3:23am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 9:17pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,137
"Boss wants to see you."
The black dressed man jumped. Wanted to see him? He gulped, forcing a shaky smile at the woman who summoned him. She rolled her eyes and sighed. She was an executive; why was she doing a secretary's work?
"Because that old man is too cheap to hire one," she muttered under her breath. The grunt looked up. "Did you say something?"
"Only to get your face over here."
He groaned and walked hesitantly down the hall, fearing the worst. Stepping up to the door, he knocked twice and entered. The woman pushed roughly past him and nodded.
"I brought the one, Giovanni sir."
So I had this really great plot wrote out, and I forget to put a ti tle before I submitted. I swear I'm about to cry, so just take this watered down plot for now. -sits in corner-
Long ago, five scrolls were hidden away by a council of elders, who feared that the powers they bestowed upon the reader would fall into the wrong hands. Each gentleman took a scroll and hid it in the place most special to his heart. Then they enlisted five Legendary Pokemon - Mew, Raikou, Victini, -, and - - to search the world over in the hopes of finding the five trainers who were pure of heart.
They chose only the smaller Legendaries as they could hide easier, which turns out was a very good idea. After Rocket heard the story, they set out to capture every one of a kind Pokemon they could get their hands on. So far, only Lugia, Kyogre, and Giratina remain free.
No godmodding, etc.
Legendaries must be eight foot or smaller. No giant dragons whispering in your ear, sorry.
You actually aren't supposed to have your Legendary yet, but I am making an exception with Shao as I had not realized it would pose a problem.
If you post at least one paragraph with good grammer, etc. I will love you forever.
One character per person limit.
Do NOT ask to join, these spots are first come first serve.
Rules are subject to change as I remember them. ;-;
Although it looks inhospitable, Elerin is actually very much populated. In the north is a desert, which holds a few oases, and south is the tundra, which is full of hot springs. Between these two areas is a two-mile wide strip of grasslands and forests.
On the east is the only place where the region meets the sea, at a small beach and sea port. On the western end is a mountain range with many fast-flowing rivers snaking in the valleys. In the center of Elerin is it's largest city and the airport.
Names of towns in this region all have to do with plant life, such as Prof. Dogwood's lab in Sunflower Town, Firefern Forest, Kelp Cove, and Oakwood City.
The gyms are as follows:
Electric - Static Badge
Grass - Thorn Badge
Flying - Gale Badge
Water - Spray Badge
Ground - Adobe Badge
Fire - Sear Badge
Dark - Echo Badge
Steel - Foil Badge
One open slot:
Jericho - Mew - Dodo
Jewelz - Raikou - Shao
Avalia - Victini - Feyth
(Reserved for Ever)
Name: Jericho Newman
Gender: Female
Age: 17
If you were told to pick three people out on a busy street who's faces you would recognize instantly, Jericho Newman would not be one of them. Her short, choppy blonde hair is highlighted by a few simple red streaks, and her eyes are a plain-jane hazel. Her skin is just dark enough to be considered tan, and she has dozens of freckles. Perhaps her most notable feature is the one she hides; a tattoo of two bats circling each other on her left shoulder blade.
Let's go back to the street. If you were told to pick based on clothes, Jericho would likely be your first choice. She designs many of her own shirts, scarves, and jewelry using bright colors and glowing gems. Her favorite outfit is rather simple though. A white, short sleeve, button up blouse with an orange-red scarf tied around her waist, ending in dark blue flared jeans. For colder weather she has a faux Tauros-skin jacket lined with sheared Mareep wool. She is always wearing a silver chain necklace with charms of her beloved Pokemon.
Born in Slateport City, Jericho is the third of five children of a wealthy merchant family. She never traveled far from the city's gates; Mauville is as close to the world as she got. She dreamed of adventure, however, and soon found out that Professor Oak from Kanto was hosting a contest. Eagerly, Jericho signed up, competing against dozens of other young people at the chance of a lifetime.
Her prayers were answered when she received a letter saying that she had been accepted as Slateport's representative. The girl, surprised but ecstatic, hopped aboard the next ship to Vermillion. There, she met the chairman of the Fan Club and he allowed her to use his Fearow to get to Pallet. Upon arrival, she was presented with a choice. She ended up choosing Charmander, and christened him Mercury. Soon the pair were hopping from one region to the next, capturing four more Pokemon along the way and strengthening their bond together.
To go with her hobby is an equally artistic and relaxed temperment. She almost never makes a fuss over anything and takes the motto "Don't outsmart your common sense" to heart.
While she is a competent battler, her true love lies in contests. Her first one, in Slateport, was a complete and utter failure, but she loved every minute. Since then she has been to numerous towns, mainly in Hoenn, to show off.
Music plays an extremely large part in her life, and influences even her contests. Each of Jericho's Pokemon has a favorite song, and she tries to choreograph their attacks to the beat. It gets kinda hard or repetitive after a while, however, so they try to switch songs after a month or two's worth of appearances.
Jericho is not perfect, however. She is extremely tuned in to the emotions of those close to her, and if they have any kind of negative vibe it ends up being reflected in herself. She can also get a rather harsh tongue, especially if she is witness to any kind of physical or verbal abuse to either Pokemon or people.
Other: That's about word for word to what it was. ._. My fingers hurt. XD
Species: Charmeleon
Gender: Male
Nickname: Mercury
Acess.: Purple flames, Everstone capped teeth.
While Charmeleon are notoriously bad-tempered, Mercury only acts like it. He's really a big softy, and is constantly mentally apologizing to his opponents in battle. Mercury is also like a big brother to Jupiter, though the two rarely get along.
Contest Song: Around The World (La la la) - ATC
Species: Rattata
Gender: Female
Nickname: Mars
Acess.: Golden bands all up tail
The superstitious team member, Mars keeps her distance from all things black, ladders, and mirrors. She is not a battler, per say, but more of a designated Contestee.
Contest Song: Run The World (Girls) - Beyonce
Species: Sneasel
Gender: Female
Nickname: Venus
Acess.: Blue feathers
Let's just say she's a female Romeo and leave it at that, hm?
Contest Song: On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Nickname: Jupiter
Acess.: None
Though he has only recently hatched, Jupiter has already proven himself to be a strong fighter, employing not just teeth but claws already as well. He is also an instigator and loves picking fights. Despite his aggressive behavior, though, he is extremely loyal.
Contest Song: Monster - Skillet
Species: Flygon (Shiny)
Gender: Male
Nickname: Saturn
Acess.: Black bandanna tied around right arm
Saturn has a good heart, but he can be a little bit of a prankster. He has gone so far as to anger Mars, so she played a little joke of her own. Then Saturn had to comeback, and so the war went until the Flygon got so fed up he tied the cloth around his arm simply to keep her at bay. So far Mars is the only one of the team to anger him this much.
Contest Song: Numb Encore - Linkin Park/Jay-Z
Species: Mew
Gender: Male
Nickname: Pluto
Acess.: Tear shaped patch of black fur at base of skull
Tired of people constantly referring to him as a her, he has tried numerous times to prove his masculinity. Sure his bubbles are pink, but entire football teams have pink gloves or shoes during Breast Cancer Awareness month, right? Being chosen by the elders has boosted his confidence, however, and he hopes to prove his macho-manliness. And help stop Team Rocket, but whatever.
Contest Song: All Star - Smash Mouth
Have fun! :D
4:20am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:27am Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 1,792
Name: Jewelz Gender: Female Age: 15 Looks: I have a picture somewhere *looks for it* I remember she has purple hair, a hat like Ash's old one, short pants, gloves, ah >.< I'll post the picture when I find it. History: Born in the town of Littleroot, Hoenn, Jewelz began her journey with a treeko and a drea-. *is cut off* So she went journeying around Hoenn, capturing her first partner, Glider. Then she went to Kanto and got her second partner, Raq (Raquaza) the Charizard (yeah I know), from Professor Oak by accident. She'd been present during the giving out of the starters and charmander didn't want to go with any of the trainers after seeing her. In exchange she gave the trainer her torchic, deeming it a fair trade, fire for fire. Jewelz then travelled to Jhoto and, although she didn't get a partner pokemon there, she met the legendary Lugia, whom she befrended but did not capture as he believed he was not to be her legendary avatar. She travelled to Sinnoh, then finally to Unova, where she was attacked by a very out-of-place shiny Raikou. After managing to calm it down, she found she could understand it, and they formed a bond, allowing her to capture Raikou as her legendary avatar. During her time in Unova, before she met Raikou, she also captured Wilbur, who became her third partner pokemon. She is also a part-time pokemon ranger, having worked in each of the three ranger regions to solve cases involving legendary pokemon. She carries her styler with her, though only uses it in times of need, or when using her legendary pokemon. Other: She has a strange dislike for first-stage pokemon, deeming them weak. Although she will make exceptions, such as for pokemon who may not evolve, or cannot for a certain reason. Say, an aversion to their evolved form due to a bad experience. Jewelz cannot see any future for her and her pokemon beyond battling and a contest once in a blue moon, so she can be a bit thick-headed when it comes to other methods of raising pokemon and living with them. Her training includes sparing between her and her pokemon as well as "power play", which is simply letting loose with attacks to build up stamina. Her battle strategies are almost all attack with little defence or healing. Glider is her closest friend and is kept out of his pokeball at all times. For quick transport, Jewelz uses Raikou, and she is also proficient in using the styler from its back. Team: Species: Swellow Gender: Male Nickname: Glider Acess.: Rusburo Badge Field: Battle or Contests ~~~ Species: Charizard Gender: Male Nickname: Raq (Raquaza) Acess.: Scar on face Field: Battle ~~~ Species: Excadrill Gender: Female Nickname: Wilbur Acess.: Training bands Field: Battle ~~~ Species: Beautifly Gender: Female Nickname: None Acess.: None Field: Contests ~~~ Species: Armaldo Gender: Female Nickname: Maldy Acess.: None Field: Contests ~~~ Species: Shiny Raikou Gender: None Nickname: None Acess.: None Field: Legendary Avatar

4:30am Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Accepted. C: I'll poke you in up there.))
5:07am Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
(("You actually aren't supposed to have your Legendary yet, but I am making an exception with Shao as I had not realized it would pose a problem."
Exception if you'll take on the responsibility of telling the others about the Legendaries. XD))
5:17am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Oh O_O I'm sorry about that ;n; So I'm a messenger then? =3]
5:25am Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((LOL, it's fine. C: I was stumped on how they were all going to get their big bad powerhouses, but you fixed it. XD And yeah, if you want. n-n))
5:28am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:40pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((I wish to join and will post my bios in the morning Btw, i would like to claim Arceus or Victini if Arceus isn't alowed..)) Name: Avalia Orikani Age: 15
Gender: Female
Looks: Besides being tall and skinny, she actually isn't that pretty. Her eyes are a muddy brown color and her body is covered entirely with acne and freckles. Her nose is oddly shaped and usually sunburnt from one too many hours in the sun. Her lips are dry and cracked, usually bleeding from biting them. Her hair is a dirty blonde color hanging down to her shoulders. In the cold, her hands seem to turn purple and blotchy with red spots, but she doesn't feel it. Unfortunately, because she doesn't feel cold unless it is extreme, she feels much hotter when it is warm out. Needless to say, she isn't one you would think of as being good at anything. Her wardrobe consits of a plethora of blue and green t-shirts and jeans. She only has two pairs of sneakers and one she never wears because she grew out of it. As anyone can plainly see by the way she dresses, she doesn't have a lot of pokedollars. She prefers to spend her money taking care of her pokemon than using it to show herself off. The only possesion she keeps on her at all times is the necklace her mother gave her on her death bed. It is a silvery-blue pendant in the shape of a cursive A. Personality: She is usually quiet and withdrawn, prefering to talk on her own terms. Trying to get her to talk is like lighting a match under a tortoise; it just makes her angry and even mo0re withdrawn then she started out with. However, if someone is patient and kind to her, she will come out of her shell and be the most loyal friend you could ever ask for. Avalia is a bit hard-headed and will do what she thinks is right and not pay attention to the consequences. She loves her pokemon more than life and would do anything for them, even throw herself in front of a killing blow, one that would have gone farther than just faint her pokemon. History: She was born in Snowpoint City of the Sinnoh Region and stayed there for 10 years of her life, learning the mysterious ways of pokemon. When she was 10, she got Cynder, her first pokemon. She was a chimchar. As she trained, beating all 8 of the Sinnoh gyms, she grew to love her pokemon as if they were her children. When she got to the champion, she got Cynthia down to one pokemon. However, the garchomp in question was pushed to the limit by Cynder, now an infernape, and attacked without command, striking and killing Cynder with a dangerous dragon slash. Avalia went a bit crazy that day and fainted the garchomp with Rel, vowing never to forgive Cynthia for losing control of the garchomp. She hasn't gone back to Sinnoh since then. Cynder is burried outside the Pokemon League. Later, just after her 12th birthday party, Avalia traveled to Johto after a vacation on the Orange Islands. She was reluctant to start training again, but her fathre urged her to. She needed to let go of the past and live life in the present. she got Cyn from proffesor Elm. It was a little Cyndaquil who reminded her just a bit too much of Cynder. She was nervous to take the championship, but with a bit of nudging, she did. She managed to get Champion from that without losing a single friend. Finally, when she turned 14, she set her sights on Kanto, her fighting spirit renewed. So, pokeballs on belt, she took a ferry to the great region of Kanto. Being that she was a skilled pokemon trainer, it took her just short of 4 months to complete all the gyms. She traveled to the league, but was stopped, told by the gate guard that she had to have at least one pokemon that she caught in that region. So, with a heavy heart, she turned back. It took her another 3 months to train an eevee she had recieved. She went back and beat the pokemon champion and became the youngest champion ever to have beaten more than two regions. She has decided to wait on Hoenn and Unova. She wants to stay where she is at the moment. Regions Beaten: Sinnoh, Johto, Kanto
Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon, Bibarel, Luxray, Lanturn, Typhlosian
Other: She will find Victini ------------------ Species: Shiny Umbreon Gender: Female Nickname: Feyth Looks: Feyth looks like a normal shiny umbreon, but with a few changes. For one, her fur is a bit lighter gray and her rings are more turqoise than blue. The ring on her head is not a ring, but a star. Her eyes are a blood red color that, when she is angry, seem to glow with a pale pink light. Around her neck is a macho band and on her left hindleg are 3 gold bracelets that entwine around eachother. Her tail is more furry rather than cone shaped, other than these things, she looks no different from the other umbreons she used to live with. Ball: Pokeball Trainer: Avalia Orikani ------------------ Species: Bibarel Gender: Male Nickname: Marel Looks: Unlike other Bibarel's, Marel doesn't have bucked teeth, in fact, his teeth are wierdly shapen. They are more carnivorous than most and because of this, the move bite does more damage than normal. The coloring of his head crest is more white than beige, but his eyes are a normal brown color with a bit of black mixed in. His tail, even though he is male, has a more intricate design like a female has. This caused him to be the ob ject of ridicule everyday before Avalia found and caught him. Ball: Pokeball Trainer: Avalia Orikani ----------------- Species: Luxray Gender: Male Nickname: Relis, Rel Looks: Rel is by far the most different luxray in the world, if you consider the fact that he was caught in the Unova region when Avalia was traveling on Vacation. Because of this, he seems to follow the pattern of the seasons. In the winter, he is a bit lighter and his black hair is white and spiked and the tail spark is more of a snowflake shape. In the Spring, the places that are yellow turn a pickish hue and his eyes are wider and make him seem less intimidating. He isn't as strong in the springtime. In the Summer, his black fur turns a golden coloring like that of a ho-ohs feathers. The Autumn is his favorite season because he is most powerful at this time when the leaves are falling. The yellow on him darkens and the black turns to a dark red. The blue on him because a very dark orange. However, at no time during the seasons, besides winter, does his form change. It is mostly the colors. Ball: Dream Ball
Trainer: Avalia Orikani ----------------- Species: Lanturn Gender: Female Nickname: Life Attire: Unfortunately, there is not much that is interesting about Life. She looks exactly like the other lanturns and is not easily differentiated by the others. In fact, probably the most interesting thing about her is her eyes. They are a bright hazel color which is not seen in pokemon that often. In battle, although they look yellow normally, the globes on her antenni glow a swampy green color that seems to come from that fact that her favorite food is seaweed.
Ball: Dive Ball
Trainer: Avalia Orikani ----------------- Species: Typhlosian Gender: Male Nickname: Cyn Attire: He is kept in his pokeball most of the time because Avalia is reminded too much of Cynder when she looks at him; even though Infernapes and Typhlosian are two entirely different species. When Cynder was killed, Avalia took the Macho brace from his arm and kept it with her. When she got Cyn, she gave him it as a rememberance that all good things must end. Cyn is a bit sad that Avalia will never truely love him like she loved Cynder, but because of his past, he understands that it is hard to let go of past mistakes. Ball: Great Ball Trainer: Avalia Orikani
 <-- Click me
5:37am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Oh yay =D and yes I would like to be the messenger person <3~ Just tell me if you think I'm not introducing right at any time. I'm thinking I should have a message printed on a scroll to read to each trainer which explains the basics in some cryptic manner XD *nomz Fey* nice to see ya ^^]
5:40am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Yep -glompsSushi- I made a new name for you.))
 <-- Click me
6:00am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 6:03am Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 1,792
[IishSushi? o3o oh yeah by the way I replied to you on the other rp... *thinks of nickname* Fruitcake ^^]
6:04am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
(Oh, ya, I like the long lost sister idea))
 <-- Click me
6:08am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Yay =D thankies Fruitcake <3~ wanna chat about it over yonder?]
6:19am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Sorry, but I have to go to bed. It's 3:18 in the morning :( ))
 <-- Click me
6:36am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,792
[Alright then, night Fruitcake <3 see ya tomorrow ;D]
10:10am Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((...You coulda just posted half a bio or something instead of saying you will... And I think Arceus is just a smidgen over eight foot... >.>))
11:35am Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Only a few more things to finish typing and I got it like the original. ;-; Up.))
1:33pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Name: Kevia Bane Gender: Female Age: 17 Looks: I have a drawing of her, I just need to finish it. XD For now, She is 5'5" tall with green eyes and short blonde hair, very short, but not boy cut. She wears a white tank top with a loose green oversized tee that's been cut short. She also wears yoga pants, and she carries her pokeballs in a bag similar to Misty's in the TV show, only it has an open top and no draw string. History: Can I RP it out? If not, I'll think of something xD Personality: Kevia is quick to throw a punch and has a bad attitude. She is easily angered and can hold a grudge her whole life if necessary. Other: Legendary bird? :D Species: Charizard Gender: Female Nickname: Relic Acess.: None, but she has a tatoo under each eye (I'll put a pic up when it's finished XD) Species: Dragonair Gender: Female Nickname: Bree Acess.: None, but she is different than other dragonair in the sense that she doesn't have a horn on her head! :O She holds an everstone. Species: Persian Gender: Female Nickname: Catt Acess.: None Species: Vaporeon Gender: Male Nickname: Dimitri Acess.: Golden Earring~ Species: Pachirisu Gender: Female Nickname: Phoebe Acess.: Silk Scarf

1:36pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:41pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((Dodo, my ipad woudn't let me. EDIT: I posted my bio, however, it is copy and paste, so if there is something wrong with her being champion of stoofs let me know. It was taken from Shadowfax's shadow pokemon rp.))
 <-- Click me
4:00pm Aug 4 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Feyth, there's a trick to iPods. C; When it's coming up, hit the "x" as soon as the other's posts show up; that should stop it right when you get the nice little plain white box. Accepted too. C:
Yo Ever, long time no see. :D Accepted as far as everything but the Legendary is concerned; that one depends on which bird you want. XD))
5:34pm Aug 4 2011
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