared next to him.Sephiroth folded his arms"Meet your sister".Kadaj looked up at her and so did yazoo.

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10:37am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 10:44am Jul 28 2010)

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{{Hur hur...}}

Ace cocked her head," oh hell no, the last thing i need is brothers." she had more of this kind of ex
pression on her face: >:O

Ace thought a moment and muttered,"I wonder where my theif ran off to?"She snapped ehr fingers and Sabastian was in front of her with a poof and was chewing on something...wait a minute..."Sabastian!that's mine drop it now." The tiger stared wide eyed at her and dropped the little crystal ball thats he'd ahd since she was merely an infant."Sorry..." he muttered."Hmf, sorry doesn't cut it this time, i told you not to touch this and you do it anyway!No steak or toys for an entire month." Sabastian started to protest but was cut off by her icey blue glare.

"Well, i'd best be off. later." Ace said but she waited for a responce before dissapearing...


10:38am Jul 28 2010

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(lol sephiroth doesnt want to hear her mouth so hell let kadaj explain)

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11:09am Jul 28 2010

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{{Kay. XD}}

Ace saw Kadaj looked like eh wanted to say something to her and sh efolded her arms across ehr chest and waited for him to say something. She was rather bored and very impatient.


11:12am Jul 28 2010

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He rolled his eyes"i have to do everything"He mumbled"ok look girl...We are your brothers so just deal with it we are also apart of sephiroths spirit his anger and agressiveness and eveything in between got it"he scuffed.

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11:22am Jul 28 2010

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"Paha ha, hmf, Anger and Agression are objects of war and hate. I have my own anger,agression,power,pride and ambition, not some elses, so i suppose that is our only soul difference." Ace replied. She was getting bored and was now sort of getting used to haveing the dark creature following her around so she summond it. It gave her a blank and confused look, while sabastian gasped and ran to hide himself.


11:29am Jul 28 2010

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Kadaj rolled his eyes"Whatever kid"he said dissapering along with yazoo.Sephirith chuckled lowly and was cleaning his sword.

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11:33am Jul 28 2010

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"Call me a kid again and i'll personally see to it that i drag you to hell." Ace hissed and dissapeared to Zack ehrself,"Well, it seems i ahve two brothers." she sighed"Wait a minute,what happend with Taryn and ____ while i was gone?"(Member their kids? XD)


11:35am Jul 28 2010

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(yep lol sephiroth wouldnt let zack see them the kids name was zuko)

Zack looked up at her"Sephiroth refused to let me see them i take it your mother helped raising them"

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11:37am Jul 28 2010

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Ace panicked,"WHAT!?!?!Now that crossed a line, i'm going to get them,you wanna come with me?"

Mia was holding Zuko while Taryn just simply walked across the floor like the smart blonde toddler she was.


11:39am Jul 28 2010

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Zack nodded fiercly ready for anything"im right behind you"

Zuko looked up at mia and cuddled into her chest

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11:41am Jul 28 2010

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Ace placed ehr hand in his and they dissapeared into teh room Mia and Zuko were located as well as Taryn,"No listen to me, I want my children back." Next thing she knew an alarm sounded and she groaned, woudl taht mean Sephiroth would show up or would Yezoo and Kadaj try and prevent her from having them?


11:43am Jul 28 2010

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Zack clutched his sword even though he didnt want to fight infront of his kids he would if he had to.Yazoo,Kadaj and loz appeared with there guns at there side.Loz looked at the girl"well well well you again"

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11:49am Jul 28 2010

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"Screw you bastards, i don't give a crap this time," Ace snarled and the creature at her side merged with ehr light side and when its eyes opend tehre was both darkness and light togetehr aligned making her look blind bu in truth she coudl see."Give. Them. Back."

Sabastian was now in teh room and snarling as well. He adored Zuko and Taryn.

Taryn never spoke a word to anyone when Mia had her she saw
Ace and Zack and shrieked hysterically,"Mommy!Daddy!"

Mia gasped and took a step back, she hadn't seen anyone do that before. Darkness and light weren't allied?


11:52am Jul 28 2010

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Since zuko was kind of the youngest he couldnt talk but he held out his hands seeing his parents

Zack made a low gasp and sighed still clutching his sword.

Kadaj raised the gun"isnt this touching"he moved it towards zack who growled.

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11:57am Jul 28 2010

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Taryn ran from their grasp and imediatly went to Zack. She knew who she wanted.

Ace counted, on more to go. She launched herself at Mia with lightning speed.She knocked her over and Mia by accident tossed Zuko,that's where Sabastian came in and leapt to catch him by the collar of his shirt.

Mia knew tehre was now ay she'd get out of this one as Ace snarled,"Die" in Mia's foreign tongue.Ace with one swift movement was doen with Mia, now she coudln't help anymore.


12:01pm Jul 28 2010

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Zuko was ;aughing he was an adventurous trouble maker.

Zack looked down and Taryn and picked her up glaring at kadaj and his brother.Kadaj chcuckled lowly"This is a waste of time"him and the oother dissapered.

Sephiroth holding his sword walked in"what is the meaning of this"he said firmly.

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12:07pm Jul 28 2010

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{{Mia didn't die, Ace just used a pressure point that lowers your heart rate(enough to be counted as dead) and makes you p*censored* out for several hours.}}

Ace snarled simply in responce and phased back into her humane form an dtook Zuko from Sabastian,"Just reclaiming what was mine to begin with."

Taryn growled when Sephiroth entered,she didn't like him at all.


12:11pm Jul 28 2010

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(like a pressure point))

Sephiroth raised an eye brow and beant down to mia"i see"he looked up at her"and you think ill let you get away"he smirked evily getting up.Zack stepped forward handing taryn to ace."id like to see you try sephiroth".Sephiroth smirked and chuckled.

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12:15pm Jul 28 2010

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Taryn started some random baby babble to Ace talking. She smiled and adored it Ace frowned to sephiroth," Do you really think i'm that stupid? If you can figure out what's wrong with Mia in time, she won't die.You like puzzles don't you?" Ace said calmly. She sent Zack a private telepathic message fo what she ahd done and that Mia wouldn't die, just suffer from a head ache and possibly being very stiff.

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