A killing (werewolves/vampire/shapeshifter) during a full moon

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2:13pm Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 28
sorry, better? and queen forgetting about a character? *cough cough* red *cough cough*)

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

2:16pm Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 783
((Lol sorry, Pheonix. Guess I got confused because I thought he died... Did he die? xD If not, is he going to/ can I save him?))


2:25pm Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 1,557

[[lol, okay then.]]


 Juni found some rope somewhere. Now she was stalking the stag again. She walked slowly towards it, the rope in her hands. It bolted and she jumped after it, running as fast as she could, which was quite fast, mind you. After a few minutes of chasing after it, she got the rope around its neck and halted the stag.


Olavi waved his hand in front of Savali. "Hello? Are you okay? Is something wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you upset? What's wrong? What are you thinking of? Do you like puffins? I like puffins. I also like cats. especially if they are young and kitten-like and fluffy. Do you like fluffy things?"


2:32pm Jul 24 2011

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Posts: 783

Glym stood patiently by the border, waiting for Juni to arrive. She couldn't see any wolves nearby, but that didn't mean there weren't any. She hoped Juni didn't take too long with that stag. 



Svali forced a smile and said "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, is all." Don't pursue it, Olavi. Please, no questions, she mentally urged him.

Realizing she still had her arm around him after all that time, she quickly removed it, blushing slightly. 

((Didn't know what to post. Double fail.)) 


2:06pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,557


A few minutes after Glym thought that, Juni appeared, leading a stag. "Were you waiting long?"


Olavi tilted his head. "Why are you blushing Svali? Did I do something wrong?" He asked innocently.

[[I blame Bluei for my failness.]]


2:48pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 783

Glym flinched when she heard Juni. Why am I so jumpy? she thought. They are animals, nothing more.

"Not too long, no," Glym said in answer of Juni's question.

Turning her attention to the stag, she said "Shall we tie him down or just set him loose in the wolf territory? Either way we should catch a wolf as soon as it starts feeding on our stag. It's guard will be down, so we can catch it easily."


"N- no, you did nothing wrong. It's fine," Svali said, somewhat defensively.

"It's just... I have to go take care of something. Goodbye," she said, transforming into grey and white striped cat and running off. Once out of Olavi's sight, she found a tree and expertly climbed up to one of the higher branches. Once there, she sat down to admire the view, absentmindedly licking one of her forepaws. 


Much to Krael's delight, he caught the scent of a stag very nearby. He judged the distance to be around a two minute walk away. Pleased, he began the short trek there, already planning how to kill it.


3:23pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,557

[[Hey! You're on!]]

"We can tie him here. Or should we injure it so then it will be easy pray?" Juni gave Glym a strange look. She patted the stag when it made a noise to calm it down. "Are you okay, Glym? You're not sick, are you?" Juni didn't know if Vampires could get sick, but she didn't want to find out.


Olavi stared where Svali had gone. Yes, he must've done something wrong. People don't run away like that when nothing wrong has happened. Olavi turned into his puffin form and followed her.


3:24pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 28

(here i reposted queen)

"just forget, heh, we were all meant to die someday..." he smiled oddly with a big grin. Red then started to fade. "Hey if you want to help me..." he looked up "kill the shifter. you only have a week so i would start..." he laughed a little then coughed.

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

4:51pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 783

((Hm, Rabbah?))

((Thanks Pheonix xD))

"Th- the shifter?" Xylon stammered. "Of course," he quickly agreed. I only have... a week? Why? he wondered. He watched his companion slowly fade away. He hated to just stand by idly while one of his kind was dying right in front of him, but he didn't see what he could do.


 "Yes, injuring it may be a good idea. Perhaps a leg, so it cannot stray too far," Glym said quietly. "And I'm fine, why do you ask?" she said, eyes blank and devoid of emotion as she stared at the stag.


Stupid! Svali thought. What's wrong with me, I didn't have to run away from him! Olavi is just a guy. I can trust him, I don't need to run. No matter how much she tried to convince herself of this, however, she couldn't bring herself to climb back down from the tree and talk to him. Instead, she sat on the branch, tail flicking back and forth. I hate myself, she decided. I hate my ability and I hate myself. I am terrible- a monster, she thought, lowering her head.


5:26pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,557


Juni shrugged. "Just wondering." She said nonchalantly as she kicked out one of the stag's legs. It bleated in pain, the sound probably echoing for miles in the forest. "We should go now. The wolf probably heard that."


 Olavi in puffin form landed beside her on the branch and also hung his head. "I'm sorry, Svali." He murmured, trying to pat her shoulder with his wing and missing.


6:13pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 783

"Agreed," Glym said, turning and walking back into their territory. She paused to make sure Juni was following. "Shall we hide behind a bush and wait?" she said to the vampire. Then, without waiting for a response, she began to walk towards a bush and crouched behind it.



Svali transformed back into her human form. She looked up at Olavi "Sorry?" she said, laughing humourlessly. "What do you have to be sorry about?"

She looked at him for a moment, wishing he would turn back to his human form as well so it would be easier to talk. She had trouble understanding him as a puffin. "Olavi," she said quietly, tears welling up in her eyes, though she was determined not to cry. "There's something I need to tell you, something you need to know," she said, then waited to see how he would respond. 


Krael was close now, really close, he could tell. He began to salivate just thinking about the meal that would soon be his. Just then, the animal he was tracking let out a loud, distressed sound. He quickened his pace and soon the beast was in his sight. He loped towards it, noticing it was already injured. Stupid thing, he thought. Had he been paying attention, he might have noticed the two vampires off in the distance behind a bush, but he was far too preoccupied with killing his prey. He caught up to the fleeing animal with ease and launched himself at it. He was fairly small for a wolf, but he had a strong jaw, so he used that to his advantage. Krael snapped down and felt his teeth puncture the stag's neck. It tried desperately to shake him off, but the amount of blood it was losing made it weaken quickly. Soon, Krael had brought the stag to the ground. In a last ditch effort to stay alive, the animal kicked weakly. Then, it took a final shuddering breath and was gone. Krael grinned unnervingly and set to work on eating his well earned meal, maw already covered in his prey's still-warm blood. 


6:25pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,557

 [[Has Bluei abandoned this? Because I've seen him/her on all day pretty much.]]


Juni followed and also hid.

[[lol, I think mine's worse]]


Olavi seemed to realize that she wanted him to turn because he did so. He quickly sat on the branch, he had turned standing, and pluck at the feathers of his dress. "Yeah Svali?" He sniffled out, for he still thought that she was upset with him.

~vamp again~

Juni tugged on Glym's sleeve and stood up, silently walking behind the wold as it enjoyed it's meal.


6:45pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 783

((I think so o.o))

((And BAHAHA your first post for Juni is amazing xD)) 

Svali decided to just get it over with. "I have an ability, Olavi, and I don't mean shape shifting. It's something else, something terrible. I think I was born with it. I don't know how to explain it without sounding crazy, so I think it would be best to just show you, but I can't do that to you, not unless you're okay with it," she rambled, a tear running down her cheek.

"So, with your permission?" she said. I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm terrible, a monster she thought. "You don't have to, I can try and explain it too, but you would have to promise not to think I'm crazy, or a freak," she said. It was a struggle for Svali at this point not to completely break down and cry.


Glym nodded, careful to be quiet as she followed Juni towards the wolf they were going to catch, the one that had fallen into their trap. He was smallish and had a jet black pelt. She pantomimed grabbing the wolf and throwing him to the ground, then knocking him out and carrying him away together, by way of asking if that was what they should do. She hoped Juni got the message so they could hurry up and do this before she changed her mind. It seemed wrong, to do this to the wolf, but Vampires and Lycans had been enemies for centuries, right? It would be okay to do this, and anyway they wouldn't kill him, just experiment a little and let him go. It could even be fun.


Krael continued to feast on the elk, completely oblivious to the deathly white figures that stood just feet behind him, plotting against him. 


6:52pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,557

[[Why thank you, I knew you would love it~]]


Olavi leaned forward and hugged Svali. "You don't get many hugs, do you Svali? You're family, so I'm forced to consider you a freak anyway. All of the abilities you have just make you even more unique."

[[I wanna hug someone right now D= ]]


Juni nodded in understatement and held up five fingers. She put a finger down and mouthed 'five'. She continued this until she reached 'one', nodded at Glym, and charged at the wolf. Unlike the other vampire, she felt no regret as she tackled the wolf.


7:13pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 783

((Omg me too ;o; *hugs through internet* xD)) 

Svali hugged Olavi back without really thinking about it. "You don't understand, this ability doesn't make me more unique," she said, speaking very softly. "It just makes me a monster, and if you knew what I could do, you would agree. It's a curse, I wish I could just be normal for once." she paused, tears running freely down her face now.

"It's kind of ironic, actually." she said, laughing in a there's-no-way-that-girl's-sane kind of way. "So many people want to be special. I just want to be a nobody. An average, run of the mill sort of person, you know?" she hugged Olavi tighter as she spoke, never wanting to let go.


Glym was right behind Juni as she tackled the wolf. She could hear him yelp in surprise. She rushed forward and cuffed the animal on the back of his head hard enough to knock him out. When she was sure he was out cold, she turned to Juni, and forced a smile, saying "Nice work. Now let's take him back before anyone from his pack finds out." 


((There's not a whole lot that can be said for Krael right now. He got knocked out.)) 


8:36am Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 1,557

[[Yeah, I understand you, Svali. I just want to be an oblivious American who has no idea where Norway is and 'what Nordic is'... D; ]]

Olavi patted Svali on the back. "No, not really. But I do remember what it's like to be a monster. Half of my father's town considered me a witch before I ran away. They had turned religions a few years ago, but I continued the one I was born to. They considered me a monster because I went against almost everything about their religion. Who I worshiped, my sexuality, my 'abilities' - they didn't know about that one - and my thoughts about life and other religions. Whenever I went into town, everyone would just stare at me and call me 'pagan'. I'm quite surprised that they didn't attempt to burn me on a stake."


Juni nodded and grabbed one of the wolf's legs and started dragging him.

[[Couldn't think of anything.]]


12:21pm Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 783

 Svali listened attentively while Olavi told her all this. I guess the roles are reversed, she thought. Now he's comforting and I'm a mess. Funny, how that works.  

"I don't know what to say," she said, releasing Olavi from the hug. She picked up a leaf and looked at it, tracing the veins with a finger. "They just seem like such stupid, trivial things to be considered a 'witch' for. I mean, it's not fair." She could feel anger, like a tiny spark, go off in her. It could easily die out, or go on to start a flame, which could grow and grow into a blazing inferno of rage if only given the right fuel. "Those people didn't have the right to treat you differently just because of who or what you believe in, or whether you're into women or men. And you say they didn't even know about the shapeshifting? So they were just afraid because you were different. Then what is it they did want, a town full of mindless drones with the same personalities, same beliefs? That's no way to live at all, it's terrible."

Svali's rant had almost let her forget about her own problems, save for the fact she desperately wanted to look Olavi in the eyes as she spoke.


((Time skip to having Krael in the vampire territory and ready to do whatever to him?))  


12:32pm Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 1,557

Olavi looked out at the forest around them. "They were scared of difference. They wanted control, and diversity would ruin that. I see it all the time. Humans place the 'norm' so strictly, and if you aren't what they want, they point and laugh. It makes them feel better, I guess, to be able to know that they fit exactly with some people. I see it now, between the Wolves and the Vampires. They are just scared to accept the other because he is different, so they finght and kill, and the other can do nothing but act the same way."



Juni sat on the metal table they had chained to wolf to. She poked his cheek boredly. "when do you suppose he'll wake?"


1:12pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 1:16pm Jul 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

"You're right, you know. About everything." Svali said, throwing away her leaf and watching it fall to the ground. "It's a shame we can't do anything about the humans," she said. It felt strange to refer to the humans as if she wasn't one. I'm not, though. I need to accept that, she thought. 

"However, we could probably do something about the Werewolves and Vampires. I think they would be willing to see reason, if we just talked to them, convinced the what they are doing is wrong. Do you think so too, or am I seeing possibilities where there aren't any?" she asked him, hoping beyond hope that Olavi felt the same way. Or does he think of them as simple beasts, and therefore not worth the time? If he does, he is no better than the people from that town. She surprised herself by being so critical of the innocent man next to her, but she also knew what she had just thought was the truth, and no amount of pity for him would change that.


Glym smiled sheepishly and said "Maybe not for a while, I hit him pretty hard,"

Just as she said that, however, she saw the wolf's eyes flutter open. As soon as he realized what had happened, a guttural snarl ripped from his throat, and he curled back his lips to reveal sharp fangs. In return, Glym showed her own fangs and hissed, laughing. She was starting to really get into this. This isn't so bad, it's kind of fun teasing him, the stupid thing, she thought.


When Krael awoke, he was shackled to a metal table, and had a splitting headache that made him wince in pain. Immediately, he knew this was the vampire's doing. He shouted a string of curses, but to any non wolf, they would have sounded more like a vicious growl. He pulled at his restraints, trying in futility to break free. When he bared his fangs, neither of the bloodsuckers seemed impressed, and one even bared her fangs back. He shifted back to human form, convinced that even his wolf form's increased power and heightened senses couldn't get him out of this mess.

"Alright," he said, trying in vain to bring one of his hands up to rub his temple. "What is it you want?" 


1:26pm Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

 [[Svali and Olavi piratically have the same names. You just have to take away the 's' and 'o' and swap the 'v' and 'l']]

Olavi thought for a second. "If the wolves and vampires liked each other..." He spoke slowly, tasting the words on his tongue. "Then they would be friends and I wouldn't have to hide from them all the time and Svali could have a big family and then everyone will be happy!" He cheered to himself.

[[I thought the plot of this thread was the shifters trying to get the wolves and vamps to fight xD]]


"Entertainment." Juni giggled, poking at his cheek again.


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