1:17pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 1:22pm Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 28
(yeah i typed my username fast and thanks i could find you a queen image for yours if you'd like) "you don't think i know that?" he said out of breath. since he used his heart he grabbed because it was throbbing with a shock touch.

theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00
1:20pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 1:21pm Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 28
sorry for double post i thought it didn't post...)

theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00
1:36pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I meant, since I've already decided the fact that all of the shapeshifters know each other, then who is coming up with the plan to make the vamps and wolves fight? Like the intro Bluei did, where the sifter pretended to be a vamp and went into the wolf's territory. Or are the shapeshifter just doing whatever they feel like? Sorry for making you confused]] ~Vamp~ Juni looked at the ground and moved her weight -which was light, thank you very much - from foot to foot. "I could go and find a stag and chase it to a meeting point or something like that. We could leash it and stick it a few feet from the border. If we make a lot of noise, we could gain the attention of one. When it sees the stag, it'll go after it. And then," She clapped her hands together, "We'll catch it." She looked up at Glyn "Got any other ideas?" ~Sifter~ [[Yeah, Olavi is just being stupid. He could step on a flower and break down.. And Devin's another shifter xD]] Olavi sniffled and looked up at the girl. "Are you sure? What's going to happen if the wolves and the leeches find out that they aren't alone? Maybe they'll come after us!" He realized that he was going to break down again if he kept taking, to he took a few deep breaths to calm down. He leaned into the other shifter's warmth.
2:07pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 2:07pm Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 783
((Pheonix: Oh, lol. Sounds like something I would do. And that's okay, I don't need a pic. Thanks for the offer though)) ((Rabbah: Oh I see. Um, I actually don't know. I would offer to make Svali the shifter that was turning the vamps and wolves against each other, but I don't think she really has it in her. Olavi definitely doesn't either xD And wait... Devin's a shifter? Herp derp. Sorry 'bout that, I'll have to edit my post >< Oh, and if Juni and Glym go through with the whole 'capture a werewolf' thing, they can catch Krael, one of my wolfies. He's stupid, proud, and headstrong so he's perfect xD just as long as they don't kill him. :P)) "That sounds perfect," Glym said. "Yes, I don't see how this could go wrong. One, if not all of the mutts will definitely fall for it." As she spoke, she envisioned a drooling wolf coming to feed and being snatched up by one of of the vampires, perhaps Glym herself. "Only, what will we do once we have captured the beast? We could kill it, but that could start a war. Unless... is that what we want?" she asked the other vampire, eyes questioning. ~~~ "I... I don't know what to do!" Xylon all but screamed. "I want to help you, but how?" ((Fail, sorry. I'm having a bit of a failtastic day as far as RPing goes. o.o)) ~~~ ((I... I think I love Olavi. He's just like a little kid xD)) Svali was relieved the older shifter had finally stopped crying. "They won't come after us," she told him, although she knew they probably would. "Even if they do, it isn't your fault. You couldn't have known they would see you shift. We live so close to their territories, they would have found out sooner or later anyway, it was only a matter of time. Don't worry." She searched his face to see if she was getting through to him or not, though she was careful not to look him directly in the eye because of her ability. Curse, not ability, she silently corrected herself. Olavi surprised her by leaning towards her more. His breathing still felt a little shaky, but he didn't seem like he was going to cry again. Svali closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.
2:45pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 2:45pm Jul 22 2011)
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[[ Yeah, Olavi defiantly isn't the brains of the operation xD I saw Bluei roleplay Devin, and he seemed pretty confident, so I decided that Olavi would probably be scared to death of him. I guess Blui will end up playing the leader... Even though s/he's the leader of the leeches also. And Juni doesn't plan on actually killing the wolf... I think...]] [[I can see Juni and Glym becoming best friends and taking over the world.]] ~leech~ Juni shook her head. "No, not yet at least. It isn't our decision to kill one of them. We will set the wolf up so that it appears like he came to our side. That way no one will be able to question our ways punishment. Even their Alpha will understand, deep down. He will be mad of course, but let him break the unspoken oath and let him face the consequences. If our captured wolf proves to be boring, we could just let it go." The young vampire shrugged. "Or maybe we could experiment and see if it's possible to make a vampire-wolf hybrid." Juni smirked to herself, her eyes glittering again. ~shifter~ [[I want to adopt a cute Finish boy some day xD ]] "You really think so?" Olavi murmured. His eyes started to grow heavy. The young man [?] hadn't been so comfortable since...... Since... since a long time ago. His parent's weren't very lovey-dovey, so it was nice to feel that someone cared for him. Not long after, he drifted off to sleep. [/Fail]
3:31pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 783
((All right, sounds good to me. Hopefully blue's okay with being the leader. And I totally agree about Juni and Glym taking over the world xD And is Juni implying what I think she's implying when she starts talking about vamp/ wolf hybrids? o.o Or did she just mean they could bite him?)) Glym nodded when she heard what Juni planned to do with the wolf. "I agree," she said. "...With almost everything. You said we would allow the beast to go free if he proves boring." Her soft voice took on an edge. "I say we should hold him for ransom, see just how far the rest of them would go to get him back. It's doubtful they would be able to offer anything of interest to us." She paused. "However, I think it would be... interesting to see whether they actually care about each other or if they really are just mindless animals." She spoke the last part quietly, more to herself than Juni. ~~~ Svali's eyes remained closed, but she could tell by how slow his breathing had become that Olavi had fallen asleep. She opened her eyes and smiled to herself, then used her free hand to gently remove the feather that had become caught in his hair. ((I fail as well -.-))
3:55pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[ xD That made me laugh, alot. The hybrid thing... No, she was meant bite them xD I can see what you mean, though. Get your head out of the gutter, Kira! ]] ~vamp~ The vampire heard Glym's words, but decided against ssking. The other vampire probably had a reason, and the girl would rather not irritate her by asking. Juni giggled. "Yeah, what could they possibly offer to us? We have no need for money, nor most items." She froze and her grin widened. "But then again, maybe the mutts will surprise us." She thought some more . "Is there a human village around here that you know of?" Juni couldn't remember if there was. ~shift~ [[Blah... There is almost nothing to say here... Time skip?]]
4:03pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((I'm sorry i haven't been posting on this rp, i've been so busy doing stuff at church i haven't been able to get to every rp, on sunday i promise to post, well depends on how far y'all get))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:05pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[err.... sorry. Do you want us to take a break?]]
4:12pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((If y'all dont mind, i'd hate to stop y'all from the rp))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:17pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 783
((LOL okay. When I first read it I was like "o.o ...")) "Human village? I... believe so. I think there is one a few miles west of here. Why?" she said, not seeing why Juni would ask her something like that. ((Epic fail D:)) ~~~ ((Yeah, time skip I guess. I feel so fail though cuz I don't know what point to skip to xD)) ~~~ ((FFFFFF I didn't want to have to post anything for Krael until he got caught by the vamps, but my other two posts are so pathetic I'm going to have to.)) Krael was hungry- no, more than hungry. He was starving. He didn't just want a measly rabbit either. He wanted a real prize like a stag or moose. Where to find one, though? Prey seemed pretty scarce lately. Probably because of those stupid vamps hunting everything to near extinction ((assuming they drink animal blood as well as/ instead of human?)) He stalked around the territory, angry at everyone just because he could be. What he really wanted was to be able to kill one of the vampires himself, especially after one of them dared to come into the wolf territory. He growled quietly to himself, mentally daring another one of those bloodsuckers to come into his territory.
4:18pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 783
((Oops, didn't see those posts. Sorry))
4:56pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 5:10pm Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 28
back sorry) "just forget, heh, we were all meant to die someday..." he smiled oddly with a big grin. Red then started to fade. "Hey if you want to help me..." he looked up "kill the shifter. you only have a week so i would start..." he laughed a little then coughed.
(oops sorry didn't see that you want to relax)

theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00
6:23am Jul 23 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 322
((Sorry for not posting, I've been ill. And again, sorry if this is a fail, Im a bit confused because there's so much to catch up on.)) Samantha glided silently over the werewolves territory as a hawk. The wind ruffled her feathers and she let out a loud cry. Her perfect eyesight saw a small brown rabbit far below her, nibbling on grass. It lifted its head when it heard her cry. Sam narrowed her orange and blue eyes as she watched the rabbit began running off. She went into a deep dive and burst into the forest. She chased after the rabbit, dodging the trees narrowly. Sam was catching up with the rabbit. She let out another cry which echoed through the forest. Sam's sharp gaze never let the rabbit, yet her featherd body twisted and turned to dodge trees and balance almost at its own accord. As Sam got above the now exausted rabbit, she stretched out her yellow clawed legs out infront of her. With one last screech, she lowered herself and took the rabbit in her evil grasp. It let out a small squeek before going limp her Sam's feet as she drove her claws into it. Sam slowed down and landed on a high branch as she began to eat her catch.

8:37am Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 9:44am Jul 23 2011)
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Posts: 1,557
[[Sorry, I forgot that we had to wait for others... Are you better, Steps?]] ~leech~ Juni shrugged. "Just wondering, Glym. I was thinking of experiments we could do." She smiled up at the other. "I always wanted to be a scientist." Her smile faltered. "Or would this be considered phycology...." She looked back up at Glym. "Should I go and find a stag now? We will meet in the clearing by the northeast border." ~shifter~ {Time ship} Olavi woke up like he normally did, by jump a foot in the air and landing on his butt. He mumbled something that was a mix between Finish and English and sleepily looked around. He saw the other shifter. "Did I wake you?" It was amazing that he managed to speak only in one language because of how out of it he was.
8:57am Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[bump. Pheonix, you're siggy is stretching the page.]]
11:04am Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 322
((Yeah, Im much better now, thanks =) )) When Sam finished the rabbit, which was rather thin with little meat on it, she let out another loud screech before flying up into the sky again. She began to circle high above the werewolves forest in search of another, hopefully more filling meal. Sam flapped her wings faster, climbing higher and higher. She stopped as she got to the height she wanted to be at and began to glide effortlessly. She glided for a few minutes before tucking her wings to her sides and entering a dive, just for fun. As she dove, Sam's eyesight saw a large pigeonbelow her. Sam locked onto it and dove faster. The pigeon was oblivious of the fact that it was a perfect taget for Sam and kept its steady pace. Sam let out a loud screech as her clawed feet sank into the pigeons back. She slowed down a glided to a soft landing on another tree in the werewolves territory before starting to eat the pigeon. ((Fail. Sorry, I had no idea what to do))
12:52pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 783
((Well, I can't wait anymore. Blue said (s)he would be back today, and everyone else is roleplaying so...)) Glym looked at Juni, eyes searching. "Are you really suggesting that we... experiment on them?" She said. "Isn't that torture?" Then she quickly added "I mean, it's okay with me, but... I just think we should be careful. Never mind. I will meet you at the border, as you said." With that, she began to walk towards the border. ~~~ Svali had just begun to drift off to sleep when she felt Olavi jolt awake. She yelped in surprise and stared at him, alarmed. "What happened, are you okay?" she said. In her groggy, half awake state she accidentally locked eyes with him. It was only for a fraction of a second, so she hoped her ability wouldn't kick in, but she couldn't be sure. She watched him carefully to see what would happen.
1:06pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I saw Bluei on earlier...]] [[And I meant more of physiological experiments. I wasn't planing on doing anything too painful...]] [[Steps~ you could have your character talk to Olavi and Svali.]] ~leech~ Juni blinked, wondering what that was about. For all of her knowledge, vampires cared nothing of the wolves. So why was Glym acting so strange? Juni turned and started to run deeper into the forest. After a few minutes, she found a good sized deer. She wasn't very sure of how to catch it, so she left to find some rope or something. ~shifter~ Olavi shivered when he caught Svali eyes. He thought that they were beautiful before his spine started to tingle painfully. "I... Err... Yeah, I'm fine." He stuttered out, shivering some more. The tingling sensation started to fade away. What had made that happen? [/fail on both]
1:50pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 783
((Huh? No, that's fine. Krael can take it. But I'm afraid Xylon would have to go on a murderous rampage on my behalf if anything too terrible happened to Krael. xD Moderate pain's fine, though.)) Glym continued to walk purposefully in the direction of the border, her steps fluid and graceful, she almost seemed to be gliding rather than walking. The entire time, she silently berated herself for showing such... compassion for those beasts. What had come over her? Oh well, her little mistake would be made up for by the end of the day once she and Juni had captured one of them. ~~~ Did I... hurt him? Svali wondered. She watched Olavi's face carefully. He seemed fine, maybe the instance they had looked into each other's eyes was too brief to set off her ability? She hoped so. She wanted to apologize to him in case her ability had worked, but she couldn't risk anyone finding out about it. She had never told anyone about it before, and though she wanted to trust Olavi, she couldn't bring herself to say the words. Hi, I am a freak that hurts people just by looking at them, she thought bitterly. Not to mention the whole shape shifting thing, she thought. At least he can do that too. I'm not totally alone. But she couldn't help but wonder if she should tell Olavi about her other ability. She decided against it for now, but one day, she would have to tell someone. Wouldn't she?