A killing (werewolves/vampire/shapeshifter) during a full moon

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5:02pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:07pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 783

((Sorry it doesn't connect with the other posts thus far. I started writing it a while ago, then got distracted and didn't finish it till just now xD))

((And bluejay, you missed Glym on the first post. She's a vampire and her rank is fighter. Thanks :3)) 

Krael stalked through his territory in wolf form, his jet black coat making him nearly invisible in the darkness of the night. The only thing that betrayed his presence was a pair of gleaming silver eyes that darted back and forth. Out of his peripheral vision, he could have sworn he had seen a humanoid figure in the pack's territory, crouched and feasting on a rabbit. A vampire? How dare they invade our territory! He thought, enraged. Moments later the figure was gone, chased off by a few wolves from the pack. That'll teach him, Krael thought smugly. He better not come back, either, or he'll have me to deal with next time.


Xylon, in human form, yelled out to the figure (a vampire?) that was eating a rabbit in the wolf territory. He didn't see him as a threat, but he was ready to transform into a wolf if he proved to be dangerous. Soon, the figure retreated, and Xylon watched him go. As he left, the figure... changed shape? No, that's impossible. It was a vampire, they don't shapeshift. Or... do they? 


((If anyone is confused about my post for Svali, go ahead and re-read her bio, I explain in the 'other' section))  

Svali sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at a beetle on her finger. She was in human form, and her sandy brown hair hung down so far it was almost touching the ground. Inspecting it carefully, she turned it around so she was looking directly at it. Forgetting about her ability for a moment, she looked directly into its compound eyes. It began kicking, and fell off her finger, writhing in pain on the ground. Remembering, Svali quickly shut her eyes. Opening them once more, she saw the beetle was fine, although it was on its back. She reached out a finger and gently pushed the beetle to its feet. She sighed. Why must she be the one to bare this burden? It was bad enough she was a shapeshifter, she didn't need an ability on top of that. Especially not one so... destructive.


Glym stared at the other vampires. They were chasing off a werewolf that had foolishly entered their territory. Her blood red eyes glinted with cold satisfaction when he was forced to leave. She smirked, and watched as he fled.



5:12pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:14pm Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 28

Red saw the vampire shapeshift also "but...how?!" he listened in on a conversation between the puffin and the odd vampire. "wait...shapeshifters...i thought they were a myth!" He growled and approached them in human form.

Raven turned to Red "h-hello..." she was frightened by the ex
pression on his face. She stared.

"Your a shapeshifter." he replied bluntly.

Raven glanced at the puffin then back to Red. "Um no they're fake..."

"If your not a shape shifter then what are you!" he barked

"uh..." she looked for assistance from Olavi.

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

5:17pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:18pm Jul 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

 [[Ignore the shapeshifter post, I need to edit it because someone posted before me....]]


Olavi hopped off of Raven's shoulder, turned human, and then glanced at her. "If you're hungry, then catch a mouse in you're owl form. You needn't pretend you're a vampire." He twisted a black feather in his golden hair. "We will soon own all of this land anyway." And with that, he jumped up and flapped away.

Olavi knew perfectly well that puffins didn't live this far inland, but he really didn't care at that moment. And the moment left him when he spyed a humanoid creature looking up at him in confusion through the trees. Crap! Olavi thought, but not exactly that word. All of the confidence he had just portrayed to the other shapeshifter left him in that moment.


Juni lightly touched Glym on the shoulder, a movement that asked for attention, and quickly withdrew her hand. "Why do they come here? Don't they understand that we will find them?" She asked quietly. Juni never could understand the werewolves. She played with her teal hair, trying not to look at the wol-like beast.



5:22pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 28

"SO YOU ARE A SHAPESHIFTER!" he screamed. he went to attack her.

she wiped out a a silver bullet wedged in a tree and tossed it straight thrrough his heart. She stumbled back and fell since he did push her.

Red grabbed his heart and fell to his knees. He didn't stand up. There was blood everwhere now.

Raven ran away from both territories. She couldn't beleive what she had done.

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

5:25pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 5:26pm Jul 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

[[No! didn't you see that I was going to edit that post!! THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN

*twitch twitch*]]


5:28pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 28
(no i posted that because she didn't answer)

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

5:29pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 1,557
[[But... but... Olavi was going to make it all better~]]


5:31pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 28
(it's fine....)

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

6:53pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 783

Glym felt a a gentle tap on her shoulder and turned to see Juni. She tilted her head slightly to the left as she listened to the vampire's quiet voice. Glym paused for a moment to consider her words, her deathly white face creased by a slight grin. 

"They are nothing but filthy animals. I doubt even they know why they come here." She paused once more, this time to examine one of her ghostly white fingers. After a moment of this, she continued.

"What do you say we go teach them a lesson ourselves, Juni? It could be fun."

((Fail post, sorry D:)) 


7:20pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

[[Out of curiosity, what time period is this?]]


Juni tilted her head, pretending to think over Glym's words, but her eyes betrayed her and sparkled with mischief [I think that's the word...]. "Why Glym," she spoke slowly and evenly, "what lesson could we possibly teach? Stupid dogs fail at learning the simplest of commands. No matter how many times you hit the mutt, he will always return for more pain." Her dry lips twitched with excitement as she looked onwards into the forest. She licked them and glanced up at the other woman.


Olavi practically landed on Svali when he descended to the ground from his flight. He forgot for a second that he was still an animal and chirped a bunch of words that had almost no meaning, much of it in Finish. He only calmed down when he realized the girl probably had no idea what he was trying to tell her.


7:26pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

((sorry i haven't been posting I just dont know what to post maybe one of yalls characters can talk to mine or what ever))

Devin sighed as he lifted his head and transformed from his lion form to his human form. He dusted off his shirt and walked into the forest and transformed into a wolf and walked across the vampires territory.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

7:34pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

[[You should have him comfort Olavi *wiggles eyebrows* Oh, and who's the one making all of the the plans for the shapeshifter? Because it certainly isn't Olavi.]]


Juni sniffed the wind and snapped her attention over to where she could see another wolf.  [/Fail]

Fayve also saw the wolf and sauntered up to it. "Who are you? Don't you know that this is the Vampire territory?" He snorted, flailing one of his arms about in a manner that he thought would explain everything. He sniffed the air and narrowed his eyes. "You don't smell like you..."

[[I realize that what Fayve's said makes no since. I got to go now, I'll be back some time tomorrow]]


7:39pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

((I couldn't help but laugh when I envisioned a puffin chirping frantically... in Finnish xD))

"True enough, I suppose," Glym replied. Even as she spoke the words, however, Glym noticed Juni seemed... excited, in a way. Was she planning something? She almost appeared eager to... to what? Glym wished she could look inside Juni's head, just to see what was happening in there. Hoping to uncover whatever it was that Juni must have been planning, she said "Is something wrong, Juni? You look anxious." 


Svali yelped in surprise when a desperate chirping filled her ears. Standing up and whirling around, she found that the creature responsible for the terrible noise was a puffin. No, not a puffin, she realized.

"Olavi?" she said, surprised. "What's wrong?" 


8:05pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 2,023
Devin looked up at the vampire and growled "Maybe because im not one." He said as his body started to glow and ge started to form into a human... Or what looked like a human (Vampire). Devin let out a small grin and continued on his walk.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

12:21am Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 28

sorry was busy having dinner.)

Red had just enough strength to crawl to the stone wall around the territory. He sat his head hung, waiting for help. He was to weak to walk or scream so he was stuck sitting there hurt.

Raven hid. "HOW COULD I DO THAT!" she screamed at herself quietly. "well it was in self defensce...but i hurt him and now he's probably dieing there...what do i do" she held her head in her hands.

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

8:00am Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

 [[ =D ]]


Juni looked up innocently at Glym. "I was just thinking... How's the best way to wolfnap a werewolf? It can't possibly be that had to do..." She murmured, and her eyes looked like they were drifting off. Juni's hand went to her necklace she had, err...,  'found' a few days ago. It had two eyes made of moonstone and seemed to glow ominously. The way the light from the moon reflected on the pendents made them look real, and searching. Juni snapped out of the world she had just been in and smiled up at Glym.

Fayve gasped and ran after Devin. "Oh my god! That was so cool! Can you teach me how to do that?" He paused, taking a breath. "Wait a second... You aren't going to suddenly burst into tears, are you?" He sounded cautious. "Because I met some weird kid who started flirting with me, and then he stared to cry for no reason. He kept talking in this weird language; Swedish maybe, and then yelled 'Don't kill me Devin' and ran off."


Olavi sniffled and nodded before turning back human. He barely noticed that he was in a black and white feathered dress and he nervously played with a feather tangled in his hair. "S-someone saw me shifting, I think... An- and then Raven attacked this wolf who was trying to attack her because he saw her shift because she was running from this vampire who had seen her because she was scared because she was hungry because no one brings food to me; and, and!" He buried his face into his hands and stared crying. The last understandable thing he said was "But now they know! Don't let Devin kill me! I didn't mean to!"


12:28pm Jul 22 2011

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Posts: 28
Raven took a walk try to forget what happened. "i'm so stupid" she mumbled.

(writers block ahh!)

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

12:29pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 3:28pm Jul 22 2011)

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Posts: 783

So that was Juni's plan, she wanted to kidnap- or wolfnap, rather- a werewolf? Her crimson eyes sparkled at the thought.

"Well, I imagine we would need bait of some kind," Glym began. She grinned somewhat unnervingly, revealing short, pointed teeth. "Food, perhaps? If they are as stupid as they appear, those dogs-" she spat the word "- will probably fall for anything."


((Erm, not sure what to do with my wolfies at the moment. Help?))


((Rabbah, what were you referring to when you mentioned the 'plans' for the shapeshifter? *confused*)) 

Svali watched as Olavi completely broke down in front of her. She was slightly alarmed at how quickly he had transformed into this sobbing mess. A lot of his words were muffled by sobs, so she wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. However, it was blatantly obvious that he was upset about something, or someone... Devin? Yes, Devin. And someone had seen Olavi shift? It sounded that way. Oh god, Svali thought. This could be bad. Hopefully he's just overreacting, or this could be a disaster.

"Oh, Olavi. It's okay," she said, trying her best to calm him down. She wasn't sure what to do, so she put her arm around him in a gesture that was meant to be friendly and comforting, but ended up as more of an awkward half hug. "No one's going to kill you, especially not Devin. He'll understand. It's going to be fine, Olavi, I promise," she said.  


12:39pm Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 28
well raven tossed a silver bullet through Red's heart, and he needs help so...)

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

12:47pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 12:47pm Jul 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Okay Pheonix. And just wondering if you know Phoenix is spelled with the 'o' before the 'e' ? Not trying to be jerkish, just pointing it out. And OMG I love your siggy))

Xylon, who had been about to lay down and take a nap, noticed the unmistakable smell of blood in the air. Transforming into wolf form to be able to track the scent more easily, he followed the scent towards... Red?

"Red!" he yelled, already rushing towards the bleeding wolf. "What happened? You need help!" 


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