7:01pm May 22 2010
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"Me too." Tilleck agreed... (WB))
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9:40pm May 22 2010
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((ok woah... this sb is fast! can anyone give me a recap if possible?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:38am May 23 2010
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((okay, you all know i'm part of this shing dig too, my legendaries will be.... articuno, manaphy and another skyshaymin which is not legendary)) name- Icey (articuno), Wave (manaphy), and Day Lily (sky shaymin) looks-  

personality- Day Lily (lily) is active, Wave is shyish and Icey is graceful crush- open
8:49am May 23 2010
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Angel left the poochyena.She ran towards the forest.She looked up in the sky and let out a cry. The ground rumbled, and Arceus appeared. " Helllo, my friend" Arceus said. Angel bowed. " Sorry to bother you, my lord, but I need your help." Angel said. ( Bios for four new pokemon)
8:50am May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((are you still being Jade khenson?? if not can i?)) Dager picked up Jade and Rose carried them away, they saw the battle going on. Dager got hit by a attack, it knocked him out of the air making Jade fall too. Rose got hit as well but she stayed in, thanks to Lily. "Keep dodging!" Lily yelled. "K!" Rose yelled back. Suddenly Icey rolled in and attacked directly at an inisent pokemon, Change. "AHHH!" cried Rose, Icey turned. Wave floated in with a big wave behinde her. "OH NO!" Rose screamed. Icey aimed at Jade and Dager, "OKAY< LUNCH!" she screamed. "NOOOOO!" creid Rose, she used shadow Ball on Icey who blocked it with a sheild then she hit Rose so hard with ice beam Rose SHOT! to the ground, she was barely alive. Then Icey prepared to use that attck on Jade and Dager when Lily laughed her little adult laugh. She was using sleep dust, it almost put Icey to sleep but Icet managed to hit Lily before her attack could work. Then Dager pulled Jade to the bushes and went out to battle, he gaurded Change. But then Icey, overhwelmed with anger gracefully used wind blast on Dager which blew him all the way to the forest.
8:52am May 23 2010
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Dusk flew after the Labbed pokemon, "May I come to?" she asked in a quiet voice, glancing from Tillek to Inferno, "I have been in the lab my whole life and I finally escaped, they were going to keep me there forever." She shivered and her whole, tiny black body shook...
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8:53am May 23 2010 (last edited on 8:59am May 23 2010)
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NAME: Sarina ( Suicune) Aroki ( entei) Remedy ( Arceus) AGEAdult for allGENDER F/m/mLOOKS(MUST HAVE A PIC)comingMATE noneCRUSH NONECLAN NoneRANK The lord of you O_OOTHER: The are in a plan with Angel
8:54am May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Icey heard Angel and flew ro where she was, "OH NO!" thought Lily, Rose, (jade?), Dager, Wave. They needed to calm Icey, but how?
8:56am May 23 2010
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(( can somone please come into MY battle?)) Icey was getting closer to Angel, her expert hearing never fails her.
8:57am May 23 2010
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((Mercy, I already have mew and you can't have 4 legendaries. The leader even said that))
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8:58am May 23 2010
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Angel let out a low growl as the legendaries surround Icey. " What do you want?1" she growled.
8:59am May 23 2010
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( There, changed)_
9:01am May 23 2010
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Feyth's ears pricked and her hearing became fantastic, it always had been. She stopped muttering angrily to herself and raced towards the noises. "Stop!" she growled as she skidded to halt in front of the legendaries...
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9:03am May 23 2010
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Remedy stepped up. " Hello, Feyth" he growled. " if yo excuse us, we are on a mission." Angel hopped up on his head. " yes, Feyth" she snarled.
9:05am May 23 2010
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"I wasn't telling you to stop." Her snarl grew louder as she flicked her tail at the legendaries surrounding Icey, "what did she ever tdo yto them?" She asked in a cold voice...
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9:05am May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Icey looked up at Angel ((the espeon?)) and smiled, nothing, just p*censored*ing through. She smiled at tried to Hit the arceaus with icebeam. Dager being closest to Icey, took off on Rose's back. Lily went to get Jade she carried her all the way to where Rose was, Wave taged along too. "Almost there!" Lily cooed to the gang. "YEP i see icey!" Rose yelled. Dager squirmed, he is a stubben glaceon. "I was doing fine running!" Yelled Dager.
9:06am May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((feyth, who is that talking? i was not here for thw hole 6 pages filled))
9:07am May 23 2010
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"Ok, now this is wierd, Why would anybody, besides me because I am insane, attack a legendary." she narrowed her eyes at Arceus, but refused to dip her head respectfully as most-all- pokemon did. The legendaries had done something to her that she could never excuse...
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9:07am May 23 2010
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9:08am May 23 2010
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Angel hopped down. " No one is going to stop my plan, so out of my way" she snapped.Angel and her legendaries zipped past Feyth, leaving her in the dust,.