i already started so re-RP post...)
Red leaned against a tree kicking rocks. He stared into the cold grey sky as it started to pour. he sighed and went to duty on the territory.
Raven was in the form of an owl and was looking around. "so hungry" she saw a girl playing hopscotch in the vampire territory. "the werewolf territory has much food...and i won't be caught if i'm her..." she flew to the territory and turned into the vampire girl. she went hunting.
Red heard something. he walked around a corner and saw a vampire girl. he turned into a wolf and chased Raven away.

Thorn was playing hopscotch behind the territory.She smelt another vampire and curiosly went into the woods. She spotted another vampire girl. "hey! were supposed to stay on territory!"
Raven ran away from the vampire. "oh, no!"
"HEY!" she ran after Raven. soon getting lost in the woods. "Hello? anyone?" she asked nervously.