A slightly... different method of roleplaying(Pokemon) (a format that seems foreign! Wanna try?)

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3:14pm Dec 26 2016 (last edited on 10:32am Dec 28 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 605
    Sup, folks?  Hello, this is Anya, and I'm here to deliver a fresh new experience in the roleplaying forums.  It isn't quite like the RPs that dominate most of the sections, nor is it like the one-on-one Pokemon RPs that were attempted a short while ago.  

     No, this is a Quest.

But what is a Quest?  Well, in this style of roleplaying, you and all the other participants will be in control of one person.  You and everyone else will vote on the course of action to take, and then I will tally up the votes, making the decision permanent.  Unless you manage to get your character killed.  Then I'll start it back up from the nearest story post beforehand.
     You confused?  Yeah, I can't blame you.  So, I'll try and explain it in the set of unique rules below!

Game Mechanics:

1.  You and everyone else are inside the head of this poor unknown person, making all of their decisions for them, including, at times, their entire life.
2.  You get across what you want the character to do by voting.  Now, here's some example votes:


Anya5544 posts:
(x) Make a move
    (x) ATTACK!!!!!!


Randomperson posts:

(x) Try and talk it out.
  (x) "Hello."
(x) If that fails, run.

Now, if you think that is the best course of action, then you can either copy-and-paste it into the text box, or do something like this:

(x) Plan Anya5544


(x) Plan Randomperson

However, if you don't think either plan's smart, then put in your own plan!  Also, if you are regretting your decision and want to make a new one, please go and edit your post. I won't mind!
3.  Sometimes there'll be an option known as Write-In.  Then, you, well, you write in what you want/think is appropriate.  For instance, if you're asked to write in a name, you just write in a name!  Or, if you're asked to write in dialogue, think about what is the smart thing to say, then post your vote!
4.  After a little while, I'll close voting and tally up the votes made.  Then, once tallied, I will make a post based on whatever vote/s got the highest amount of support/reposts/copy-and-pasted approval.  If there is a tie between two, I will try and make a mix between the two in the post.

There's also some regular rules, as seen below:

 Rules Of Conduct:

1.  Please follow the rules set by Rescreatu already.
2.  Keep the language, both in and out of the votes, to a minimum.  There are kids reading this.
3.  Just don't be mean to your fellow voters, ya got that?
4.  If you wish to make fanart of or a short story related to the quest, please do so.  Who knows, there's a small chance the story will end up being an official material of the quest.

Now then, I hope you're ready to try some voting of your own!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

3:16pm Dec 26 2016

Normal User

Posts: 605
Character Sheet!

Reserved for later.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

3:56pm Dec 26 2016 (last edited on 9:13am Dec 28 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 605
Setting:  In an unknown part of the Pokemon World, long before the events of...I'll just say Red and Blue, there was a war.  A long, hard war between the two regions of Ethein and Uslyum, which would one day be stopped by a hero and their companions.  
      "That hero...  Well, whoever you are, I'm sure that your destiny is tied very closely to that legend, and what it may be.  Say, who are you again?"

Name: (Write-In)

"Ah, I'm afraid my eyesight is poor these days, and I'm unsure as to your gender, so if you would be so kind as to state those things about yourself?"




() 11
() 12
() 13
() 14
() 15

"Ah, I see, and where are you from?"

() A stone-covered cottage by a sea.
() A wooden cabin on the edge of a forest.
() A caravan, so no one place.
() The city streets of Rainmire.
() The fancy mansion lived in by your family for generations, right outside of a populated city.

"Quite interesting, yes, quite indeed.  Now, this might seem like an odd question but--if you have a mother, what does she do?"

() You don't have one.
() She grows plants to sell.
() She's actually a hero of the country, being an assassin.  Of course, that means you can't see her much...
() She makes clothes with Branch, the Leavanny who's her partner.

"Well, thank you for answering that, little one!  Now, if you don't mind one more odd question--do you have siblings?"
*Choose up to two options if you don't go for no.  This does not mean you must pick two options, it just means you can*

() No.
() Yes, a little sister, Caren.
() Yes, an older sister, Heather.
() Yes, a younger brother, Brigham.
() Yes, an older brother, Sid.

"Ah, good to know.  Now we must get to the heart of my questions my dear.  What do you wish to become?"

() A mechanic or engineer, anything that involves making stuff like those toy robots or the set of fake wings I'm working on right now.
() A great hero, like the ones you've heard all those stories about.  In fact, when you close your eyes, you can see yourself performing legendary deeds for you region.
() You've never thought about it...
() You're going to be a ranger, protecting man and beast on the edge of city life and forest life, for sure!

"Mmm, well, I do wish you luck on those goals.  And finally, I'd lime to ask you this:  What do you consider your best trait?"

() Your curiosity.  You've always had a desire to learn, and a pull towards the unknown.
() Your optimism. You're patient and willing to work a long time towards a goal that might seem unreachable, never giving up hope that you can accomplish your task.
() Your courage.  You know that you can stop any evil, and protect anyone, and you're ready to use that power for good.
() Your compassion.  You're sensitive at heart, and you are very empathetic to those who seem to be hurting.
() Your cunning.  You are a master trickster, skilled at finding your way out of any tough situation.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised you picked that as your best trait.  I had a feeling you thought that highly of that particular part of yourself.  however, on the journey you are destined to take, you shall need a great deal of curiosity and cunning, optimism and compassion, and a heap of courage to see it through.  But I do not doubt you shall be able to face with no real troubles."

"Now WAKE UP!"
     With a start you open your eyes to see that you had dreamed that encounter.  You frown for a minute, then shake your head and stretch your arms, ready to face the day.

(Ya'll can now vote, so, if you'd please start?)

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

11:36am Dec 27 2016 (last edited on 11:14am Jan 4 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 605
Story Summary:

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

9:13am Dec 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 605
A bumpadump.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

9:34am Dec 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
This sounds interesting. I haven't RPed in a while, though. :o

Name: Erik
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Where are you from?: A caravan, so no one place.
If you have a mother, what does she do?: You don't have one.
Do you have siblings?: No.
What do you wish to become?: A mechanic or engineer.
What do you consider your best trait?: Your cunning.

(Yes, I'm modeling the character after Erik/The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera. [Both the book and the play.] XD)

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


10:20am Dec 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 605
HUH??!!  Someone posted!

THANK YOU.  SO MUCH.  And don't worry, all you need to do is listen top the posts.   This isn't even a traditional RP!

But, again, THANK YOU.  And your vote shall be added to the tally!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

2:47pm Jan 3 2017 (last edited on 5:50pm Jan 4 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 605
*Voting Closed.  Expect a story post in the coming week.*

Vote Tally:

Phantom was the only person to vote this time around, so I guess we're just going with that.

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

10:25am Jan 4 2017 (last edited on 11:14am Jan 4 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 605

Winning Vote:

Name: Erik
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Where are you from?: A caravan, so no one place.
If you have a mother, what does she do?: You don't have one.
Do you have siblings?: No.
What do you wish to become?: A mechanic or engineer.
What do you consider your best trait?: Your cunning.

Voted for by: Phantom, and... well, just Phantom.

Time for the story post!

     You bl
ink away the sleep from your eyes reluctantly, pulling the warm blanket to your neck.

     The glare of the sun catches and reflects on the glass box which surrounds the mechanical wings you've been working on.  A fragment of light separates in a small rainbow on the ground as the rest of it flies about your wagon.

     Groggily, you think to yourself, Alright, Erik, you said that you were going to get the last of those toys finished by tonight.  So, come on, let's get a move on.  After that you slowly sit up, blinking a few times as you do.

     You yawn as you walk over to the curtains, opening them slightly to have more light.  Outside you can see the herds of Rapidash and Mudsdale that help you and the rest of your caravan move from place to place grazing, as well as some of the earliest risers among the humans cooking breakfast.

     You sigh a quick breath of content as you turn around to look at the three unfinished projects left.

     The first thing to catch your eye is the small Ponyta-robot.  It seems good enough to leave be, but something tells you to check the gears that'll make it run one last time.

Then you notice the model of the Ice-bird of legend, which still needs to be painted and tested to make sure the wings will flap.

     And finally is the Shuckle-based toy that you plan to be able to wind up and see the head of the Shuckle poke up out of the shell.  You've basically just got the shell and the head ready and made.

Which do you work on first?

() The Ponyta-robot
() The model Ice-bird
() The Shuckle toy

(Now, please feel free to vote and discuss!)

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

10:49am Jan 5 2017

Normal User

Posts: 605

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

3:51pm Jan 5 2017

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((Will the toys make a difference in the story, or are they just aesthetic?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:19pm Jan 5 2017

Normal User

Posts: 605
((I'm not telli--fine they're aesthetic.  But FUN aesthetic!))

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

7:00pm Jan 5 2017

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Which do you work on first?: The Shuckle toy.

((Because the idea reminds me a bit of the monkey toy from the play. xD))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


3:13pm Apr 22 2017

Normal User

Posts: 294

Which do you work on first?

(√) The Ponyta-robot
() The model Ice-bird
() The Shuckle toy

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe FNaF group.\r\n

7:52pm Apr 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 285
() The Ponyta-robot
() The model Ice-bird
(x) The Shuckle toy

shuckle is adorable :P


6:57pm Nov 18 2022 (last edited on 6:57pm Nov 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 125
Locked thread due to inactivity, however the thread can be unlocked if requested by the thread owner! :)

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