A hero can save us(FF rp)Im not gonna stand here & wait

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12:02pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis just leave him alone!"Violet said.Maru smirked and appeared as the other maru vanished in a cloud of smoke.

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12:04pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 12:05pm Aug 13 2010)

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(oops double posted)

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12:07pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis looked at maru and huffed he looked at violet roling his eyes as cloud came to strike him from behind but the swords binding him penetrated his skin deeply.He stopped and noctis smirked"Forgot all about those didnt you little brother".Cloud winced in pain"leave..them..alone"

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12:12pm Aug 13 2010

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Without knowingit,Violet was being possessed again.

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12:14pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis sensed something different in violet but huffed.Cloud looked at violet still wencing.

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12:18pm Aug 13 2010

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Violet made her way towards Cloud,pulling out her sword.

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12:20pm Aug 13 2010

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Cloud gasped.Noctis smirked"I guess she was telling the truth.Cloud growled at him"Either way im going to die...but not now"He growled trying to take one of the sords out of him.

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12:22pm Aug 13 2010

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"Cloud!She's being possessed!"Maru yelled.He ran and tackled Violet,pinning her to the ground.

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12:27pm Aug 13 2010

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Cloud looked at maru noctis removed the swords from cloud and sendthem flying to strike him cloud moved.Cloud looked at violet"Violet"he said as one of the swords aimed for her cloud blocked the sword growling.

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12:28pm Aug 13 2010

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Maru smirked and pulled Violet out of harms way.

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12:31pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis smirked"Oh are you mad now.Cloud growled as his eyes turned red.Noctis smirked"So now you have our real eyes.His eyes flashed red as well.Clouds buster sword appeared in his hand"You soulless reack"Cloud growled.Noctis rose an eyebrow"You dare to harm her...biggest mistake of your life..i never wanted to use this..but i guess i have no choice".Noctis eyes bucke"you wouldnt dare!"

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12:37pm Aug 13 2010

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Maru watched while trying to hold Violet back.She was back to her old self again.

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12:41pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis took a few steps back.Clods right eye went a bright red and his left eye a neon blue that was like a blue light.His sword grew twice its regular size and all black with a long light blue ice dragon down the midle of it his blonde hair turned a blood red.He moved his sword toward him holding it upright.

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12:42pm Aug 13 2010

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Violet watched in horror.

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12:48pm Aug 13 2010

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Noctis eyes gasped"You said you would neve-"Cloud cut him off"i lied"A large red and blew flew out his sword to noctis who manage to dissapear before the blast ht him.The blast caused the earth to shake and the sky to fall dark with red electricty flowing from it.As the blastceased so did the darkness then everything went back to normal.His slashes closed but there was a huge i mean HUGE hole in the ground that was extremely deep.Cloud put his sword to his side and sighed.

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12:49pm Aug 13 2010

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Maru let Violet go and watched as she ran to Cloud.

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12:53pm Aug 13 2010

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Cloud turned to look at her his eyes still the same but this time he had pupils.He smiled at her.

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12:54pm Aug 13 2010

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Violet ran to Cloud and hugged him.

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12:57pm Aug 13 2010

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He hugged her his red hair flowing back at the impact.He put his sword down.

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12:58pm Aug 13 2010

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"Are you okay?"She asked,kissing him pas.sionately.

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