A killing (werewolves/vampire/shapeshifter) during a full moon

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1:36pm Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 28

here! sorry!)

The dragon that was on his neck didn'y fade instead it turned into a gem connected to stone. it fell where Red sat. The tip of the tail was red, signifying his wasted time. "i'm fine go" Red was gone but he did say that.

phoenix theme song: http://youtu.be/Ew4D36jzp00

1:49pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 1:51pm Jul 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Oh yeah, never noticed that))

((I don't really understand what's happening with Red and Xylon, Pheonix. Would you mind clarifying for me? What's with the gem? And the dragon?)) 

Svali nodded happily, glad the subject had been changed to something less depressing.


((Oops, yeah xD Okay, I guess that's just Svali being hopeful. We can always say they try to bring peace, go into the wolf territory as a vamp and the vamp territory as a wolf, but it fails and only makes the two races angrier and more prone to fighting? And that some of the shifters planned for this to happen, and think Olavi and Svali did it on purpose but really just wanted to help? Idk))


 Glym smiled.

((LOOOOL I can't come up with anything else, sorry XD)) 


Krael glared at the vampires with hatred in his eyes. "So what sick, twisted things do you plan on doing to me?" he growled. "Typical of a vampire. Wolves are far nobler, we would never capture one of your kind just for entertainment. It's barbaric."

Krael pulled at his restraints once more, causing them to dig into his wrists. He acted calmly, but he was terrified. His heart raced and his mind filled with terrible thoughts. Will they torture me? Kill me?

"Well, whatever you're going to do, get it over with. I've been through worse, I can take it." he spat at their feet. His thoughts didn't echo his words, far from it. No, just let me go, please, became a chant in his mind. I don't want to die. 


2:14pm Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

 [[I think I'm going to take a break with this for a few hours, I'm losing insperations and I have three other rps going on right now. sorry]]

Olavi stood up. "Want to fly with me?"


Juni poked his cheek yet again. "What shal we do first, Glym?" She asked, pretending what the wolf just said never happened.


2:18pm Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783
((That's fine, I'm busy with other RPs too))


2:22pm Jul 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

"Yes," Svali said, "I would love that." She transformed into a hawk, beating her wings to keep her balance as she shifted. "Come on," she urged, grinning. "Let's go,"


"Well," Glym said. "You did say you wanted to experiment a little. Why not?" She watched as the werewolf squirmed uncomfortably. "Would you like to bite him? Or shall I? Either way this should be interesting," she said to Juni. She could sense the werewolf's fear. "Tell me, what is your name?" she said to him, leaning in close.

"K-Krael," he stammered. "I'm Krael." 



5:27am Jul 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 322
((Sorry, Im leaving this RolePlay. I have hardly any time to post lately, and so I am only staying in one of the RolePlays Im a part of. This is a really good Roleplay, and I dont want to leave, but I think I need to. So, bye!))


9:59am Aug 1 2011

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Posts: 1,557


Olavi also jumped into the air, his arms turning into a strip of short blue, white, and black feathers. For once, he wasn't his normal puffin, but a magpie. He flapped a moment, trying to get used to his wings and tail feathers, before flying up to a higher branch and glancing down to see if Svali was coming.


Juni curled up her nose. "It smells weird, like a mixture of wet dog and old human. You can bite it..." She mumbled and took a step back from the wolf.


5:13pm Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

Svali followed Olavi.

((Lol fail)) 


Glym laughed at Juni's comment.

"Fine," she said. "we had better hope it doesn't kill him, though, or we might have the entire pack to deal with. Imagine the smell then."

She grinned, then leaned closer to the wolf who had called himself Krael. He had his eyes closed tightly and was leaning as far away from her as his restraints would allow. Every once in a while, a soft fearful whimpering sound escaped him, but other than that he was quiet. Glym felt a pang of guilt at what she was about to do, but she tried to ignore it.

"Tell me Juni," she said, trying unsuccessfully to convince herself she wasn't doing this to stall. "What do you think will become of him? And what will become of us if he does die? I think it shall be... interesting."

Then another thought hit Glym. "You don't suppose it will actually work, do you? I mean, what if this does turn him into... one of us? A vampire werewolf hybrid would be very valuable in a war. That is, provided we can convince him to fight for us..."


No. No, this isn't happening. They admit this could kill me, yet they talk so... casually, as if they do this kind of thing every day. What if they do? What if those worthless leeches torture and kill for fun on a regular basis?

Krael's mind whirled, he felt sick and he was terrified. He wanted to scream for help, beg them not to do this, but he couldn't even speak he was so afraid.

Eventually, he managed to choke out "Will... will it hurt?"

This caused the white haired vampire to turn and face him. She grinned, but Krael could have sworn he saw something else in her ex
pression. Was that... guilt? 


5:33pm Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

[[I loved it xD]]


Olavi just kinda flapped about at first, letting the wind shape under his wings. All was good right now. He looked to his side to see Svali behind him. "Where would you like to go?" He asked, calling over the wind.


Juni shrugged. She had seen how Glym was acting, and irritation was pooling up in her. How could the other vampire actually care about the wolves? They were horrible beasts that had a blood thirst that could rival a fellow vampire.

"I think the wolf's blood with reject our venom. It will probably leave him in agony, but wolves and vampires bite each other all the time, and I don't see were-vamps running around that often. I think we have nothing to worry about." She completely ignored the wolf and continued, leaning against one of the walls behind her.

"And why do you speak about war? The wolf invaded our land, so no one could blame us for what we are wanting to do." Juni paused, narrowing her eyes. "Are you hiding something from me? You aren't acting like you normally do. What happened to the Glym who would play with her pray before killing it?" She growled lightly.


6:20pm Aug 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

After a moment, Svali said "You decide. I'm happy to follow you wherever you decide to go."

((Wow. My posts for Svali keep getting better and better. Oh, and they're not creepy either. *sarcasm*)) 


"I guess you're right," Glym said. And she is right, isn't she? I don't need to feel sorry for this beast. He would do the same to one of us without a second thought.

She only hesitated a moment before she leaned towards the werewolf once more. Glym sunk her fangs into the soft skin on Krael's neck. He cried out, but it was more from shock than pain at this point. He thrashed around, and after a few seconds Glym let go and stepped back.

"Now... now we wait." Glym said, watching the wolf.


Krael felt the vampire bite him, but she let go soon after. That... that's it? It didn't feel much worse than being pricked with a needle.

No sooner than he had finished that thought, white hot pain surged through Krael's body. Agony consumed him, and he couldn't help but scream. Every part of him hurt as the venom entered his system. It was like being burned alive but from the inside out. He screamed and screamed. No coherent words could be identified. Lightning pain shot through Krael every time he moved, and every time he didn't, for that matter.

"Make it stop!" he screamed. 

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