A seven nation army couldn't hold me back {{Pokemon RP}}

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5:47pm May 18 2014 (last edited on 5:55pm May 18 2014)

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Posts: 3,426
Full Name: Shinichi Sakura
Nickname: Shi
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Shinichi is a rather quiet individual. He's a bit cold and not that friendly, although he can fake it quite well. He hates humans, believing they are ruining the world and hurting Pokemon with their selfish behavior.
Sexuality: Gay, Pokephilic


Lucario - M - 22 - Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Bullet Punch, Detect
Togetic - M - 18 - Metronome, Magical Leaf, Morning Sun, Fairy Wind
Deerling - M - 16 - Double Kick, Feint Attack, Tackle, Grass Whistle
 Espurr - M - 9 - Barrier, Confusion, Scratch, Covet
Romantic Interest: None
Allegiance: Evil
Other: Can understand Pokemon speech. He's been with Lucario since he was 11.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:55pm May 18 2014

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Posts: 2,422
ooc;; Accepted~ Adding to the first post now. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:27pm May 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
Omg guys that photo isn't mine omg I posted the wrong one without looking at it... I'm gonna die from embarrasment


8:27pm May 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
Omg guys that photo isn't mine omg I posted the wrong one without looking at it... I'm gonna die from embarrasment


11:49pm May 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
ooc;; Added setting and such to the first post. Working on intro, may take me a bit to type up. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:32am May 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{woo, bio done! c:
sorry about the wait.}


7:25am May 19 2014 (last edited on 6:02am May 26 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 605
Gotta join fast!!!!
Full Name: Astrid Hannah Molen
Nickname: Astrid, or Trid (ONLY if you know her very well, otherwise you'll die.)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Personality:  If you know Astrid, then you've got to know she is temperamental.  One minute she's calm, caring, and sweet, the next, she is in a RAGE.  She is a smart as whip, and has a clear, focused mind in battle.
S.O.: Straight
Looks/Deion:  She stands at five foot nine, pretty tall for a 15 year old girl.  Her blue eyes and brown hair would be contrasting, but her pink and purple sports hat make a harmony between the colors.  She uses contacts, by the way.  Underneath her sweatshirt, she wears a sleeveless violet shirt.  Her belt is blue and green.  With light violet leggings, and rose pink and sky blue tennis shoes, the only thing this outfit needs is nothing.  She carries with her a light red backpack.
tle="196Espeon BW anime.png (40 KB)" class="thumbimage lzyPlcHld lzyTrns lzyLoaded" alt="196Espeon BW anime" data-image-name="196Espeon BW anime.png" data-image-key="196Espeon_BW_anime.png" data-src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140121205016/pokemon/images/thumb/1/16/196Espeon_BW_anime.png/185px-196Espeon_BW_anime.png">
Katniss- Female--30-- Swift, Attract, Confusion, Sand Attack
tle="393Piplup.png (132 KB)" class="thumbimage lzyPlcHld lzyTrns lzyLoaded" alt="393Piplup" data-image-name="393Piplup.png" data-image-key="393Piplup.png" data-src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140329033213/pokemon/images/thumb/b/b1/393Piplup.png/188px-393Piplup.png">
Splash--Male-- 6--Pound, Growl, Hydro Pump, Icy Wind
Anne--Female--10--Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack
Crush/ Romantic interest: Akira, but don't tell him!
Allgiance: good
Other: She and Katniss have been together 11 years.  Oh, and Kat knows fluent English in Psychic, thanks to her mom.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

1:46pm May 21 2014 (last edited on 5:14am May 22 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Full Name: Achilles de Harela
Nickname: Ackie, Chilly, Achilles
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: A bit of a loner, likes to do things his own way. Despite this and his tendency to always shoot for "absolutely perfect" in everything he has a brilliant sense of humor and ambition.
S.O.: Biromantic asexual


Lvl 19
Quick Attack
Double Team
Rock Throw
Scary Face

Lvl 15
Night Shade
Fury Swipes

Lvl 10
Tail Whip
Glare (Egg Move)

Crush/Romantic Interest: None at the moment - open.
Allegiance: Good
Other: Oh my god math um idk 11?


1:51pm May 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
ooc;; Permission granted~ And everyone else, go ahead and post your intros/first posts, the setting and scene and such are on the first post. I'm still trying to get mine typed; it's been an incredibly hectic week for me already. We need some ideas on the battle system, as well. We're looking at T1 and PTA(which, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what those mean x3), but other ideas will be considered. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:17pm May 21 2014

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Posts: 3,426
((I'll give an explanation of the two.
T1 is a rather standard Roleplay ruleset and is very basic. You really just have to follow what's logical in terms of what you can do and you have to do things rather step by step with what can be accomplished in one fluid motion in the span of a few seconds. (Ie. If you land on your feet you can bolt forward in one post/"turn" but if you land on your bum, the rest of your turn requires you to stand up before you can make any movement.)
How that relates to Pokemon is that in a battle, the Trainer would be able to give movement and a attack command in one post, and the Pokemon would execute the commands.
However, attacks must be left open ended allowing for the opponent to determine if they hit, and anything such as "and then jump away after" can't be executed until the opponent declares the attack has been completed. This again has to follow the logic of a situation. At close range, a move is more likely to hit than if a gap needs to be closed either by movement or a ranged attack. A fast Pokemon is more than likely going to be able to dodge a Flamethrower from a few yards away than if they were locked together in a brawl and only inches away from each other.
Moves also need to be described well, as they can take up more time to do than others. A Hammer Arm requires a Pokemon to lift up it's arm and then slam it down, while a Bullet Punch is a near-blinding speed punch that at close range isn't likely to be dodged and would be hard to dodge even several feet away.
Severity of the attack is also determined by the one receiving it. A Pokemon may have enough time to avoid the worst of the damage by rolling to the side, but it may still be grazed. Or critical damage can occur at a very close ranged and powerful attack, such as a Flamethrower inches away from the face.
It's a lot to explain, but it's easy to get the hang of, and if you've had any experience fighting in Roleplays, you may have already been doing this. It follows the basic idea of not godmodding and to not write too much because someone else's actions can overwrite it.

Actually, thinking over the PTA part, it'd be extremely difficult to pull one part of the system and work without the other parts. Even just to use the To-Hit function, you need the Pokemon to have actual stats, and stats have to be assigned based on the level and natures that have to be rolled by the DM. It's messy and a long process (a single battle takes a good 30 minutes to an hour to complete in real time rolling and determining damage and hitting and that's a flaw of the system). It also doesn't allow for the creativity that T1 allows with comboing moves or attacking from different areas and at potential weak points.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:52pm May 21 2014 (last edited on 8:36pm May 21 2014)

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Posts: 2,422
ooc;; Do you think Pokemon Showdown might work as an alternative? http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ We can pick our teams and moves, and, unfortunately, stats. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to randomize stats by level... But this way it's a legit battle. )

"We can't let Samil Co. win, Ms. Kidd. It will mean the end of the world! You must understand this?" The girl on the other side of the call smirked into the purple pokegear strapped to her wrist, eyes glinting dangerously. 

"I understand completely, Mr. Bayar. But I do have standards, and prices. My services are not free, sir, and for what you're asking, they're especially pricey." Beside her, Rena's partner, Servo, snickered, leisurely digging his claws into the dirt at his feet as he stretched. Electricity crackled and hissed across the shinx's fur, every now and again tapping at Rena with a carefully controlled power. 

The man drug his hand down his face, groaning and obviously trying to keep himself in check. "I am prepared to pay you double what Samil Co. has offered. Triple, even." If Rena had told the truth at the beginning of the meeting, he'd have known Samil Co. hadn't offered her a single dime; they hadn't even contacted her. She smirked, one brow lifting. 

"In that case... I'll take half up front, plus what I'll need for supplies and transportation." Servo tugged at her jeans with a growl. "Oh, and we'll all need a night's stay at the best spa you can afford, myself and all my pokemon that is." The business man groaned, but jotted her words down and passed the note to an associate. 

There was a tense silence, and Rena let herself look rather annoyed, until her Pokegear chimed, and her account showed a hefty amount of money had been transferred into it. 

"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Bayar." The freckled girl mocked a salute and winked, ending the call before the other had a chance to reply. She stood from her perch on the rim of a fountain, Servo following her across the road and into the pokemon center with a murmured mrrow of satisfaction. 

ooc;; for reference, Samil means 'venom of God', and the evil legendary they're under is Mewtwo, since I couldn't think of anything better. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:15pm May 21 2014

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Posts: 3,426
((Probably not considering everyone has different schedules and interference and tri-battles and such could break out with spectators of the battle.

I still vote just leaving everything to actual Roleplaying instead of trying to bring systems into it. It kind of smothers the fun and creative potential.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:35am May 22 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Bio up<3 Sorry it took a little longer than expected ;A;))


10:19pm May 22 2014 (last edited on 10:20pm May 22 2014)

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Posts: 2,422
ooc;; Accepted, Ivan~ And I agree, Loki. So long as it is kept fair in roleplaying. I do think that if any two people were online and wished to do their battle in the pokemon showdown site, they should be allowed to, but I don't see that happening very often, like you said. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

12:15am May 23 2014

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Posts: 3,426
((I'd only say so in an official match or alone when there's no chance of another character interfering.))

Shinichi was sat on a bench in the Jubilife Park. It seemed to be the only place in the city that allowed actual life to grow, other than the fake little gardens he sometimes saw. His Pokemon were all out of their balls, as usual, and eating ice cream from a nearby cart. Lucario was beside him with a chocolate cone. Espurr was in his lap with mint and chocolate chip ice cream, using his psychic powers to hold the cone and pick out the little chocolate chunks he seemed to quite enjoy eating separate. Togetic and Deerling were on the ground sharing a vanilla cone held by Togetic, and Shinichi himself was eating strawberry.

Nearby, a trio of Team Plasma grunts were trying to recruit new members. Some seemed bothered by them, and others just ignored them as they passed by, but Shinichi seemed content with them there. Even if they were only grunts, at least they were somewhat decent humans, better than most of the selfish people in this city.

"It's a nice day," Lucario commented through a bite of ice cream, speaking his native tongue. Although they had been practicing using Espurr as a psychic channel to keep important conversations secret, their communication was still rough. The little psychic feline was still young, and didn't always focus enough to be able to link all of their minds, especially not when there was yummy ice cream in front of him.

Shinichi closed his eyes, listening to the fountain and rustle of wind and grass, but the sounds of the city were still present. He reopened his eyes and licked his ice cream. "It would be nicer if we weren't in a place of artificial rock and steel," he murmured.

Espurr let out a mrrow of surprise and Shinichi looked down. Despite using his psychic abilities to hold the ice cream, Espurr hadn't been able to keep the ice cream from dribbling down his front as he tried to take an actual bite. Shinichi smiled slightly in amusement and grabbed a napkin, cleaning up the little Pokemon.

"It is nice to enjoy time like this," Shinichi added. Soon, he knew, there would be fighting, and there would be a power struggle. Humans were in control for now, capturing Pokemon and destroying their homes for further expansion, but the Pokemon would soon push back. With Lord Mewtwo and his partner, along with Team Plasma's returning numbers and Samil Co., they would surely be able to win.

"Soon this place will be forests again," Shinichi said. "We should return then." Lucario nodded.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:34am May 23 2014 (last edited on 12:34am May 23 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Achilles leaned up against the PokeMart counter, fuming. This was not how his first journey outside of Sandgem was supposed to go. Three battles in a row lost, he lost his map of Sinnoh, AND everything in his bag was soaked when he lost his balance and fell into Lake Verity.

Meaning another few thousand Poke spent on new items.

Fantastic. Good job saving up money, man.

While the clerk was in the back of the stockroom hunting for a spare map, Achilles had let his Archen out of her Pokeball to stretch; she now butted her head against his calf roughly. As the trainer looked down, it suddenly dawned on him that this creature was his. Her happiness, her growth, her life - everything depended on him. He almost felt paternal.

Until she nipped his ankle.

"Damn it, Uski, what?"

The Archen cawed and waved a clawed wing at the door.

"I can't leave yet - we don't have everything we need."

Uski huffed and glared at him and, when he still refused to move, swaggered over to the exit alone. And, infuriatingly enough, her plan worked.

"H-hey, wait a sec, Uski!" Achilles groaned and dropped some money on the counter. He called out to the cashier that he'd be back later and ran outside after his Archen.


1:01am May 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
((I'm going to drop out, because I have no knowledge of Pokemon, sorry.))

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

6:13am May 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
(Hey, Headache, I'd suggest joining  pokemon rp made AlloraSilverfield)

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

10:51am May 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
ooc;; All intros must be up by Monday. I will rmail those that haven't posted theirs today at 5pm res-time, and give them tomorrow to post, and by Monday, if they haven't posted or informed me that they would be inactive/could not post till after Monday, will be removed from the rp. )

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:32am May 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((I'll post my intro once my cousin goes back home ;v;' She might be here until Monday I'm not totally sure but I'll work on it when I can))

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