A Land Lost In Time

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1:11am Apr 15 2012 (last edited on 1:21am Apr 15 2012)

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Posts: 1,997
My eyes shot up as I saw some sort of silver flash above my head. I shoved the shaft into the long tube on my back, then threw the huge weapon over my shoulder. I raced after the silver flash. I looked at the glorious green trees on my left, right, behind, and in front of me. I stopped at one and looked at it for a minute.

I grabbed a branch and heaved myself up into the tree. I stood on the limb  I had used to pull myself up and looked high into the tree. I grabbed another branch, then another, heaving myself higher and higher with each one. Finally when I reached up, there were no branches. I grinned and looked around at all of the trees. Then I was it.

The silver flash was not a flash at all, but brilliant silver cloths, somewhat like the cloths the creature was wearing. My eyes narrowed as I looked deep at the figure huddled in a tree. Suddenly I felt one foot move forward. Then another. Soon I was at the tip of the branch. I looked down, panicked. My eyes widened as I tried to figure out what to do.

I felt my body weight being supported on my left leg as my right one lifted. I felt myself being propelled by some odd force into the other tree. My hands clutched the thin air in a struggle to keep my balance as I lept into the neighboring tree. Then my hands met the rough surface of the tree bark.

As soon as it had happened it was over. I was in the other tree. I looked back in amazement. I turned around, once more looking in the direction of the silver figure.  I lept again. Then again. Soon I was only a few trees away from the figure. I stared at it in wonder, trying to figure out who or what it was.

"Who are you?" I asked it in a small voice, unsure of myself.

((Weird Kit fact; Kit can actually see better in the dark than in the light. -just thought of it- o_O))


6:54am Apr 15 2012 (last edited on 5:20pm Apr 15 2012)

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Posts: 1,432

My ears twitched every time I heard someone awaken. So, I turned my head slightly to make sure they were okay. Being their curious selves, they never realized I was in the room, nor did they see the little fuzzy thing next to my feet. I had to laugh at how easily distracted they could become from the simplest things.

I decided that we were going to need something nutritional to eat, especially with a flying lizard boy wandering about. I got up and began to make my way back outside to look for things that were edible. I went to the bushes and trees around the little pond near the back of the castle and filled my extra bag with the fruits that I found. Then, I realized that I needed some sort of meat to feed my friends, so I went to the pond's edge and started to fish. I had help with the fishing from my little buddy, and before we went back into the castle, I filled a couple of empty bottles with the pond water.

Looking around, I spotted a room next to the one we woke up in. It looked like some sort of really old kitchen. "come on you little monster" I whispered to the creature, we hurried into the room so I could cook our breakfast. I dumped out the ingredients on the counter and began to sort them out into different piles, then I had to find containers to put them in. Slowly yet surely, I began to make something out of nothing, I had ground the fruits into a paste like substance, and had managed to start a fire so I could cook the fish. I also juiced some of the fruits and mixed that with some water and poured them into glasses. Sadly, I still had a lot more to do before I was finished, so me and my dear little pet worked all morning.


2:51pm Apr 15 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Lily sighed and decided she would go look for the wolf like creature that had disappeared moments before. She took off into the surrounding trees and looked for any black fur that may be the creature's. She went into the woods and minutes later she heard a howl come from nowere and then the creature reappeared infront of her,"Oh! There you are!",she whispered to it and slowly bent down to see it better and sighed,"Your so different looking than any creature I've ever seen...",she said as she reached out a hand to touch the creature's fur. The fur of it was softer than anything else she had felt before. The animal barked and touched the sword handle with it's nose and looked at Lily as she pulled out the sword and decided she would see how well it worked. She swung it at a growing sapling and the small tree fell to the ground. Lily looked at the sword and with a suprised tone in her voice said,"Wow! It works that well!",and looked at the creature still infront of her.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:09pm Apr 16 2012

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Posts: 11,785
Mikhail lifted his head slightly, pulling one wing back to look over at the girl who had arrive. His mis-matched eyes were slightly widened, the dragonboy surprised to have a visitor in this tree. He cocked his head slightly to the side, slowly folding his wings behind him as he curled his tail around himself.

"Mikhail....Mikhail Tsarev..."

He shifted slightly, huddling up further as he began to shiver once more. Those experiments had done more than just give him the wings and the tail, after all. He was more cold-blooded than anything else, and at times like this it could get absolutely frustrating. He was trapped in a tree, unable to fly due to the cold night air.

"And I'm....kind of stuck..." he murmured after a moment, tail curling tighter around him. He was so sick and tired of this at this point.


6:35pm Apr 16 2012

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Posts: 1,997
I watched his every move with out a sound. I slowly extended a foot in his direction, then another. Before I knew what was happening I was in the tree directly next to him, my face craned forwards, looking at him with intense black eyes. I reached out a hand to him with out a word.

"Kit." I told him. I examined his situation for a moment. "I can help you." I said on impulse. My eyes widened slightly at why I said that. I had no clue who this boy was, nor how to help him. So all I did was sit there, my bare knees the only thing touching the tree, my hand our reached to the strange boy, my face pressed close to his. I must have looked like an idiot.

I felt the black ends of my shirt, which was really more of a bra, brush my upper chest as I sat there, the cold night breeze blowing on my body.

((Kit is wearing something like tle="this" href="http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Black%20Elf%20Shirt&order=9&offset=24#/dcg7jw">this, but in black and no shoes. It was the best picture I could find xD))


7:28pm Apr 16 2012 (last edited on 7:47pm Apr 16 2012)

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Posts: 1,432
I was finally finished with our food, but when I went back into the room,everyone was gone. "Just great, come on you little monster" I say as I wrap my tail around the little creature, then I  walked out of the castle and began to search.
While I was wandering about, I heard muttering from up above. I looked up to see Kit and Mikhail up in a tree, shaking my head because I knew Mikhail shouldn't be out in this type of weather, I jumped up and landed on the branch next to Kit to help them out.

((sorry fluzz, started typing a story on microsoft word and it carried it over to this,my story is about a wild child))


7:31pm Apr 16 2012

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Posts: 1,997
((Kat? Urm... I wanted to point out, you are kinda powerplaying. Just a little... "As soon as I landed, my pet mewled loudly from being jostled about, which startled my friends." e_e))


7:38pm Apr 16 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Lily walked from the trees and back to were she started,then decided to put up her sword before sitting down and looking up to see three of the people she knew as the black creature walked up and sat down beside her,"What are they doing up there?",she wondered aloud to herself. As responce the creature barked at her voice and layed down with perked up ears.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:21pm Apr 16 2012

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Posts: 11,785
Mikhail blinked at the girl moving closer, though he did not move for fear of actually falling out of the tree he was in.  He did pull his head back slightly, however, the closeness being a bit...awkward. He reached out for her hand, pulling back slightly when the others began to appear.

"Uh....hi..." he said softly, moving his wings to wrap them around himself slightly, adjusting himself carefully on the branch. "It's...really cold tonight..." he murmured sheepishly, rubbing his arm lightly. It was really, really cold...

((Sorry. :I Argument with my boyfriend killed my muse.))


9:13pm Apr 17 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Lily looked at the creature and ran up to the tree before jumping to the branch closest to the grouhnd and climbing to the top. The creature ran up and sat at the bottom of the tree and watched her climb up the tree,branch by branch. Lily made it to the top a minute later and sat on the thickest part of the branch and looked at Mikhail,"Why in the world are you even flying when you are now cold-blooded and it's very cold for most people out here?"

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:13pm Apr 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Aww,I'm so sorry...)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:23pm Apr 17 2012

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Posts: 1,432
I nodded with what Lily was saying. "come on you guys, breakfast is done and its nice and warm."I say to my shivering companions.


9:31pm Apr 17 2012

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Posts: 9,781
(Lily is my name and I'm so imune to cold,this winter I didn't even wear a coat. On days it was cold and when I was forced I only wore a light weight jacket.)

Lily looked down and jumped to a branch that was a bit of a ways down and grabbed it. She then dropped to the next branch and climbed the rest of the way down. Six feet from the ground she jumped down beside the creature still sitting there and walked towards the building and went insdie it. The creature following close behind her on her way.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:50pm Apr 18 2012

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Posts: 1,432
I watched Lily go inside and decided to lower my self onto a lower branch to wait for the others.


8:55pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 1,997
I didn't move, just kept my hand extended to the boy.

"I'll be in in a few minutes." I told Kressa, who I noticed with out looking was on a lower branch. I waited for her to go inside, and kept my eyes locked on the boy, Makhial. I smiled slightly at him; very odd for what my usual ex
pression was.

"Do you want me to go get a jacket?" I asked Makhial in a low voice, so low no one but he and I could hear. I didn't know why, but I had an overwhelming urge to help him. As my sheepish smile grew larger, I felt even warmer that I was. "Trust me, I'm not cold. This doesn't even phase me." I told him with a reassuring smile.


9:41pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 1,432
I hopped down from the tree to follow Lily inside to make sure the food wasn't gone.
"Lily! you better not eat our breakfast" I yell as i run into the castle.


10:01pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 9,781
I turned and saw Kressa and stopped,"I'm not goping to.",I yelled back.

(*Brain dead*)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:02pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 1,997
((Let's wait for RikRik, Eh?))


10:08pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 9,781
(Ok,I'm fine with that.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:33pm Apr 22 2012

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Posts: 11,785
Mikhail, at the suggestion for a jacket, nodded slightly, giving the girl a sheepish smile. "P-please...?" he asked softly, giving another shiver. "I merely wanted to enjoy the beauty the night had to offer, but instead I trapped myself in a tree." He sighed softly, tilting his head. "What a mighty dragon I am, huh? Unable to do anything because I'm cold."

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